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Posts posted by CCArchive

  1. .... no ! ... just the all purpose cover all excuse for Gaz,Waz,Loz,and Boz still being shit faced from the night before and unable to present as fit for work. Similarly 'technical problems' ...for fucks sake just say so when a bunch of pikey bastards have thieved a 10 mile stretch of the west coast main line overhead cabling and switchgear.

  2. The list is endless, the England football team, the England cricket team, Andy Murray's hair, harley davidsons, Judi Dench's minge, Keith, there seems to be too many eggs and not enough cups or is it too many cups and not enough eggs, who gives a fuck they are all cuntbreeds who need smashing.

  3. Or in other words shit nominations which serve no purpose on this site but to fuck people off. All of us have been guilty of this at some point (save for Brony) whereas others are habitual in adding threads which quite frankly wouldn

  4. The UK is facing a major sperm shortage that may be tempting fertility clinics to accept poorer quality sperm, the British Fertility Society (BFS) warns. This is from the BBC. I'm not sure which is worse, the fact you pay for this shite or how certain clinics will import sperm from abroad... even more foreigners. Just think of all that money thats slipped through your fingers

  5. I saw an ad on YouTube for this absolute festival of fuckwittery. Is it not bad enough Christmas happens once a year already, the fuckin yanks have to bring it up like a batch of tainted clam hors d'oeuvres? They make a big cunt storm about the must have ornaments for the upcoming holiday season, they play the usual Christmas movies, music, and try to sell every cheap piece of chinko made shite they can fit onto their telly ad time slots! Fellow cunts, this has got to be the single most offensive act of cuntfuckery imaginable. Or at least in the top 10.

  6. What a bunch of sicko cuntbreeds these rubberneckers are, being choked while shooting your bolt, fuck that for a game of soldiers, a thicko's past time if ever there was one, David Carradine comes to mind here, what is a 72 year old man thinking of while doing this, not a lot.

  7. After years of wrangling, 20 feet safety nets are to be put on The Golden Gate Bridge. Over 1400 depressed cunts have flung themselves from the bridge since it was built, so it's a bit of a health and safety issue. I think we're too quick to ride roughshod over tradition and the vast majority of the cunts who pulled a fucking Dick Fosbury off the bridge were only American.

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