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Posts posted by CCArchive

  1. Not only are these cunts ALWAYS portrayed as English, or wannabe Britons, but I'm dying to see how Judge will twist and distort this nomination. I couldn't find anything matching after searching, but he has a real penchant for turning anything into a chronically depressing situation. Btw, cheap, corporate, mass produced sherry really is quite nauseating.

  2. In my experience they are either loaded and bored, or else they are there to siphon off anything of value to sell on, leaving behind the worst of all rubbish to be found anywhere. I have amused myself lately by leaving bags of things I know they don't want in their doorways so they have to do some manual labour shifting the stuff to get into the shops in the morning. Said bags lately contain audio and video cassettes (chewed up ones are best), books with pages missing, jigsaws are great, just need to remove a handful of pieces first or better, mix a few pieces with another jigsaw. I like to leave odd shoes, neatly folded trousers with one leg cut off and electrical goods that wouldn't pass a PAT test for nobody. An article of designer wear that I have no further use for can be placed on the top of the packed binliner just to whet the appetite of the goodies that are to follow. I haven't yet left leftover dinners or the contents of my shovel after a morning of clearing up the lawn after the dogs however tempting. Another amusing pastime is to engage them in conversations about carrier bags and see how many times you can get them to say the word bag as per the LOG characters Vinnie and Reenie. Great urban entertainment when being dragged around the charity shops by Lady Pistol.

  3. I should think the title self-explanatory, but let me just say, when these fucking things aren't right, the intestinal discomfort is simply horrific. I've got the winds, the missus has them, we've spent a good part of the night running to and from the loo, both our arses are raw from the bog roll. The next time I'm near that shop, the cunt is getting kicked in his fucking tooth! Inbred, smelling, low class, shit cook cunt!

  4. While I was working out at the gym today YMCA from the village people suddenly appeared on the airwaves, considering I was surrounded by other men working out and there were no woman to be seen it instantly became a gayfest of epic proportions, all I could do was avoid all eye contact until the embarrassing endeavor was other.

  5. Now some may say I have no humanitarian spirit and you would be right, but these cunts really piss me off. The amount of benefits these cunts must be on surely they could afford to upgrade their cardboard box once in a while. Every fucking time I scoot down to get the morning paper, I'm greeted by one of these unwashed cunts saying "Got any change boss?" I reply with "I've got fucking plenty, but I'm not giving any to you ya homeless fuck now piss off before I run you down and end your misery" I sometimes like to set fire to money in front of them just to tease them a bit and watch them cry or chuck a fiver on the ground and watch them fight to the death for it. Maybe homeless cunt cage fighting with weapons could be a internet sensation and would also fix the homeless problem at the same time.

  6. It's not the comical "regional" accents, unfashionable clothes or weatherbeaten, mis-shapen tattoo-encrusted wives, or even the way they repeat the price of everything as if they can't quite believe that a decent sandwich does cost

  7. The biggest cuntbreed on two legs to become a poofter pundit, arrogant up his own arse know it all cuntbrain, i would like to perform brain surgery on the cuntheaded pile of shamrock shit, what a fucking wanker this stack of slash is.

  8. Is this the most cuntish TV prog ever? 4 rich dealer cunts who pander to rich, bored client cunts with nothing better to do than spend money on expensive tat. And the greedy cunts selling the tat - if they want to get the BEST price why not put it into a normal auction? "Once you leave a room you can't go back". Cunts!

  9. I don't see what the problem is, they are sincere and believe in what they are doing. What they are not is, they are not British, they do not believe in Britain,they do not love Britain. Let them go but take their British citizenship off them and let them die in the sand blown shitholes that they do love, and if they don't die DON'T let them back into the UK.

  10. People who start a conversation making one point, then change their stance or reword what they're saying when met with any form of disapproval. - ''We really need to get a handle on this issue of immigration. [insert raised eyebrow and disapproving look] .. because... we really, really need more immigrants in this country. Can't stand our lack of immigrants, can't get enough, they're amazing.'' Say what you mean and mean what you say. Cunts.

  11. In 1985, the lead singer of an astoundingly successful and globally recognised band, The Boomtown Rats, decided it was his responsibility to save Ethiopia from the pointed and deliberately-inflicted tyranny of geological lottery and in no way was just an egoist and attention-seeking cunt. Since the West's comparably decadent lifestyles had obviously caused the various famines, plagues and other pestilences endured by Africa in general, St. Bob Geldof was struck by an epiphany. The totalitarian regimes in effect. The self-destructive ideological tendencies and warmongering mindset of those in power. The disastrous precedents of every single attempt at stablilisation. Grassroots restructuring. The destabilising of said regimes. Obviously not the answer. What was needed. Was a concert. A pop song and a concert. With Bob at the helm calling on his vast amount of previous experience working in projects within impoverished nations, it was sure to be a success. Without resorting to underhand tactics such as threatening negative branding due to non-compliance or any kind of guilt tripping whatsoever, Bob amassed his army and fulfilled his vision. Releasing a pop single and holding an intercontinental concert, St. Bob, and his blessed legion raised $250,000,000. The money raised enacted it's mighty powers. Suddenly, rains fell. Crops sprouted from dusty fields. An entirely new infrastructure was enacted, oppressive regimes ceased to be. Where there once was famine, there was now feast. Ethiopia was restored to the peaceful and lush utopian ideal it once was, before the blight of the shamefully wasteful and hedonistic West. There was completely controlled distribution of funds and no money at all went into funding corrupted offical's penchant for goldleaf toiletroll holders. And for quite some time remained so. But Bob's work was not done. A few Africans had not experienced the bounty he had called into being in years previously. In an act nothing to do with his waning public image and appetite for self-glorification, Bob took it upon himself to rescue Africa again, like only he can. Because Bob has not benefitted monetarily in no way from his involvement with charities or political activism. Live 8 empowered those scarce few Africans not aware Bob was responsible for their extravagances in the present age. Exemplifying this example, charities continue to follow this responsible and evenhanded model of giving money hand over fist without proper distributary monitoring, and as such, there is no more suffering in our world.

  12. I can't fucking stand these cunts. Isn't it bad enough we are encumbered and unfairly burdened with the traffic signals impeding our progress, that we must also endure these complete cuntbreeds,as well? Sitting waiting patiently for the light to change, and some fat, stupid chavette stoops over in the middle of the intersection to tie her Adidas? The light changes, we are supposed to be moving, and this bovine fucking slob is still waddling her fat arse through the crosswalk. Everybody is telling the cow to move back into the pasture and she has the cheek to tell us to fuck off! Tie your shoes before you leave the fucking house, or wait until you've gone through the crossing, you miserable cunt!

  13. Jumping on the diddler's bandwagon (not me personally) I give you Eric Cullen. Shortarse sex pest of Rab C Nesbit fame. Should he be forgiven as he had a horrible tragic life of abuse himself ?

  14. There I was minding my own business at my usual weightwatchers meeting last week (i have about 10 pounds to lose) and in walks this fat fucking moron dressed in what looked like a XXXXXL rainbow T-shirt with dancing ponies on it so I said - out loud - apparently 'Look at that gay fedora wearing nonce. I bet he has sex with his mum'. After which the organiser banned me for being outspoken......but brutally honest. I'm going to Slimming World from now on. Cunts.

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