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Mrs Roops

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Posts posted by Mrs Roops

  1. 16 hours ago, King Billy said:

    The concept of choosing never to closely associate with known kidfuckers is something which would appear to be ‘somewhat alien’ to Billyboy Gates (who you keep defending, for reasons known only to yourself) so maybe I should just be thankful that I’m simply far too stupid to understand the complexities of the everyday lives of the paedo super rich elites. And also too poor now that I’ve apparently blown the lot on dental implants...

    Not defending the person per se, merely countering the nonsensical output of an obsession which at times borders on the psychotic.

    16 hours ago, King Billy said:

    ...Which still leaves the original point unanswered. Coincidence or Peter Crouch/Abbey Clancy level stroke of luck investing in BioNTech in Sept 2019?

    The answer is of course is neither which I am happy to expand on once you have cleared the backlog of questions which you have persistently avoided.

  2. 11 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Let’s discuss it a bit more then, shall we? At the time of speaking now the video of the Pfizer bender running his mouth off, hoping to get a bumfuck shortly afterwards has gone viral (35m+) and Pfizer have stopped posting on all their social media accounts, blocked all comments and don’t seem to want to respond to numerous requests for a statement about the video. 💉👎

    You appear to answered on behalf of Pfizer, haven't you? Why get into to the sordid motivations of one of their employees when there are gobshites doing the work for them?

    As for search engines nixing content, a quick perusal of same would suggest otherwise. Project Veritas appear to be giving it large on their YouTube channel and I'm presuming this the same YouTube that is wholly owned by um...Google!

  3. 14 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Proceeding? MENSA?🤣

    Sorry Luv but it’s blindingly obvious that you aren’t the big brained super genius that you’d like everyone to think you are. It pains me to say it but you don’t know your o’s from your e’s , never mind your Alans from your Andrews, so give it a rest, have a word with yourself in a dark room and hope that Panzy and Pen will still be there for you when (or if) you feel you’re ready for a comeback.😘

    Well, you've just shot yourself in the foot but your either too dense or rattled (maybe both) to realise it. :rolleyes:

  4. On 27/01/2023 at 17:54, King Billy said:

    You’re the one whose blind faith in the so called ‘factcheckers’ ensures that you are constantly mugged off. However I don’t believe for one minute that you’re quite stupid enough not to know that there’s something very very wrong with these experimental treatments. Imo it’s just your enormous ego that fuels your ‘Im right, you’re an idiot. Shut up’ narrative, and stops you admitting (even to yourself) that a hell of a lot of people are waking up to the reality that Covid 19 is and has been from the start a con trick played out on billions of people by a handful of powerful super rich tyrants, who think they have the right to decide the future of the world and all it’s population.

    Talking of ‘powerful super rich tyrants’ I commented a week or so ago on Billyboy Gates investing hundreds of millions of dollars in brand new start up company BioNTech in Sept 2019, and then ‘holy moley’ before you can say Epstein Island, right on cue Covid 19 comes along and Pfizer partner up with BioNTech to save the world with a basically untried and untested experimental treatment. Can you see why some people might think that Mr. Gates is up to his lizard neck in the scam? He sold most of his BioNTech stock just recently, needless to say earning himself a vast profit, but probably because he now realises that it’s quickly becoming not the best idea to be closely connected to Pfizer going forward, with the GOP in the majority in congress. 

    Cue…. ‘You’re an idiot. I’m right. Shut up Billy.’ 🤣

    ...and yet you've never managed to disprove or at least counter any of the "fact checks" which rather makes your POV irrelevant. When you mention a "hell of a lot of people" I presume this is another vid cobbled together by Sid Slackjaw of a dozen bods extolling "global conspiracy" which you see as representative of the informed majority?

    As for Gates, he did sell a portion of his BioNtec shares but still retains a major shareholding. I'd wager he sold a derivative position which he has done several times over (buying and selling) with other holdings including Microsoft. This is standard procedure in the world of asset management and Gates would be no different as he has several portfolios including two Trusts. This is standard portfolio rebalancing. In your defence I appreciate such concepts would be somewhat alien to a person who's most expensive asset is his own teeth.

  5. 10 hours ago, King Billy said:

    I see that the JCVI have just recommended that the under 50s are not offered mRNA vaccines from 12th Feb. I guess they don’t want to see the excess death rate go up any higher than it already is, as a few of the gutless and hitherto silent MPs have started to ask awkward questions which the tyrants (Whitty, Johnson, Hancock etc. really don’t want to ever answer.

    Oh I almost forgot. YouTube 

    Project Veritas

    ’Pfizer Exposed…….’

    “Come on now. just roll that sleeve up. You can trust us. We’re Pfizer.” 

    What Id like to know is, Are you 
    still OK being a Guinea Pig to ensure their record profits keep rising?

    The JCVI actually said that those under 50 who are not in clinical risk groups, front line medical and social occupations will not be offered mRNA vaccines.

    Your post and the proceeding post about Astra Zeneca are non-stories or rather not in the vein of the conspiracy nonsense you've continually spewed out from the outset. Recent variants of Covid whilst still contagious are resulting in much milder symptoms and long-term effects. This should be simple to understand by all except the simple-minded. Someone has mugged you off again...

    Project Veritas, an extreme far-right organisation with links to the Proud Boys has been discussed previously.

  6. 16 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:


    Please, just fucking stop. Billy on the naughty step, Roops on the haughty step.. and both stay there until you’ve thought about how many years you’ve wasted on this shit and one of you grows up enough to desist.


    Do pipe down - as one of the key instigators and major contributor to the site's most infantile thread you are in no position to preach about growing up.

    • Like 1
  7. 11 hours ago, King Billy said:

    35.7k views and 1.7k replies sort of contradicts that analysis possibly. But what would I know?

    What you know was established many years ago and is a matter of public record. Unfortunately there isn't anything you can do to correct that.

    Your premise also conveniently ignores the content of the thread which reveals you to be ignorant, mendacious and unhinged.

    That said, my comment which has obviously triggered you was referring to your post which bought me back into the conversation...

    On 19/01/2023 at 00:05, King Billy said:

    You tube video 

    Channel: Christopher Norris

    Title: U.K. Doctors Call For Government Investigation of mRNA COVID…….

    Mrs. Roops? 🤔

    You pondered, I replied so look at you now - your man-child mouth has resulted in another slice of egg pie thrust into your idiot face.

  8. 12 hours ago, King Billy said:

    And the breathtaking silence over the Astra Zenneca cocktails sudden disappearance from the menu in almost every country across the world? A strange thing to happen to the cheapest, easiest to transport and store,  without the need for specialist sub zero refrigeration equipment. 
    I see that the Rebel News video of Pfizer chief lizard Albert Bourla being confronted in the street at Davos last week and asked a lot of uncomfortable questions which he declined to answer has been censored and removed from all the social media platforms (except Twitter). The cat is out of the bag and it’s squeaky bum time for all these evil cunts before they’ve even had time to count the cash.

    The only thing "breathtaking" is the risible nonsense you've written. Still as you say...

    On 25/09/2022 at 00:05, King Billy said:

    ...I’m sure that most of the shit I post is exactly that….shit. 


  9. 12 hours ago, King Billy said:

    A good question, and their continuing silence says more about them actually. But slowly and surely more of them are finding the courage to raise genuine concerns, knowing they will be labelled as the enemy and might not have a career any more. The tide is turning against the criminal elite who’ve waged war on the population of the world for the last 3 years, and their propagandists (including you and the rest of the pom pom waving cheerleaders) will be held to account. 
    What do you think about the GMCs statement that they won’t be be taking any disciplinary action against Dr Aseem Molhatra regarding his statements on this subject in numerous TV interviews recently? Just another highly qualified, highly experienced and in pre 2020 normal times highly respected medical professional who’s decided to become a  tinfoil hatter? 


    10 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Oh them? The ones who were constantly threatened with the sack if they didn’t roll up their sleeves like good little Guinea Pigs and not ask any questions? Like all cowards throughout history most of the cunts are saying absolutely nothing.and hoping they’ll be forgiven because there’s so many of them who were ‘just doing their job’. Imo hanging is too good for them.

    Billy, a conversation that you instigated hasn't gone well for you so you resort to the usual conspiracy dog-whistles without any evidence to back up your assertions - a single case of whataboutery will not add one iota of heft to your narrative either. Quoting the same quote twice, no doubt after spending one hour trawling the slackjaw news service between posts sorta gives your game away. Tuck your brittle ego away and come back when your "dozens" becomes tens of thousands then, maybe then you might have something to bleat about.

  10. 13 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Leaving aside your ludicrous assertions about the dozens of highly qualified people in the video who are only a few of the ever increasing number of people now publicly raising huge concerns about, and calling for a halt to these vaccines, risking their careers and their reputations in doing so, I’d be grateful if you’d let me know who the fuck Alan Tate is, from what or where exactly has he been released, and when precisely did I get my knickers in a twist about this event?

    Seek help. You definitely need it. 😘

    Gosh, "Dozens" of highly qualified people in the video - I can appreciate what a stupendous game-changer that must be to those afflicted by a myopic mindset. The reality is that the 18 doctors (some ex-doctors) are relying on personal anecdotal observations, none of which have backed up their findings with hard science nor comparative data. As someone who blindly follows whatever slackjaw narrative you been told to think and promulgate I wonder what do the other 120,000 UK registered "highly qualified people" say on the matter? I would suggest you purchase a sturdy flannel to wipe off the powdered egg that's been permanently encrusted on your idiot face these past few years.

    As for the Tate saga:-

    On 30/12/2022 at 21:47, King Billy said:

    Come on Doc. I thought you were a bit smarter than to fall for this deep state takedown so quickly. As usual nowadays the MSM are all over this because Tate has had the bollocks to stick his head above the parapet but let’s see what they have to say (nothing 🤔) when this very conveniently timed ‘breaking fake news’ story quickly runs out of clicks and the climate goblin Greta’s Twitter team have called off the hounds.


    On 03/01/2023 at 20:18, King Billy said:

    Him and his brother have now been released from custody. Expect all accusations to quietly disappear with only the deafening sound of crickets from the MSM.

    Don't act obtuse, you incorrectly stated that Andrew Tate (not Alan, my typo) had been released and for good measure invoked the usual MSM trope of "deafening sounds of crickets". In fact Tate had been placed in a 30 day pre-trial detention. Strange you never came back to correct the slackjaw lie. The words "deafening" and "crickets" spring to mind.  

  11. 12 hours ago, King Billy said:

    It’s become apparent that you  really do have nothing left. Unlike most people I’m not going to gloat over your spectacular humiliation, even if as I suspect, it’s partly a consequence of the numerous doses of the ‘totally safe’ experimental mRNA products you’ve boasted about having. 
    Get well soon. 😘

    Of course, you do realise that your vid was cobbled together by the World Council for Health which have presented itself as a not for profit worldwide public health agency when in reality its an anti-vax pressure group promoting bogus science such as "post-covid injection syndrome" and "spike protein detox"? Of course not. That's because you've let the likes of Seamus and Sid Slackjaw do your thinking for you. Jeeze, you're so gullible you even got your knickers in a twist over Alan Tate being released.

  12. 8 hours ago, Sir Gobshite said:

    Who are you, and what are you on about. Also, exactly where were you twitching? 

    Im exactly who i said i am. Staying at a friends place, whilst he's gone off skiing for a few months. He signed me up on here, said it could be entertaining. I gather he's an old member. Did'nt mention you. ☺️. Shall i pass on your best regards?

    ...which is the wrong answer considering you were allegedly given "the history" by your "friend", so CYA.

    • Like 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

    Speaking of blasts from the past, it's been quiet this weekend - did Benny and Decs finally get a room? (And by "room" I mean "jail cell".)

    Also, is @Roadkill dead? I'm led to understand that some poor people have been forced to make a "heat or eat" choice over the winter, and I'm worried that some of those in the grimmest northern outposts may not have been able to afford either.

    AFAIK, RK had locked himself out of The Corner by forgetting his password. I've just cleared the Punter Applications so he may well be amongst the new intake.

    Anyway, thanks for asking, I had a lovely Christmas and the day after Boxing day Hubby and I went off-grid to one of the smaller Channel Islands - no phone, no internet = sheer bliss taking seascape, coastal and local birdlife photography.

    As for who may or who may not be in the cooler I have to say I returned to find the "Report" file stuffed to the brim. Needless to say I can't be arsed to trawl through pages of synthetic rage and virtue signalling by some overgrown schoolboys overdosed on Christmas Selection boxes and port.

    • Like 6
  14. On 03/01/2023 at 00:16, Sir Gobshite said:

    ...a} i havnt been here before but a freind of mine has. Im currently staying at his place for a few months whilst he's fucked off skiing  etc.. He suggested i sign up for a bit of entertainmment and gave me some history...

    Well, that's an obvious red flag which had me twitching. So JSP, who are you purporting to be, Margot? Brian or some other NZ sock puppet? :rolleyes:

    • Like 3
  15. 11 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Thank fuck for YouTube’s shadowbanning algorithms which do such a heroic job shielding users from all the mis and disinformation which they would have previously have had to decide on for themselves. And the outrageous behaviour of anyone financially benefitting from the ‘deadly pandemic’ should never be tolerated. That’s something Billy boy Gates can’t be accused of at least, as the massive investment he made in the new start up company BioNTech conveniently occurred in late 2019 (a good couple of months before the rollout of Covid 19). 🤔💉

    Hook, line, sinker and the whole goddamn boat...:rolleyes:

  16. 21 hours ago, The Beast said:

    What are these non-existent dots you speak of? 

    As the report's authors say, this doesn't prove anything - a salient point not disclosed by Campbell. The vid has generated 12.5 k comments including the "I'm a retired GP..." and "I'm a MD, PhD and did vaccine research for 15 years..." Needless to say AFAIK, all viewer comments are along the lines of "this proof etc". This is how mis and disinformation spreads. I note Campbell has monetised his channel.

    • Like 1
  17. 11 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Firstly, me describing these MRNA vaccines as ‘experimental’ was and is a factual statement, as no MRNA vaccine (or therapeutic which is what they appear to have now become, clearly having no effect whatsoever in reducing transmission of the ‘killer virus’ lol, despite all the initial propaganda stating the opposite as fact). Pfizer now admit that they never even tested their wonderjab’s ability to reduce or stop transmission prior to its rollout (under emergency use regulations). The blood clot causing Astra Zeneca jab has now quietly disappeared off the radar in most of the countries who initially bought it, despite being the cheapest of them all. I guess that’s why the African market seems to be the only customers on their books now, price being infinitely more important than safety over there.

    Secondly, your statement that I ‘asserted’ that these vaccines caused liver cancer is simply untrue and tbh nothing that I wouldn’t expect from you. I remember commenting that traces of the spike protein had been found in liver cells in some trials somewhere. I’ve never claimed to have any expertise in complicated scientific matters, just that I smelled a rat from the start of the ‘Plandemic’ and I’m far from alone in believing that. You however knew fuck all about the origin of the virus (manufactured v natural occurrence) but being the way you are pretended to be some sort of authority on the subject. No surprise there. 
    I think quite a few punters see you now as the pretentious fool that I always have done, so keep on doing what you do and hopefully the remaining few diehard bootlickers will eventually pull their tongues out of your arse and see it too. 🤣😘

    I was comparing the "honest media" and your own honesty. In truth the only honest statement you've ever made is that most of what you post is shit, as exemplified by your meandering mish-mash of mis and disinformed gibberish.

    • Like 1
  18. 15 hours ago, The Beast said:

    Perhaps this pathophysiological evidence goes some way to giving an answer or explanation to the title of this nomination.

    When he talks about ectopic beats, I wonder if he is referring to R on T phenomenon.

    I really want bastards to swing for what they have done.


    At least Dr Campbell had the decency to spend a few seconds in a fifteen minute long vid to concede the sample of five patients was very small. The authors of the report did themselves no favours by not including any relevant statistical data, e.g. the time frame of the five deaths and more importantly the provision of a rough and ready control group with data to include the demographics of numbers within the catchment areas served by the hospitals that undertook the autopsies, more specifically deaths directly attributable to covid-19 sub-sectioned into those who were vaccinated or not. There was no need for me to trawl for fact-checkers or scientific rebuttals as the most damming comments for the anti-Covid vax conspiracy theorists  came from the report's authors themselves...


    ...we cannot provide a definitive functional proof or a direct casual link between vaccination and myocarditis.

    I was surprised that Dr Campbell omitted to mention this in his summary.

  19. 9 hours ago, King Billy said:

    If there was an honest media the truth about these vaccines would be the only story every single day, but they were the cheerleaders for it after 2 years pushing for lockdowns and Covid fearmongering, so they will never tell the public the truth.


    9 hours ago, King Billy said:

    I posted this nom 14 months ago. 33,000+ views and 1,600+ replies later and despite the Vulcans constant ridicule and attempts at debunking it I’m more convinced than ever of the wilful crime that has been committed on the human race.

    Without the slightest shred of evidence you initially decreed that Covid-19 did not exist, then you said it did but that the virus was manufactured by the Chinese as a means to an end to dominate the world. You subsequently changed your mind and announced that Covid-19 was a conspiracy perpetuated by Bill Gates and other infotech billionaires but changed your mind again and blamed Klaus Schwab and the WEF, notwithstanding your assertions that the vaccines were not only "experimental" but they caused liver cancer and altered one's DNA, again without providing any credible evidence whatsoever. I'm not sure you are in a position to bitch about honesty.

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