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Earl of Punkape

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Posts posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. 10 hours ago, Wizardsleeve said:

    There is a brilliant yet simple solution to your home entertainment woes, turn off the Telly or radio and pick up a book. You don't have a fucking gun pointed at your deformed head, you drippy cunt, so stop crying and acting as though you're being forced to view. 

    I don't watch much Tv but this shit seeps into every other fucker and helps to formulate opinions and sympathy.

    How's your Trans lover ?


  2. 21 minutes ago, southerncunt said:

    Shame you were not vaccinated against the drunken fuckwit virus, Punkers. It has a hell of a hold on you!

    You can't hold your drink either as well running like Usain Bolt when it comes to buying a round. 

    You  give industrial alcohol to the Aborigines though to kill them though. 


  3. 1 minute ago, southerncunt said:

    Drink some more Brasso and learn how to spell, you illiterate cretin.


    How many Australian children in your area have been fed to a dingo ?

    One thing........unlike every other criminal cunt in Australia I'm not your fucking mate.

  4. 1 hour ago, southerncunt said:

    Having an outbreak of Measles here at the moment because inner city fucking idiots done vaccinate their kids. Fucking polio courting new age probably fucking hipster idiots. 

    Fuck off back to the 1920's you ill informed cunts, and stop putting the rest of us at risk.

    And how many Aboriginees have been given a dose by the "local" Australian fuckwit.


  5. 6 minutes ago, southerncunt said:

    I do try not to bite, indeed I left it a full 30 seconds before responding, but it got the better of me. 

    I'm surprised we have Australians on the board here with their potential for criminal activity.



  6. 1 minute ago, southerncunt said:

    You must try harder to offend or amuse me.

    I don't know why you keep being let back on here. You are bereft of wit, humour, and knowledge. You have a fascination with public school, the church, and poofters. 

    You are utterly without purpose.


    The incidence of child abuse in all denominations of churches in Australia is far higher than anywhere else.

    Criminal Dna everywhere.

    Austalian was a far better place when it had a good old fashioned Brtish Governor.

    Sydney is full of puffs.


  7. Gay pride marches in various cities are made more nauseating by straight cunts rolling up with t-shirts on saying "I love my woofter son" or other similar puke.

    More appropriate would be " My son takes it up the jaxi "  or " My son is a pervert".

    The wholscale banning of gay pride  marches should be brought in so as to stop cunts dancing and prancing about in their underpants and taking drugs.

  8. Although essential at the moment these cunts days are numbered.

    Driverless trains, tube trains, Hgvs and cars are not far off but the gormless obese cunts who ship our freight around should be fucked off first.

    Not content with driving like imbeciles, destroying paving,other infastructure and murdering prostitutes these ignorant unwashed sods have the effrontery to think they're important. They steal their own loads,smuggle drugs and tobacco and land us In the shit with thousands of stateless illegal immigrant cunts. They eat disgusting fried shit in horrible transport "caffes" and present themselves like a sack of shit at a bad fair. 

    Utter  cunts

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