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Posts posted by CCArchive

  1. Ed Miliband has announced his ''new deal for england'' which would see councils taking powers from nation government, if you ask me councils have far to much power as it is and waste huge amounts of money of failed projects, can't deal with there existing responsibilities and keeping there pensions/salaries nicely full. Not only this but he was behind the ''smart'' meters scheme in which your old working meter gets changed to a new version, it gets better in fact as energy companies will charge us

  2. 2nd smallest country in the world by population and 3rd smallest by size. Used to be known as Pleasant Island. Economy grew on strip mining and export of large quantities of phosphate.186 miles from it's nearest neighbour and a population of less than 10000. Occupied and/or administered at different times by the Bosch, the Nips , the Brits and the Aussies. A rather insular society. So why are they cunts? As all the viable phosphate has gone now and there is fuck all lof anything left on this Godforsaken Isle, they prostitute themselves to anyone willing to throw them a bone. I believe their latest best friend is China. A good place to launder money apparently. They also happen to be amongst the fattest bladders of cholesterol on Earth. Cunts I would say.

  3. Part of the fun in camping is the struggle; adapting; overcoming discomfort; owls. For the last fortnight myself and the Fair Morag have been schlepping our way across France, Switzerland, Germany and Austria; eating barbecued food off plates on our laps (think posh Geordie wedding). I've been struck by the amount of cunts who seem utterly determined to bring all their property with them. I've seen cunts sat in tents and caravans watching fucking wide screen tellies! You just know when they get home and somecunt asks how their trip went they'll reply: "Oh quiet, you know, but it was good to get away from everything. " Except you didn't get away from everything, did you, you cunts-you took everyfuckingthing with you. The nomination photo is of a tent containing a fridge freezer; taken near Evian a couple of days ago. I hope it defrosted and drowned the cunts in decaying meat and defrosted ice cubes. The cunts.

  4. Why don't the cunts notice when you've had a massive electric shock putting up the very fence designed to screen your everyday life from their prying eyes? When the paramedics arrive they can tell them when you changed your wallpaper and who called in last Wednesday night and when you got back from playing Aunt Sally the Thursday before yet they failed to notice the drill running continuously for the last four hours.

  5. Have a look at yourselves you fucking idiots. Its not cool. Went to Great Yarmouth by mistake last year and everyone was wearing them, but I reckon half of them were benders or pikeys. I realized having my one ear pierced was no longer cool by the time I was 15. If you have any earrings - look in the mirror - you will see a cunt looking back.

  6. Christ on a bike. Had someone sitting close to me in a restaurant, of all places noisily hoicking up his phlegm in the most disgusting manner today. Everyone was gagging and I said 'can you stop that and use a hankie, it's disgusting, or fuck off'. He turned to me and said 'who the fuck do you think you are?' I replied politely 'I'm the anti-hoick'. I fucking despair in this human race.

  7. News that Rolf Harris's artworks are now all valued at 90% of their original price before he was outed as a nonce, perhaps asks the question why do folks purchase art. For the quality of the art itself or for the artist? Bearing in mind that Emin's bed, sold for

  8. The pic, reminds me when as a kid doing a spot of fishing, two pikey-fied older teens, were wading through the pond with a fucking football net, no doubt nicked from the adjoining sports field. Fuck knows how many, but their catch of carp was an impressive one and I thought it a very enterprising method, rather than to be sat there all day with a poxy hook

  9. If ever there was time to donate a Cunt, then that time is NOW. It is said that "Charity stops at home" Well, there is no place like home and so give it all up... Nothing will be refused in the good name of this cause. Simply leave all of your chattels where they can be seen and some cunt will collect them tomorrow. Thank you in advance for your medical supports...

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