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Posts posted by ProfB

  1. 8 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    Why do they cause abnormal periods in women? Why is the Astra Zeneca jab only recommended for the elderly? Have you got shares in any of these bastard 'vaccine' companies? 

    You dullard, trying to outwit Mrs Roots.

    I've seen your name crop up too many times - you post rubbish.

    & Mrs Roots could press the delete button on your username, whenever she fancies - so button it cowboy.

    Love ProfB XXX


  2. 18 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

    I've no idea ducks.. maybe I'm mellowing with grandkids around... I also don't like dog haters. 

    You are a total PRAT... Bor off.


    My bestie Big Kazza & I have had a major set back - Morries no longer has women’s vod at £16, it’s back up to £20


    Good news Sainsbury’s have it at £16, so on your bike Mr Morrie (Scrotum face) , Mr Sains here we come.

    Soo much looking forward to Halloween 🎃

    Yipee Mr Kipping - another wise chap has made it so we need his:


    A fiendish concoction of Orange flavour sponge cakes with a vanilla flavour topping, covered with Orange coloured fondant icing... Boo!

    Serves 8

    IE 4 for me & 4 for Kazza, unless we get two boxes - normally we fight over the pink ones.. Mr Kip has used his loaf this time.

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  3. 17 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

    Fuck off thickster and lose the avatar.. this is your last warning you fucking warped cunt. 

    He was being VERY witty re the 38 day chancellor (afterall it is a ruddy joke) fag end face & you start your tight arsed screaming, because you cannot understand is wit  - fuck off yourself. youn look like a total twat in your avatar - You Katie Price  - boyfriend reject.

  4. 2 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    The ruskies need to have some sense bled into them..bullys only understand the whip ...yer neighbours house is on fire...givvem yer hose n pump or soon itll be at yer roof trusses chappy baby


    Tots agree with panzy XXX

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