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Everything posted by Jiggerycock

  1. I once drank Coke out of a Pepsi glass Thug Life, bitches!
  2. Those Tesco's adverts he did? 'Every Little (Nebbishy Thieving Shit) Helps (Himself)'
  3. Jiggerycock

    Tom Jones

    Here's a combination you'd never thought would go together in a million years. 'kin awe inspiring it is too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=CWK1F1b5uRg
  4. Jiggerycock

    Tom Jones

    Checkout 'What Good Am I' on his Praise and Blame album (think it's on You Tube too) then come back and talk about how 'talentless' he is. Rocks like a motherfucker and s Britain's greatest pop vocalists ever. Okay, image wise he's a total laughing stock but that voice gets him a lot of credit - not a cunt therefore and certainly not whilst One Direction, John Barrowman, Michael Buble (to name three serial sonic offenders) still draw breath.
  5. Because rape is a crime that disgusts me to my very core, it's an easy knee-jerk reaction to acquiesce and agree to what Jean Hatchett and those behind the 'Don't let Ched Evans Play Again' petition are proposing. I love democracy and justice however and if there is any issues here then it is not whether Ched Evans should be allowed to continue his job. That is a given right for me. It's more to do with whether a 5.5 year sentence and the time he actually served, is fitting punishment for the crime. More than that though, it is the idea that Evans may be regarded as a hero and role-model, that needs addressing. I'm not holding my breath though. That would need parents to spend more time with their kids, teaching them better life choices, showing them that a real role model is someone who pulls down a wage, puts their family first, takes time to understand the world their kids are growing up in, guides them right so that maybe when they are cut loose into the world they're not going to be fuck ups and they're not going to have received information that it's okay to treat women like sh1t. Of course, that takes a bit more effort than signing a petition.
  6. Isn't he the one who gave Nell Gwynne a punch up the whiskers?
  7. When you're in love with a beautiful woman - it's hard.

  8. Jiggerycock


    Yes - very probably!
  9. Jiggerycock


    The sound, not of Hell, which would at least be interesting, but of 'Beige'.
  10. Or, upon reaching the Automatic Teller Machine (aka 'The Hole In the Wall') the drooling numb-nuts gazes at it with all the wonderment and lack of insight of an Eskimo contemplating the Eiffel Tower, before randomly playing 'Chopsticks' on the buttons in the hope of it shitting money at him / her.
  11. Bloody 'not-right'! CSI Birmingham fucked up again
  12. You forgot 'miscellaneous'
  13. Jiggerycock


    Not if you're a creationist it isn't.
  14. Jiggerycock

    Ray Cole.

    How dare you!! Labour wins the next election and Michael Cashman is going to bestride the globe like a Colossus, promoting homosexual tolerance to all nations and faiths, according to Ed Milliband. That'll learn 'em. Cashman skids into town on an oil-slick of Man-Glide, waving an array of Butt plugs around the gaff.
  15. Funny think is 'David Cameron' means 'Man who defecates on door step of cut price dentist' in Swahili
  16. It's like Manchester City Does fuck all in Europe
  17. Jiggerycock


    Simultaneous equations and root canal surgery?
  18. Jiggerycock

    Tranny May.

    ....and the likelihood of this? About the same as Victoria's Secret opening up a branch in Islamic State. Ooooh but if it gives you a bit of rebellious chic and sense of nihilistic outlaw danger then go ahead - and watch the political classes laugh their way right back into power.
  19. Blimey - a bit existential for a Wednesday afternoon! Think you missed a trick by leaving a 'pick the bones out of that!' exeunt but you'll get no argument from me on the basic premise of your posting
  20. Jiggerycock

    Tranny May.

    .....and Farage's CV when it comes to 'a proper job'? Dulwich Public School and Investment Banker!! He's hardly ran down the street barefoot has he?
  21. Jiggerycock

    Tranny May.

    We had our chance with proportional representation , but blew it, so democracy is effectively wielded by voters in about 50 marginal constituencies. This whole 'not voting' notion is dumb beyond belief. It's apathetic non-voters that makes these cunts thinks they can get away with whatever stunts they want to pull, safe in the knowledge that as long as there's cheap beer and overtime and the X-Factor, well the apathetic masses will roll over and have their tummies tickled when it comes to protecting basic freedoms. The answer? Get informed. get clued up? get behind libertarian Tories like David Davies who recognise the counter-productiveness and danger behind what cretins like Theresa May are advocating. Oh and also be prepared to stand up for the rights of people like Anjam Choudry to spout their shite. Get to know your enemy and what makes him tick - and then debate the cunt into the ground. It's ideas that win, not gagging orders!
  22. I think I can quote!!! Watch out World - you're going to be taking it like a pornstar now!
  23. Jiggerycock

    Tranny May.

    They really do come up with the most crass ideas. Monday sees Iain Duncan-Smith crapping on about benefits cards that can't be used for fags, booze and gambling, without realising these things will become a new currency in the criminal underclass and the IT systems needed to operate such a project are pure filth when it comes to this and the previous governments track record. Yesterday it's May and her weird clothes, cantering around the gaff whinnying on to anyone who'll listen trying to define 'extremism' - which basically came out as being anyone who doesn't agree with the Daily Mail. Okay, an exaggeration but as an exercise in nailing jelly to a wall, this took the biscuit. Okay our Muslim brothers were up in arms about the implications of what she's suggesting, but if you were a 'fire and brimstone, Old Testament, eye-for-an-eye' Christian I'd keep an watch on how this one develops. Ditto if you are a republican, active Trade Unionist or David Icke
  24. Had a battalion of these miniature Krakatoa's afflict me on holiday this year. You can tell their parents are 'Yummy Mummies' forever prattling on about 'me time' and Daddies alternatively fucking their secretaries and then the Third World on the Stock Exchange to get close to their kids except for the two weeks they have to forego the au pair, and actually try and integrate with these dwarf noise merchant strangers. They haven't got a clue and so Adam, Piers, Toby and Jocasta are left to run riot like a Panzer Tank division through Poland, whilst the Parents (as we'll call them for handy reference purposes) deal with the horror by getting smashed at the bar.
  25. STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON! Then second left, follow the ring road, you can’t miss it.

    1. Guest


      I wouldn't go there in the first place...

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