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Everything posted by CCArchive

  1. Its so predictably boring. The man always wins!
  2. If these boring creatures that seem to be lodged halfway up an evolutionary cul de sac are too indolent and disinterested to breed then they deserve to die out. But these cunts in Edinburgh zoo seem to think that playing "let's get it on" by Marvin Cokehead deadcunt Gaye will give them the fucking horn. If some fucker played Marvin Gaye tracks to me it would put me in the mood alright. In the mood to punch the cunt in the fucking face. CUNTS!
  3. CCArchive


    It can be very frustrating and unreliable by crashing.
  4. Two more filthy cunt muslim pigs convicted of raping girls in Bradford with more cases about other muslim men being investigated, last year,10 muslim men were convicted as part of grooming gangs which are rife in this part of the UK and are all muslim...but the powers that be are stressing that this is not a problem that is perpetrated by just Asian men ( muslim Asian men) ....grooming and sheparding underage girls for forced marriage and sex is part of the culture in Iraq, Iran in fact any stink pit which is islamic....they're are just excercising there religeous beliefs....bless em....it was good enough for Mohammed cunt and his 10 year old bride and it's written in the cunt Koran....where's my gun ! There has been a decade long investigation and the police do not want to publicise the fact that muslim rape gangs exist all over the UK for fear of right wing reprisals. we wouldn't want that now would we ? :)
  5. Lest anyone think me sexist after my last few nominations, let me introduce you to the lead singer of Nickelback, one of the males in my stable of horse-faced cunts. Chad, what a cunt name! He's Canadian, with girly ringlets, so I have my suspicions that he may be a gelding. If not, his engagement to fellow Canadian ball-breaker Avril Lavigne will soon have his nads between the blocks.
  6. For fuck sake, why must there be a shit Bingo advert during EVERY fucking break?! Fuck off every single one of you! !mad
  7. This country has got to get a grip on this, if we thought the Poles coming over here was bad, wait until the Pikeys and the Gangsters (Romanians and Bulgarians) are over here. The vast majority will be here for one reason and one reason only. ..To sponge off and claim as many benefits as they can and bring even more crime to these shores, god forbid if the Albanians get into the EU. This problem is a fucking huge cunt.
  8. He was in charge of the Mid Staffs health Trust while people were dying in their hundreds in an appallingly managed hospital where care and treatment had deteriorated to catastrophic depths because of blind cost cutting and so called efficiency savings. This cunt bales out and becomes head of the NHS. He believes he should not resign his current position. He says that he did not know of the deaths. Ok... 1. not having the decency to accept responsibility, that is the first good reason to be ejected. 2. Not knowing on your watch...is the second one. The third, for being an arrogant shit who believes he is beyond the reach of ordinary accountability. There are a number of people who should be sent down the road because of this utter fucking disgrace... but he should be the first one on the walk of shame.
  9. The latest in my series of horse faced cunts. Barbra - spelled like a true cunt - REALLY, REALLY hates South Park's portrayal of her as Mecha Streisand, which makes South Park a winner in my book. And I blame the big-nosed cunt entirely for that eponymous bag-of-wank gay anthem that charted in 2010. (That's one for the earworm thread, all right.) So Fuck Off, Dolly.
  10. Mr Grocott threatened to tell my dad and I was scared, I was just eleven at the time, I have never got over this abuse. I only told Mrs Grocott that she was a fucking nosey old cow and she should fuck off and die.
  11. Mohammed, in its many aggregated variants, was the most popular name for baby boys in the UK once again last year
  12. CCArchive

    Gym Nazis

    Blokes of a certain vintage,you know how it goes. You're in the shower one day when you look down and realise with horror you can see less of your cock than previously. It can't of shrank-surely nature couldn't be so cruel. With a sense of relief you realise that it's the base of your faithful retainer that has disappeared under your booze swollen belly. But what to do? While accepting that doing so will register you on the Beaucunt scale you decide to join the sweaty mass of cunt gunge and sign up for the gym. Seasoned Cunt Spotters beware,these places are positively bursting with pudenda in extremis. Naturally gyms are forced by some obscure ancient law to play irritating dance music at ear-splitting volume. If I wanted to listen to a retarded cunt hitting a fucking biscuit tin I'd invent a time travel machine,go back to the age of eighteen,move to Ibiza and change my name to Cunto. As for the clientele, most of these fucknuts conduct conversations with one another while looking at themselves in the mirror. Listen you Jupiterous cunts,you don't look any different to how you looked the last time you checked yourself out a whole three seconds ago. Want to use a machine one of these simian cunts is sat on talking to his mate about a fight he saw last Friday ? Better hope this protein soaked cunt hasn't got a roid rage attack due. One lard arsed cuntette was on the rowing machine reading a book. If it was a self help manual I suspect it wasn't entitled "How To Be A Cunt". The way she'd crammed her pock marked barrage ballon of an arse into her leggings suggested quite strongly she is already a leading authority on being a cunt. The staff are barely functioning cunts and one of them spent so long mopping the changing room floor he's almost certainly a cock watcher. I think I'll stick to hill walking and attempting to avoid the rapists.
  13. This fucking cocksucker riles me into a fever-pitch of seething hatred. How the fuck can a Spirograph painting, a decomposing shark or calf with 18 carat inserts be in any way conceptualised as 'art'? I'll fucking tell you why. It depends where you've been taught. If I go out right now and behead a fucking traffic warden and place them in a vitrine, I'd be carted off to Broadmoor with little chance of parole. If this narcissistic, pretentious cunt with a handed to him on a fucking plate 'art-world' autocracy from the Brit-art luvvie wankers did the same, he'd be hailed as the second coming of Carravagio. Piss off Hirst. Your work is no more than a hotch-potch of other peoples' ideas and a child's scrap-book of meaningless, yawn-inducing shite. You chubby fucking wall-eyed drear. Cunt.
  14. This little fag is on the run in India after leaving Australia on a false passpost. He is wanted for child sex offences. CUNT CUNT
  15. There is talk about sending troops to Syria....I hope we don't, Syria is a stink pit full of ethnic muslims who will not thank us one bit for trying to help and who will never stop wanting to destroy each other. The UK cannot afford to go there let alone deal with all the human rights abuse claims that will inevitably follow as is the case for Iraq........F### em...find somewhere else to send overpaid reporters to find a story, then we won't have to look at Arabs fighting each other at least the suns out and spring is in the air.... "tra la la la ...la la" makes me want to dress up as a nun and sing "the hills are alive"
  16. CUNT : need I say more?
  17. I think the war office had been freebasing on Crystal meth when they came up with this one. I give you the Panjandrum. Effectively a massive catherine wheel full of high explosives what was meant to be capable of penetrating the 10-foot-high (3.0 m), 7-foot-thick (2.1 m) concrete defences that made up part of the Atlantic Wall on the normandy beaches. The idea being the thing would career over the beach powered by rockets and crash into the said wall , the ensuing explosion creating a breach large enough for a tank to get through. look it up on youtube to see what a cunt of an idea this was, for starters the thing was totally uncontrollable once it was launched and with a ton or more of high explosives was an accident ready to happen. What other fucking stupid ideas did this lot come up with, anyone?
  18. Look at this sexy pair of "Koranimals". Go on love "Get yer face out for the lads!"
  19. CUNT : a bad man, pretending to be a woman!
  20. Trend following "Sheeple" without an original thought in their head. The sort of cunts who buy x-factor winners records, celebrity led trends, and especially dumb women who buy that fucking illiterate book Fifty Shades Of Grey (shit)!
  21. 17 years ago me and bush (sometimes seen on this site as a-nasty-cunt-from-walkely) discovered the joys of stoning sheep. Throwing rocks at them made a wonderfully deep percussion sound when striking them in the mid section. We further discovered that different sized sheep produced different sounds. We then posited that it should be possible to arrange 10 sheep in a semi circle and use them as a live xylophone. Sadly, neither myself nor bush possessed a sheepdog or any other device for arranging the sheep in the aforementioned way. The sheep were not very accommodating either, choosing to run away rather than participate in our adlib medley. To this day I still get a sense of disappointment whenever I see sheep.
  22. Currently number 17 on my
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