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Hammer of Cunts

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Posts posted by Hammer of Cunts

  1. It's not rights-of-way themseves that are the problem, it's the archaic nature of their routes. A lot of them exist because people needed to get from cottages that are long demolished to work that no longer exists; they were never meant to be used for recreation. Many go through farmyards or cross land that is now enclosed and cultivated. A lot of those who use them don't appreciate that footpaths are meant to allow them to get from A to B, not to wander about the land at will, chucking crap about and disturbing livestock. Farms are not much different from any other workplace.

  2. 3 hours ago, White Cunt said:

    Just to look at fundamentals; if memory serves me right, the average Western European consumes daily around fifty times the calories our bodies need, 2500 via food and the remainder is the energy for transportation, heating, production, maintenance  etc. Yanks - double that, Bangladesh (just as an example) is a small fraction, but not the absolute minimum, as their food is also a product of modern farming and they have a lot of sweat shop production, based on cheap coal. Perhaps some remote tribes operate on the minimum and could be deemed as sustainable.

    i have often wondered, how long ago was humanity truly sustainable and concluded- before farming happened. I speculate that the growing pockets of population around the world have been forced to begin farming, as the area in which they lived was occupied too densely to freely produce all foods for hunting and gathering. At the same time, adjacent space was already being exploited by other human groups, thus limiting room for expansion without conflict and deaths.

    The best positioned were probably the red Indians, who lasted for over ten thousand years in North America, after continental separation in the north west, having only to defend the south from the tribes drifting north. They lasted until the Europeans arrived at the rest is history.

    I guess, allowing for modern technology, sustainable existence is viable with perhaps fifty - one hundred million humans in total, long term.

    I read the reviews of that book too.

  3. As with all the causes celebre of the snowflake generation (equality, environment, sustainability etc,), their point was made years ago. The more they preach to the converted, the more the converted get annoyed and look for ways to argue with them.

    I spent the seventies going to RAR gigs and chucking bricks at the NF and have been an active trade-unionist for most of my working life; I get a bit riled by pig ignorant teenagers who've just discovered a social conscience and want to tell me about it. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

    I despise tabloid journos and think there should have been more punitive measures taken against the cunts over the phone hacking scandal but on the other hand I don't ignore the fact that Flack gleefully exploited the exposure these cunts gave her for the advancement of her career and financial gain. A prime example being when she tipped off the press she was getting fucked by Prince Harry.

    Her Mother whines about the pigs and CPS pursuing a prosecution against her despite her poor mental state but did she consider the possibility of having her sectioned which would have undoubtedly halted the legal proceedings against her until she had recovered? Did she fuck!

    She would then have been invited to make a series of trite documentaries about her struggles, foowed by a lucrative book contract. Like the Asian cake woman and Ant (or Dec?). An excellent career move for her declining years.

    I bet Isobel Barnett's turning in her grave.

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  5. On 06/08/2020 at 22:48, camberwell gypsy said:

    PADI. I've got wet suit, goggles, flippers that sort of stuff. I go with my cousin who lives down near whitstable who had all the tanks and stuff. When I'm abroad I seek out the local schools there and hire their tanks and shit.

    A school of divers sounds a bit fishy.

  6. 1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Listen HoC. I've never had a problem with you, but if you can't take an inoffensive reference to 'The Wurzels', without getting your farmers smock in a twist... I suggest you mop your prominent brow, load up the cider press, and take it out on the Braeburns.

    Delicate fucking jug-eared tractor monkey.

    Blimey! Have you been on the Babycham?

  7. On 12/08/2020 at 11:47, Jiggerycock said:

    Got to wean ourselves off our love of cheap tat.

    Snowball's chance in hell of that happening, with a recession here.


    We could start with asking how it's possible to buy tat from China for less than what it would cost to to send a letter across the country and by having a look at how much duty is paid on said tat.

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