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Mrs Roops

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Posts posted by Mrs Roops

  1. 11 hours ago, King Billy said:

    The ‘fair and totally legitimate’ 2020 Presidential election?

    Oh that one, where 51 former or serving ‘intelligence experts’ lol prompted by the usual deep state suspects agreed to sign an open letter dismissing the Hunter Biden laptop as classic Russian disinformation, which gave Twitter, Facebook Google etc. and the fake news media of course the excuse (as if they needed one) to censor the story and prevent huge numbers of voters from even knowing about the Biden crime family’s corruption and Sleepy Joe’s involvement up to his neck in it. Election interference?
    I am honestly astounded that you still maintain your ridiculous stance regarding Donald Trump but I guess I must have stupidly credited you with a lot more intelligence than you keep showing yourself not to have (if any).

    Oh I almost forget sorry.

    Get fucked.

    No doubt it was too embarrassing to answer the question by deflecting to the Biden laptop conspiracy, yet another join-the-imaginary-dots of faux dramas that is fast disappearing up it's own fundament despite the amateurish attempts of Jim Jordan, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, to write the rules as he goes along.

    As for your intemperate outburst, one wonders why The Corner's most gullible punter ever who has previously admitted to not caring if his discourse is factually true or not and furthermore, has stated that most of what he posts is "shit" should paradoxically howl like a banshee when called out. Genius. :rolleyes:

    Stay warm.

  2. 8 hours ago, King Billy said:


    ‘A few moments later’🤣

    Yahoo News and Time Magazine are reporting that the CEO of Dominion Voting Systems has stated that the company looks unlikely to survive and will more than likely be going out of business very soon, due to the damage inflicted on their reputation during and following the 2020 Presidential election resulting in a large number of US States and other countries refusing to use their machines anymore.Lol lol lol.

    🇱🇷TRUMP 2024 MAGA🇱🇷😘

    ...which partly explains why compensatory damages nearly ten times Dominion's market capitalisation was secured, ordinarily a ridiculous amount - and there's still another six lawsuits in the pipeline...

    Still, now that you've raised the subject of successful litigation, perhaps you could be kind enough to update The Corner on Trump's progress to date in overturning the result of the 2020 Presidential election. 

  3. 46 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Presumably this is the same desk groaning under the weight of unopened editions of Mensa magazine, ring-binders full of Immunology Today and a barely-thumbed edition of How To Win Friends and Influence People. Do you have a secure red phone to the IMF HQ, or do they simply shine a ginger mons pubis into the night sky whenever they need your fearsome brain to untangle some knotty fiscal problem? I’ve encountered some powerfully self-deluded types in my time, but you must be heading for a podium finish. 

    I watched on for what felt like half a millennium as you sparred in that dialogue of the deaf with @King Billy on all things Covid, so I’ll be buggered if I’m going to be drawn into a similarly protracted exercise in futility. You will keep on believing those Unicorns will turn up any day, while those of us in the real world will acknowledge the undeniable harm your nutty cult have done. You’ll surely want the last word as per, but even you can’t obfuscate away reality, however hard you try.

    Of course, given you persist on conflating the roles of Corner referee and player, and are seemingly incapable of ever acknowledging even the possibility of error, this is all pretty pointless. I’m sure the Nobel Committee will be back on the phone imminently to get your view on solving the Taiwan problem, so I’ll get back to my Merlot while you save the world. 

    I want a least one pie chart with my inevitable reply, too, or I’ll report you to the Guild of Polymath Gobshites or whoever it is you’re getting magazines from these days. 

    Jeeze, should've taken the sedative, can't say I didn't warn ya.

    Anyway, gotta dash - Rishi is holding on line three and Putin's office just texted asking if I do Facetime.

    • Like 1
  4. 17 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    If I may tear you away from critiquing a PhD thesis, I wonder if you’re any happier with the economic commentary on offer from the in-house magazine of the Tory party? I’m sure it regularly accompanies you fingering your morning kipper. 

    Of course, by 2030 you might still be proclaiming the green shoots of the Brexit bonanza are just over the next hill, just as Britain becomes a net exporter of young labour to the booming suburbs of Warsaw. 

    Your project is a disaster. All the chicanery in the world can’t save it now. Own it. 


    You don't seem to be able to stay away from this and now you're arrogantly barking out orders to "own it" :rolleyes:

    Whilst The Torygraph op-ed appeared three days ago this story has been bouncing around the current affairs media for several months, usually in op-eds rather than any factual news content. I think the originating World Bank dossier hit my desk back in January.

    Now, I have no wish to cause you any further alarm and distress nor do I wish you to have another foot-stomping session so I suggest you self-administer a sedative before you read any further.

    To put this simply, you're barking up the wrong tree. Again.  

    The Telegraph's article central premise is based on World Bank data extrapolated from 2010 giving rise to speculative predictions (and they are predictions). Two flaws in your presumptive assessment; firstly you will note that the article does not blame Brexit, in fact the same set of predictions made the case that Poland will overtake Germany and France - two countries that as far as I am aware, are still members of the EU. The second point is that Poland, having gorged itself on the EU tit has unilaterally put in place protectionist measures which are illegal under EU law. Poland wants the benefits but not shoulder any responsibilities. To date the EU Commission has been quite craven about this and have come up with a smoke and mirrors fudge that allows Poland to get away with this. This attitude has often been a problem and is another reason why the UK wanted out, we were happy to stay if everybody played by the rules but it was clear that was never going to happen.

    LCS, I suspect your just another whinging pom who will blame everything on Brexit; the recent death of the Monarch - obviously caused by Brexit, the 3.10 from Crewe four minutes late - must be Brexit, recent floods in East England - quite clearly due to Brexit. Just STFU.

    • Like 2
  5. 21 hours ago, Earl of Punkape said:

    Saviles in your case…


    i assume you’re attending Eurovision… and presumably camping….  Lol.

    FFS, well that didn't last long. I hope you're comfortable 'cos I've thrown away the key.

    • Like 1
  6. 19 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    It seems any dissent within your country is dealt with pretty severely too, so in writing this bilge you’re surprisingly instep with the prevailing mood of the nation. If this is your modern Britain, I want no part of it. There is none so blind as those who will not see. 


    Its not too clear what police overreach has to do with Brexit but no matter. As an aside, by all accounts the overzealousness of some Australian police forces of late make the poor British policing look like a bunch of officious dinner ladies on steroids yet you're willing to have a "part of it" in your adopted bolt-hole or perhaps you're being selectively blind...:rolleyes:

    • Like 2
  7. 21 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    @Mrs Roops Why has my comment about Carl's Wank in relation to Fatty been removed... yet DC & Decs' comments of the same ilk and purpose have remained?? I don't mind a bit of discipline - but I do welcome some consistency!

    I apologise if punters are triggered by 'inconsistency' but the fact of the matter is there are some mornings in which I do not have the time nor the inclination to read every comment posted, most of which is abject repetitive drivel - punkape.exe is a case in point. If you guys must continue to insult each other then try to do so with fresh barbs. On a more serious note I see that a handful of punters are resorting to cheap and easy LCD comments with regards to sexual comments (no matter how oblique) about relatives and paedophilia. The handful of you that are doing this should cut out that sort of behaviour this instant 'cos one way to reduce my workload is to remove offenders from the site for protracted period of time...

  8. 6 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    That's a pretty stoopid thought wuggy baby..actually speakin of frogs..is it true that frog customs are based at dover?...taking back control eh..lol


    ...as part of a reciprocal agreement that allows the UK Border Patrol to man checkpoints in Calais :rolleyes:

  9. On 05/05/2023 at 15:51, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Singularly incapable of admitting fallibility, and more one-eyed than Gabrielle. 

    What’s the point?


    On 05/05/2023 at 16:08, PANZER MURPHY said:

    Now im only a simple paddy and travellin minstrel but what i think the good doctor is askin is roops baby..yer 7 years into this brave social experiment what benifits has the brexit brought to the uk or yerself for that matter


    You two bozos need to manage expectations. I don't know why you two think Brexit happened in 2016 or seven years ago as the UK didn't leave the EU until 2020, the post-referendum delay was thanks in part to the well-meaning but inherently weak Theresa May premiership and to Remoaners employing every judicial and legislative trick to thwart the mandate of the British electorate. That both of you are of the opinion that financial benefits would materialise immediately after Brexit is delusional to say the least. I made clear that Brexit would bring chill winds in the short and immediate term as the UK is a mature and complex economy that was entwined with 27 other countries.

    Immediate benefits of course was that the UK retook complete sovereignty of its own lands. I appreciate this means nothing to you but like it or not the British are proud and independently minded and don't like being told what do by citizens beyond it's shores.

    • Like 1
  10. 21 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Have you listened to yourself?

    True to form, so entrenched is your self-delusion you’re incapable of acknowledging any possible error and resort to an ad hominem word salad which is just this side of comprehensible. You are of course way too smart to have been sold an absolute pup. I’m sure you’d vote leave again if the vote was tomorrow, wouldn’t you? It’s all going exactly as you expected, and any problems are entirely due to fifth columnists and non-believers. 

    No mention in your carefully-phrased post of the rise of Poland in per capita GDP terms, and oh what a surprise, the only reason Britain is falling down every economic league table is the unfair EU support for Britain’s’ new competitors, which Britain was paying for anyway. Did you stick out your tongue when you typed this, Violet-Elizabeth?

    The Gotcha moment, since you ask, was June 2016. You were got, good and proper. As for “pretending to be a new age pan European”, please provide me the receipts for any utterance I’ve made these past six years which wasn’t anti-Brexit and pro-European. It was madness all along, I’ve never said anything other. No pretence. 

    You close with yet another tiresome reference to my present geography as an invitation to mind my own business, completely ignoring the fact you’re happy to wander all over the globe and hop from discipline to discipline in your interactions with other Corner stalwarts who pull your chain. 

    I’m ever more certain that at those Swindon MENSA meetings you apparently attended way back when, you were only there to serve the sandwiches. 

    I won’t keep you any longer, no doubt you’ve got a scientific paper to peer review. 

    Well now - if you recall, I originally ignored your rather silly comparison of a newly emerged economy of some two million people with that of a mature economy of sixty-seven million. You then made a subsequent post in which you solicited a response from me. I addressed your POV with a slight dig and thought that would be the end of the matter. Your response was to throw a five-paragraph tantrum filled with tired tropes and insults. Calm down squire.

    • Like 1
  11. 18 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Not just over there, Panz m’boy. The Corner was well supplied at one time with flag waving pro-Brexit types all too keen to extol the virtues of their little project while at the same time raining rhetorical fire down on anyone who thought it was a bullshit con. That they are these days so silent speaks volumes, but I suppose they’ve all moved on, or what you see playing out now is of course not the version they voted for. Oh, no, it’s the bastardised version of what could so nearly have been a roaring success. Or some such bollocks.

    @Mrs Roops, I seem to recall you ladling out the Kool Aid back in the day. What say you now? Is that famed gargantuan IQ up for a little realpolitik?

    I must admit to a wry chuckle at your earlier post dripping with misplaced smugness. For some reason you still feel the need to scour the 'net for a 'gotcha' moment even if it means ending up with an obscure article replete with false equivalency. The article appeared in an on-line magazine, Palladiummag, which is the official mouthpiece of the American Governance Foundation, an outfit which, until now, I have never heard of. Unfortunately no-one else has heard of them either.

    As for the article, I presume Slovenia was chosen for a 'contrast and compare' exercise due to the ill-informed perception that the former Yugoslav state was just another Balkan backwater that was caught up in the horrendous ethnic cleaning associated with the rest of Yugoslavia. In fact Slovenia got its democratic act together early on in breakup of Yugoslavia and became a fully-fledged member of the EEC and NATO as early as 2004. Naturally the small state received a ton of money from Brussels (a good proportion of that no doubt from the UK). The levelling-up exercise was successful as the income inequality rates are amongst the lowest in the world hence my initial assessment of false equivalency.

    Its one thing to have Panzer abusing a British site's hospitality by spewing out bigoted nonsense and embellished facts like some modern Lord Haw-haw, its another thing pretending to be a new-age pan-European though how that works living in a continent on the other side of the world is anyone's guess.

    • Like 1
  12. 21 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    I spose what im suggestin is that maybe the difference is that over here filthy oligarchs money isnt steering government policy and direction the way it is in the uk roops baby


    Indeed, the Russian oligarchy were effective in limiting the UK govt's assistance to The Ukraine following the invasion :rolleyes:

  13. 20 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    Allan "power suits me" kelly?...hes the anne Widdecombe of Ireland..lol


    Well, it suits you to say that. Kelly's source was a research paper by Trinity College, Ireland's most prestigious university or are they now simply "a college of Widdecombes" or are you simply talking through your arse?

    • Like 1
  14. 12 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

    Roops, what's your take on this??

    Cancel Culture is alive and well and has been weaponised to aid Starmer's political manoeuvrings to root out the Labour Party's extreme left. Abbot has form for not engaging her brain and her crime was to issue a clumsily worded statement. FWIW, I don't think this warrants her losing the whip.

  15. 11 hours ago, King Billy said:

    It really is embarrassingly easy to lure you to the bait, which I honestly thought you would have ignored, but I should have  realised your humungous ego would never allow that and I suppose ‘but no worries’ is at least a half hearted attempt to move on and make even more of a fool of yourself than I’ve come to expect.

    Your patently absurd "bait" trope was something one could get away with during the first five minutes of the internet being a thing. Nowadays it serves to confirm not only your naivety but a desperation to save face. As for the rest of your post...

    12 hours ago, King Billy said:

    As for your profound explanation of the farcical actions of the George Soros funded ‘Get Trump’ DA Alvin Bragg and his puppet mistress the ‘Get Trump’ State AG Letitia James have embarked upon🤔The alleged misdemeanours which are being mysteriously linked to felonies (which Bragg refuses to identify) are long past the statute of limitations, have been investigated by 2 previous NYC DAs and the FEC who all concluded there was no crime, and that’s without even considering the ‘Michael Cohen’ (convicted perjurer and self confessed man on a mission to get Trump) elephant in the room. 
    To quote Lavrentia Beria, Stalins long serving head of the KGB ‘Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime’. This is sadly the current downhill spiral the US is on and it won’t end well for the country, both Red and Blue. The rest of the world will be severely affected by the consequences of the US Democrats wilful abandonment of the Constitution on many fronts, first and foremost the well defined rule of law which at present the Democrats have weaponised against their opponents and granted themselves immunity from.

    To be fair you were doing reasonably well, insofar it was to a C+ standard, but as usual you failed to keep your partisan emotions in check. To rail against US Democrats "wilful abandonment of the Constitution" whilst ignoring the 6th January attack on the basic tenets of democracy by MAGA Morons, especially in light of a recent "smoking gun" revelation that Trump and his team knew they did not have a scrap of evidence that the Presidential election was "stolen", shows a disturbing mindset on your part. I appreciate you're emotionally invested, but even so...

  16. Someone was a bit needy last night...

    16 hours ago, King Billy said:

    I just have. Check your PMs for the cumshot.

    Eew, all over your chin as well.

    13 hours ago, King Billy said:

    No honestly seek help.

    Physician, heal thyself

    13 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Unicoin? Your thoughts please.

    Why? As far as I recall, Unicoin has never been mentioned on The Corner, certainly not as part of a conspiracy.

    12 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Perhaps you should let Federal Election Commissioner James E Trainor know your expert opinion on this matter immediately Mrs Rumpole, as he’s stated today ‘Its not a campaign finance violation. It’s not a reporting violation of any kind. In trying to stretch the law to make it look like a violation DA Alvin Bragg is really trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole’, an analogy which I’d be happy to explain to you so you can then have a basic understanding of the actual subject matter going forward.

    No need to thank me, a grovelling apology will suffice.

    Well, good luck in explaining the "analogy" as the metaphor is an idiomatic expression, but no worries.

    Anyway, I presume this is the same James E Trainor who was nominated by Trump for the post of FEC Commissioner, a reward for work done on the presidential campaign. The position was confirmed by the Republican controlled Senate only after they voted to guillotine the nomination debate. Trainor is correct in saying that the charges are not a campaign finance or a reporting violation. He omits to say that the 34 charges relate to falsifying financial ledger inputs of which Trump's chief New York bean-counter is now serving time for another raft of false accounting. My one reservation about this is that Trump's offences are listed as felonies rather than misdemeanours, of which the latter ordinarily attract a slap on the wrist by way of a fine. Trump would be extremely unfortunate if he ends up in an orange jumpsuit over this but he has far more serious legal problems ahead of him elsewhere. 

  17. 10 hours ago, King Billy said:

    It’ll be interesting to see how Dominion argue that their software is ‘safe and effective’ (where have I heard that before? lol lol ) without allowing inspection of their algorithm, and they’ve already refused that request, even to a third party independent adjudicator. Rather like the Democrats in every disputed state in 2020 fought against an open audit of the ballots cast? 
    Sunlight is the best disinfectant (unless you’re a Democrat). 😘

    It won't be interesting as Judge Davis has already ruled that the facts of the election's integrity are established i.e. there was no fraud or "stolen election". The trial will concentrate solely on 1st Amendment issues and the degree of malice (if any) behind the defendant's defamation (if proven). In fact there were several independent paper audits where results were disputed. Suffice to say, no evidence of widespread fraudulent voting emerged. The most notorious of the "independent" audits was the blatantly partisan audit of Maricopa County by the Cyber Ninjas, commissioned by the Republican controlled Arizona State Senate. In the end the results of the audit had to be wheedled out by court order. The audit found that Biden was short-changed by about 300 votes.

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