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Posts posted by ProfB

  1. On 21/03/2021 at 18:58, Cuntybaws said:

    You don’t have be .... half-blind , autistic black .....with Prader-Willi syndrome to be given your own show about trains on the BBC, but apparently it helps.

    "Katie Price's son Harvey follows in her footsteps as he lands his own reality TV show"


    Not to be outdone, though, next week, Pen fronts the first in a series about funny things that have happened in the toilets of Class 50 locomotives.

    Hey up baws? How are you?

    love ProfB xxx

  2. 59 minutes ago, cuntspotter said:

    I tend to agree..when you see one...point it out.

    Here's one Spotty: PHILHEAP SAID: "My mother-in-law and father-in-law, John and Jill, they are amazing. My whole family, my God, the reaction from all of them was extraordinary.

    SPOT why is everyone happy he came out?

    Why did it take him 27 years of wedded bliss to realise he preferred men to women?

    Who has he done it with?

    The latest is:

    Phillip Schofield buys new house with wife Steph - £839,428 home

    What part of gay doesn't he understand?

    • Like 1
  3. 42 minutes ago, cuntspotter said:

    What do you want?

    I wanted to suggest you make sure corner members are over the age of 18 - stubby pecker is clearly a teen, and trolls Prof B.


  4. Just now, Cocky Cunt-Features said:

    Dunno about that Prof, the story doing the rounds was that he was forced to come out due to the fact the 18-year old ITV runner he was fudging intended to go public, which forced his filthy hand.

    Typical poof: likes em young, but not young enough to be accused of anything untoward. Give it a few years though and there'll be a P on the end of LGBTQ+, mark my words.

    I see.

    Can you help me with my other concern? On cuntspotter's profile, it says message him - I spent ages composing the perfect message - clicked send & it says Spotty is not accepting messages?

    Send him a message, but he's not accepting messages? Normal for Norfolk, but isn't he from Tyne & Wear?

    Love Prof B XXX


  5. He is not an arse bandit, it's a publicity stunt, or why haven't we seen him with his man-friend or in his PVC waistcoat? Where is his moustache? 

    Even Holly Willyboobies knows he's straight.

    He has issues, attention seeking whatsits.

    ProfB XXX a seeker of the divine truth.


  6. 15 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    I’ve got a massive interest in the rail system namely you on the rails about to be crushed to oblivion by one of pens wank bank faves 

    Fucking idiot

    Soo borrring -🥱 

  7. 51 minutes ago, Cocky Cunt-Features said:

    "If you think my attitude stinks, you should smell my fanny" -Margaret Thatcher c.1980

    It was Gemma Collins, Not Harvs:

    Gemma Collins laves (OK mag typo) fans horrified as she makes stylist smell her fingers after scratching her 'stinky crotch'

  8. 2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

    Always crying to the teacher. Can we have some homework please Sir! You forgot the homework Sir! Can I stay behind after school Miss? Will you spank me Sir? Where do you keep the cane Sir? Can I bring in a harder slipper?  Please Sir can I be ritually humiliated in assembly Monday morning? 


    • Like 1
  9. 12 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

    Wow - that was close! I was literally about to click buy-it-now on this when I noticed your post. Having read it through, the penny dropped and I realised I’d nearly made a very stupid mistake. Thanks for being so vigilant and saving me from wasting my money.

    There you go, always check the forum for updates - better to be safe than sorry.

    Happy to be of help.

    Love ProfB xxx

  10. As a cunt detector I and my forum chums are always of the prowl for any cunting that might be taking place. Day or night, large or small - we will find you 🕵️

    eBay cuntbred leemtren is selling a box of nothing - £150 he wants, meanwhile you can buy 15 boxes of nothing for £150 too - a pricing scam as well. 8 boxes for £150, 13 boxes for £150 - express delivery £14.99 Conditions is new.

    leemtren doesn’t accept returns.

    It's a scam everyone.

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