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Posts posted by CCArchive

  1. Ok, if you are young, female and attractive you can look good on a Vespa/Lambretta type scooter. If you are a bloke you can stick some chrome on it, buy a Parka, pretend you are part of the "Mod Revival" and you might get away with it. But, I'm sorry, if you have gone down the 3 wheeled route you have turned and there is no way back. You are an utter, utter, utter fucking poof and you just have to live with it.

  2. Fucking pointless they are. New wedding suit, was told I had to have functional cuff buttons, WTF ? Am I going to roll up the sleeves on my suit. No. They are for show off cunts with too much money. And even on a normal suit the cuff buttons don't do anything at all. Have a look at your cuffs on your borrowed jacket the next time you are awaiting sentence for your latest misdemeanor.

  3. This is where a bunch of boring wankers get together to blow a lot of hot air and pluck away at instruments in the hope that something coherent may result. They have stupid names like "Dizzy", "Blubber Cheeks" and "Tinycock". After 3 days they have an election and one of these tossers has the privilege of bearing the title "Jazz" for the next 12 months. Fucking hell! Is this real or did I just dream this load of old bollocks?

  4. I met those chicks at my recent Brony meetup in London this month and got chatting to them. They seem to tolerate my company so I thought I might be in a chance of getting laid that night. At the end of the day we gone an alternative nightclub and bought them Pegasisters some Jagerbombs. Then suddenly a couple of tanned gelled-headed douchebags began making their moves on them girls. So as the true gentleman I am I defended their honour and began a punch up with them. The bouncers thrown me out so I waited hours outside the nightclub for them Pegasisters. When they came out they left with them lads whilst refusing to acknowledge me. I want money from the Jagerbombs I bought back!

  5. Bar manager & "artiste" (ain't heard is music but I bet it's cack) appearing on "Come Dine With Me" and eating his dinner with a fucking doh-rag & a red ratter on. And don't get me started about that stupid tied up beard! Cunt.

  6. Here's a lead up to a punchline that might upset, or might not-depending on the punchline. 2 old Jewish boys are celebrating their joint 100th birthday party. They'd survived Auswch...you know where together and lived a life of repressed homosexuality and Survivor's guilt ever since. As a joke they both get handed a helium balloon each; as they both put the balloons to their mouths Saul turns to David and says.........

  7. This cunt went on a 18-day mission to Sierra Leone and Tanzania; she later expressed her shock at what she had witnessed there but never said what it was she saw ,some say she had a running with Bernard Matthews and his wife but this has never been proven. she donated $1 million in response to an international UNHCR emergency appeal which only goes to show the cunts got far too much money. After more than a decade of service as a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador, Jolie was promoted to the rank of Special Envoy to some High Commissioner in the rebel alliance and is now hoping to team up with Admiral Ackbar and restore the old republic. this weeks see's Jolie in London with more than 300 senior government ministers from around the globe that have arrived for the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in war, which starts today at the ExCel centre. the main slogan they are running with is "Sexual violence in conflict destroys lives and damages communities" Well I got news for the cunts "So does WAR !!" but we all know they wont stop the wars because they make far too much money !! . anyway back to Jolie it is thought the cunt only had a double Mastectomy because brad run out of tobacco pouches added to the fact that it is rumoured that she's going to play luke skywalker's lightsaber in the next trilogy of Star Wars films. Jolie has stated that she is part Iroquois which as far as I know is a luxury hotel in midtown manhattan , so if your ever in that part of the world you could book in to the Jolie for the night. if you got the cash that is ,as I bet she's not a cheap cunt.

  8. ... Or rather 'Black' ones to be more precise, not that they exist (if current scientific thought is anything to go by) which truly fucks me off, as I've been sucking up to Shirley Bassey for many years and yet now and after all through this time, there is light at the lower end of her funnel, and I have to dispose of my vinyl 45's... I may just donate them to Brony's last cause. Black Holes my arse. Racist cunts the lot of 'em, less they be Cosmic and white... Make of this what you will... Just as I did

  9. Its a little known fact but this cunt had a serious Turkey fetish. He married back in 1952 to a woman that looked a bit like a turkey although she never confessed to any involvement in the turkey scandal the circumstantial evidence against her was overwhelming. For many years he and his wife lived in the grounds of Witchingham Hall where all sorts of depraved acts were committed against many poor unsuspecting turkeys, he also had a villa in St Tropez but not much is known about the goings on over there. if you ever had a bernard matthews Turkey Breast Roast in the 80's then you would have had a bit of the old "Bootiful real Bootiful" too as the dirty bastard would personally spunk in each and every one of the turkeys before they where slaughtered. Matthews was also a greedy cunt with a multi-million fortune estimated at well over

  10. The phrase itself is a fucking joke. Call the cunts and after hanging on the phone for 10 minutes listening to the vangelis cunt "until one of our agents is available" but actually till some cunt finishes his bacon sarnie mid morning shit and then to be told "we may be able to take a look the week before christmas 2020". Well , I have news for you cunts , this morning I received a personal invitation " from us to you" [it said so on the envelope] to a special sales event ..well guess what cunts! ... it went straight to the shredder - so now you know how it feels don't you.

  11. Having got back late I was looking forward to the news to catch up on whats been going on in the big wide world, a huge march by Sikhs brought parts of London to a standstill as they are demanding Britain launches an enquiry into deaths in India 30 years ago by Hindus..... one group of religious nuts not happy with another group of religious nuts..... The Israeli prime minister meeting with the pope.... one leader of religious nuts speaking to the leader of another group of religious nuts and peodophiles..... Nigerian christians being murdered by Nigerian muslims......one group of religious nuts murdering another group of religious nuts.... I think I can see a pattern here and after 2 nano seconds of thought I think it would be best all round if anyone remotely religious kills themself.

  12. IS for a god cause yeah yeah yeah, but never have such a bunch of cunts all been assembled on one pitch not even at white hart lane!, kielty,bishop,murs, williams, ramsey even the cunt from jls giving his analysis, my god theyre all there . smug celebrity parasites .

  13. Stuck-up cunt from A Place In The Sun who looks at anyone with less than a million pounds budget as though they're a fucking tramp. Straight out of the Kirstie Allsopp school of cunts. Cracking pair of knockers though!

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