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Everything posted by CCArchive

  1. What a complete load of shit-stirring bolloxs this is.
  2. What a total cunt, he is just making sure he is the will of the dying cunt that is ronnie Biggs. Only came back to milk the health service he never contributed to. I hope he hangs it out lying in a bed of his own piss in pain for months, whilst his smugfaced cunt bastard son watches. Fucking train robbing cunts.
  3. For fuck sake you are either married or unmarried so why do women have to make up another title unless of course you are a drinker from the furry cup or a militant bra burning femimist. Fucking cunty cunts!
  4. Who is this cunt with the fucked up neck every time I buy a packet of fags this cunt is staring at me .. I wouldn
  5. How the fuck he did what he did, I don't understand. Must have been agony having a shit. Definately a one off.
  6. CCArchive


    Useless rude incompetent cunts, use them at your own risk.
  7. CCArchive


    It worked lovely once upon a time in this here land of Cunts!
  8. Funny how Cash4Gold suddenly arived on the scene after Gordon fucking Brown flogged off over half the Gold reserve of this country as we went into recession last year. just so he could pay all the bankers...etc... He flogged it for around
  9. CCArchive


    Specifically, the use of
  10. CCArchive


    enuf said
  11. Eggy headed co presenter from The Sunday Brunch,gotta be a cunt alone foe being best mates with his fellow presenter
  12. Facebook and a couple of other sites are being sued by a company that claims to hold the patent for the use of the "Like" button. Best bit is that the cunt that took out the patent died several years ago .. a cunt or what?
  13. Only an utter cunt would use one of these. Can damage your nuts. Get a proper spanner that fits you cunt.
  14. Your pissed up and five miles from home. You don't want to get a taxi, either because of financial reasons, or because you disagree with sponsoring rape and illegal immigration. Drink driving can end up losing you your job,money and reputation. Oh and you might kill some cunt. So let's make drink driving legal; as long as you're not going any faster than a mild jogging pace. Say about 7mph. Any cunt who proves incapable of getting out of the way of a noisy tonne of metal going 7mph would be no great loss to the gene pool and it would make it easier to kerb crawl.
  15. Debauched & wild eyed, egotistical scarf wearing, ponce peddling, cane swivelling, screen clutterer.
  16. What a bunch of self interested "my job's more important than your's and therefore you need to pay more tax to keep me employed" shysters, if ever I saw any. Bureaucratic jobs-worths who'd not last one measly day in the private sector, namely because all they know is how to shove paper from one pile to another.
  17. This is one of the many pointless barbaric fucking carry ons that beggars belief. As if there are not enough Asians and chinks in this world, they actually believe Rhino horn makes them better in the bedroom ! The Rhino pictured had her calf murdered and whilst she stood over it she was shot twice and had her horn hacked off. It took 35 hours for her to die. Lets not forget Rhino horn dagger handles......absolute cunting CUNTS
  18. Fucking hate buses as they are vehicles which are designed specifically to mobilise cunts from one place to another. The bus drivers are nothing but rude bastards who drive off on purpose when you just about to catch up with them. Also the sort of folks that usually take buses are loud mouthed chavs, happy slappers and piss headed drunks. Fuck the lot of them! !bash
  19. This tax payer-subsidised filthy grot rag has never once cracked a smile in his entire effluent cascade of a career. Plus he's a serial judas and unapologetically wrong on just about every toxic opine that leaves his ventriloquised pie hole.
  21. This is a tricky one....Irish Cult Folk Hero or Religious Nutter Cunt. Anyone who is from Ireland or takes an interest in Gaelic Games (Hurling/Gaelic football) will recognise this man immediately as he has been a permanant fixture at Croke Park and other Irish sporting venues for over 20 years. The chaps name is Frank Hogan and is a reminder of Jesus dying for the sins of man. Quite why this is appropriate for a sporting event is questionable, reminds me of those sandwich board men who walk around High Streets statinf 'The end is nigh' Do other members think he is a cunt?
  22. For filling their fat pockets at the expense of others, for putting aside all dignity and humanity in the persuit of wealth. For betraying their fellow humans by farming them like cattle for their cash
  23. Whilst I am not totally against the plethora of property progs, homes under the hammer makes my shit set.....Totally unrealistic pricing that makes the thick general public think they can develop a property for
  24. There are a lot of the about at the moment. Is the a herald of spring?
  25. Two school teachers who started a secret affair in which they fantasised about abusing pupils have walked free. Deputy headmaster Alastair Cook 48 and Alina Bibby,56 lived out their sordid thoughts by text messages and porno photos as they talked about molesting youngsters.Makes you think doesn,t it?
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