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Old Chap Raasclaat

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Posts posted by Old Chap Raasclaat

  1. 1 hour ago, Dawn Chorus said:

    In a lot of cases their London "home" is little more than a pokey flat that they sleep in during the week whilst working at their place of work and their so called "second home" is actually their real home because it is a real house with a garden. I have learned not to have a go at second owners having found that quite a few of them are locals who are actually obliged to earn their living by working in cities such as London.

    A lot of second home cunts have different reasons for having/needing a second home.

    I quite like the travelling and I have also carried on regardless during the 'Lockdowns' and the rules associated with it. If the dinghy cunts can break the 'rules' by turning up and only until recently any cunt could fly in and wander around infecting us all then the Government can go fuck themselves if they think I am following the 'rules'.


  2. 50 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

    A flat? I bet you feel the proper landlord even though someone else is actually the landlord because you only own a lease that gives you the right to occupy for x years. Have a think about buying a freehold property to rent out if you want to feel like a real property investor like Fatty and me.

    Hahaha, little do you know Cunty Bigbollox.

    I own and rent out another property and I've got £50 in the bank. What have you got to say about that then. 😁

  3. 6 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

    As to second home owners .. I hate them with a passion but is there any real quantifiable risk from them retreating to their second homes for the duration? I doubt it.

    I know what you mean, there isn't much quantifiable risk.

    I'm in my west country flat and wondering if should drive to my London flat today or tomorrow. 

    What do you reckon? 

  4. 13 hours ago, King Billy said:

    It may just be a coincidence but this nom has in the blink of an eye transformed itself into a shitslinging contest, exactly like every other nom that Harold joins. Weird or what?

    It's the Harold effect...he often has an argument with himself in his bedroom at his parents house as well.

  5. 1 minute ago, Decimus said:

    The most profligate Conservative government in history, Maggie must be spinning in her grave. And to think just over a year ago they were laughing at Corbyn's manifesto with its ridiculous plans on public spending.

    Apparently money now grows on trees, The Cornershop Chancellor is like a kid in a fucking sweet shop. 

    Apparently the money tree is doing well at the moment and our government are taking as my much fruit as they can, when the tree needs feeding again they will be asking us to feed the fucker.

    As for all these furlough bastards at home doing minimal work and wanking...watch out. Your company are looking into employing some Indian online to do your work for a fraction of the cost.

    The Conservatives...the 'party of business'

    That should be the 'put you out of business' party.

    The cunts. 

  6. In another twist in the neverending Covid saga our useless Government are considering paying anybody who tests positive for Covid 19 £500. This apparently will encourage more people to get tested and help them out financially.

    As I type this hordes of poor, down and outs and cunts are hanging around shops, running after any cunt who looks a little ill and are offering mouth to mouth to any cunt with a cough.

    What about the South African, Brazilian and Kent strains? They think these strains can infect you after you've already had it, so will there be a cap on payments? What about the inaccurate tests as well?

    The farce continues and there will be years of this bollocks.

    What a pile of cunt.

    • Like 3
  7. 9 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

    I believe that 'The Lolita Express' is currently rusting away on a small airfield after Jeff's unfortunate accident. The Earl was a frequent flier on his cough, cough, golfing holidays. So it's going to have to be 'Air Force One'. 

    On a more positive note though, I've noticed it's all kicking off in several States. Trump's cult following ain't gonna go quietly, and thousands are no doubt taking to the woods armed with fully automatic weapons... 

    Civil war is looming, I tell ya. Civil war.

    • Like 1
  8. 52 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    Your love of shit is becoming legendary. 

    Childeharold you are in a difficult position, not wanting to retire form this website and show weakness yet also desperately hanging on, posting shite when deep down your not enjoying it. 

    Getting told to fuck off everyday must remind you of your childhood at home. There is no shame in fucking off now, knowing you gave it your best shot. You will always be remembered as a total bellend.

  9. 29 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    It wasn't that long ago that travel to the USA required a vaccination or proof of vaccination. If you are travelling to another country as a RESPECTFUL VISITOR it would seem perfectly reasonable to comply with any health checks or measures they requested. OR ELSE DON'T GO. 

    I would have a vaccine that enabled access to Cunts Corner if it meant you couldn't have one and had to fuck off.

    • Like 2
  10. 15 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    Mm..we see that dutch ferry company samskip has announced that its to start a ferry service between Dublin and Amsterdam..joining other carriers like DFDS ..Stena and Brittany ferries goin around a hostile to business BRINO britain..you may not have those miles of truck ques after all trukky baby because they've abandoned brinoland


    It's over Panzer Murphy, time to wipe away the tears and move on with life. The EU is a corrupt, money pit shithole we are much better out of. It's never been audited and has totally shat on Greece, hence why Frank is out of work and talking shite on here to pass the days.

    I know you want your precious EU to survive but it's a sinking ship, overloaded with cunts.


  11. Force everyone to have one of three 'approved' vaccines that don't stop you catching or spreading the Kung Flu but limit its effects. All these vaccines rushed through in record time and no accountability for the pharmaceutical companies if you drop dead or grow an arm out of your arse (I'm sure Earl of Punkape is hoping for the latter). 

    All this for a deadly virus you have to be tested for to see if you have and (sadly) kills or helps to kill 80+ year olds.

    The average life expectancy in the UK is the same as the average age of people dying of or with Covid 19 apparently.

    Fuck off.

    • Like 2
  12. On 14/01/2021 at 20:53, King Billy said:

    Stay Alert

    Control the Harold

    Save the Corner 

    When I first appeared here Childeharold tried to infect me like the virus it is. I had to use some harsh words to get it to go away...I fear there is no cure for Covid 19 and the same can be said for Childeharold.

    The only way to be safe is to keep your distance from it, wash your hands of it and hope it fucks off or burns itself out.


    • Like 1
  13. 18 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    Here we go again Eric. Full lockdown. I can’t help wondering why if two extended lockdowns haven’t worked, why are we doing it again? And if the have worked, why are we doing it again? 

    Who was it that said If you keep getting the same answer, you’re not asking the right questions. 

    Stick your lockdown up your arse BOZO. This week Oi shall mostly be taking no fucking notice. 

    Exactly that, lockdowns don't work. They are simply there to stop overloading the underfunded NHS. Fuck the lockdown I'm off to London tomorrow. 

  14. On 25/12/2020 at 10:32, Goober said:


    Fuck Water Aid. Look what the River Waveney brought me for Christmas. Only 60m from the house now. Cunt. I want God dead. 

    Should have bought a house on a hill ya daft cunt.

  15. On 09/12/2020 at 18:12, ChildeHarold said:

    It's clear Do Or Die will fucking cripple this country after the worst economic slump in modern history. By the New Year this government will be crawling towards the biggest fucking hypocritical sell out in political history. Wrecking our economic prospects for several generations and betraying all the gullible fools who thought Little Britain could act like a world power and take back control. It is and was and has always been a load of bollocks and as the cost and penalties start mounting up so will Johnson and his cabinet of fools credibility. 

    Are you James O'Brien? The reason I ask is that I rarely read or hear anyone talking so much shite about Brexit as him.

    One thing Remoaners are good at is declaring the end of the world because of Brexit...before we have had a chance to leave the European Mafia who have never been audited and expect us to be grateful they give us back a little of what we give them. Fuck the EU, we are leaving so get on board or fuck off to somewhere in the EU.

  16. 21 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    I want the UKs population below 50 million this time next year

    I agree this country is overpopulated, what are you hoping will wipe out 10 million? Covid 19 isn't going to do it.

    • Like 1
  17. Apparently even though we are in a deadly pandemic the good old government and devolved nations have agreed that three households can mix at Christmas. Not only that but the student cunts can go home to mix with granny Mavis and grandad Albert as well. Let's not forget the thousands of New Year's Eve parties the northerners are going to have in their shitty houses, with cocktails of Tenants super mixed with vodka red bull with everyone pissed and spitting all over eachother.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    I predict many a death in February and another 'lockdown' etc, then a massive 'vaccine' uptake from the thick public and by Christmas next year men will be pissing out of the bellend that grew off their old bellend and women will be shaving their chests.


    • Like 1
  18. Covid Christmas is going to be a welcome change, having got used to at least 10+ people Christmas' each year it will be nice to say my hello's in the morning and spend the rest of the day in one of my two flats.

    Watching Tele, eating, maybe smoke a bit of green and drink some of the finest rum.


  19. 1 minute ago, Decimus said:

    I had a similar experience after getting off a train at Liverpool Street and popping over the road to Dirty Dick's for a pint.

    Some star struck, northern fucking wanker blinded by the bright lights of the capital was at the bar looking like a befuddled 12th century peasant who had just time travelled to distant future.

    Upon ordering his drink, which came to a grand total of £4.50, he proceeded to bellow "'OWWW BLOODY MUCH?!" as if he'd been asked to hand over his entire life savings.


    I've heard that up in the dark north houses are sometimes sold for a pound, so to be fair to the cunt he could have bought half a street instead of that pint.

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