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Everything posted by CCArchive

  1. For a start, you look like oversized toddlers being packed off for your first day of infants' school. Secondly, you're going to the fucking shops, not trekking across the Lake District. Third, you look like CUNTS!
  2. CCArchive


    I fucking hate Somalians....SCUM of the earth...!mad
  3. Thanks to the 3 party leaders you can kiss goodbye to it.
  4. Fuck off now, take a bath you filthy cunt!
  5. You can get them double-glazed, triple glazed or even single glazed and you often have to climb ladders to clean them.
  6. CCArchive


    Not only are we "celebrating" the German invasion of Poland we also have the invasion of a yank posting loads of "cunts" and using the words "gas" when they mean Petrol. Cunts 1939 and 2009.
  7. CCArchive


    Microsoft can't leave well alone. I was quite happy with my Hotmail account, it's all I needed to contact my..er... contacts. Then the cunts forced upon me the cuntfest known as outlook. What a load of shite. Can't get it to do anything I want it to, eg. send an mp3 for the delectation of a friend. It won't even display properly in my Firefox browser.It's a total CUNT(as is Billy Gates)
  8. Don't give a fuck. Silly unfathomable girly game played by fat cunts, watched by even fatter cunts and sponsored by fat cunt bankers (RBS).
  9. Too many reasons to list them all but they have confused a lot of people by fucking around with the local permit parking scheme making them total cunts!
  10. CCArchive


    Qatar has taken stakes in Barclays, Sainsbury's and airport operator BAA in recent years. It also owns Harrods and the Shard skyscraper and now it wants M&S.
  11. Hats are for poofs, unless you wear them like a watch. Every day.
  12. An up to 9.99% percent levy on personal savings, much bleating and crying about this "stealth" tax by other EU countries, but like so many other things I suspect that this might happen elsewhere incuding here in due course.
  13. So i shell out $20 for a prepaid gaming card. Redeem it for 6.99. Lose the difference. Cunt? I cant escape the feeling that I was the cunt here, and they were the mighty shaft of capitalist theft.
  14. This woman claims that a cruise 5 years ago has left her feeling permanently sea-sick and has ruined her marriage. I say tosh!
  15. too many reasons to list but wot a shower of bastards they r a right load of cunts
  16. I just happened upon a music channel showing a video I haven't seen for ages,
  17. A Swindon GP has pleaded guilty to a string of 39 sexual offences against teenage girls and women, some of which were filmed on a camera hidden in his wristwatch. He carried out
  18. CCArchive

    Janis Ian

    I didn't learn the truth at seventeen and I certainly haven't cheated at solitaire. I have invented lovers on the phone amongst other things, and my integrity is dubious. Songs like this catch me out and stall my plans for the day. Janis Ian, you're a cunt.
  19. This poor excuse for a woman from Canada was a failing publicist when she fell in love with Bin-Laden after watching 9-11 on television and decided to become a mouthpiece for radical Islam. She set up a website called jihadunspun and used it to spread lies and propaganda for The Taliban and other Islamofascist groups calling them freedom fighters and heroes while denouncing western troops as murderers and baby killers etc. In 2008 she, with her translator and driver were kidnapped in the tribal areas on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border while researching for a documentary and in February and March 2009 videos showed her apparently begging for her life while Taliban guards stood over her. This all looks like a scam to raise ransom money for The Taliban especially as the driver and translator have already been released but regardless of that this woman deserves to be given grade A cunt status and she should have her very own plaque in The Cunts hall of Fame.
  20. In the pub last night for a crafty pint with a mate, he says hello to a fit looking bird in her early thirties, and introduces me to her. She chats briefly then heads off home. I comment to my mate regarding her feminine virtues, he laughs and tells me to "steer well clear, thats the dwarfshagger." This sounded intriguing. Turns out she is a work colleague, he is the head mechanic at the Southampton branch of a large courier company who I shall refer to as "Dynamite". They hold regular training weekends, during one of which she was desperate to cop off with someone for a shag but the only available/willing male was the company dwarf. (Not a mascot, he just works there.) So she invites him into her hotel room and spends the night with him, and the following day he's naturally as pleased as punch, but......three days later, the police come knocking at Dynamite Parcels. The charge? He's fucked her ragged all night; thats fine, she agreed to it. He did her up the arse: Thats fine, she agreed to it. While he was fucking her up the arse he happened to fondle her breasts. NOT fine, she didn't agree to it, although she admits to the police that she failed to mention her preference during said sexual activity. Result? One dwarf, six weeks in chokey, and now on the sex offenders register for life. Now that, my friends, is a cunt.
  21. CCArchive


    Because he is an acne-face, mentally retarded, welfare sponging, immature, socially inept, paedophilic, manchild cunt. He takes down videos and users accounts on YouTube due to his accusations of copyright infringements, even through about all the time its bullshit. He also threatens anyone who criticise him to sue them as his mom is a lawyer. Above all, he sits around all day playing Sonic computer games and masturbates to deviant art. Fat fucking cunt-faced loser! !bleh
  22. Its steak & blowjob day - today. The idea is simple; there are no cards, flowers, candy or other overpriced fluff. Partners need only to bestow their man with a steak and a blow job. But not necessarily in that order. And not necessarily only once that day. And it doesn't even have to be them who does it. The net is full of it, so a cunt if you don't get any
  23. What a fat fucking cunt Chris Chan is. Why is he such a cunt you ask? A variety of reasons come into my head; making video blogs about shit no-one cares about, stalking women and asserting his sexual advances on them, posting naked pictures of himself on the internet, created a copyrighted carton character called Sonichu and producing comics on his horrible creation, pretending to be Autistic, and always creating a bigger drama between him and people who tease him on the internet. However, I don
  24. CCArchive


    Non-dart players to throw first...
  25. For about 30 years up until the mid 1990s station platforms were littered with these cunts. A brilliant idea, but a real cunt when some twat had parked 10 of them across the booking office door and you needed to go to the lavvy :(
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