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Earl of Punkape

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Posts posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. Just now, luke swarm said:

    Yes of course you are quite the man with his finger on the nations pulse.....well informed and totally aware of whats occurring around the world.

    What world that is remains a mystery to most of us here.... Perhaps the Jugged hare flavour pot noodle you consumed earlier was past its sell by date and you are a figment of you own distorted imagination.....try hurting yourself to see if you can still feel pain.  

    Buy the Aga.

    Stick your head in.

    Get a friend to finish you off with Kerosene.

  2. 1 minute ago, luke swarm said:

    So you frequent all these areas do you Spunky.....yes I can just see you cruising around the gay bars of Yorkshire in the back of said hackney carraige......do the golf clubs and pheasant shoots open quite late in the areas you mentioned.

    Its all unravelling isn't it my unintelligent friend....that's the trouble with constant lying....its such hard work to keep track of what one has said.

    Or making your own fictional ripostes and distortion.

    I read the broadsheets most days so see most of the more sordid areas of life exposed. Areas you'd fit in rather snugly.

  3. 3 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

    my last house ran on heating fuel......I found it very expensive until I discovered that aviation fuel is except for some antifreeze additive exactly the same as heating kerosene. As I was in the trade and had access to this abundant resource......I enjoyed unlimited hot water/heat for eight years until we moved.

    I understand that kerosene will work well in diesel cars as well as long as they have no turbocharger.  

    Why don't you get an Aga ?


  4. Just now, luke swarm said:

    Asian you Say Spunky.....that narrows it down then somewhat....was it the Nepalese, Thai, Vietnamese, Sri Lankans, Indians, Japs....was it the Bhutanese, Bangladeshis. Kyrgs......I think we know who you are alluding to but you are too chickenshit to say it. Want to clarify who you really mean.


    You thick cunt.

    Who drives the Taxis and runs the Take aways in Oldham, Rochdale and Rotherham ?

    Asian Kurds!


  5. 16 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

    Its the wrong planet you are on, you pathetic deluded arsewipe...why don't you get in your imaginary range rover and drive into a very real wall at a very unrealistic speed.

    Your imbecilic and simpleminded attempts to sell yourself as some sort of squire are becoming embarrassing and cringe worthy.     

    As are your lower class attempts to silence your superior.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Properkhunt said:

    At Properkhunt hovel we have oil fired heating, or kerosene to be correct. At the moment I am laughing my tits off. I will spend less than £350 to heat my house and hot water in 12 months. Four bedrooms, conservatory and double length garage, hot water for 5 kids and 2 adults. If you ask Centrica or British Gas or whatever the cunts are called, they want at least 3K to connect the property to the gas main. Add to that a new boiler, all the inconvenience of locating it and cosmetic repairs plus the environmental disposal of the oil tank you won't get change out of 5k. Some cunts will get a gas bill per quarter of £350. Even when the oil was up at over $120 per barrel it was still cheaper to heat using kerosene.

    5 children?

    Are you a catholic ?

  7. 5 hours ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

    We ought to start sexually assaulting their women or better still let Punkape and his hooray henrys bum rape the blokes ala private school style.

    The reason why there is an officer class in the army is stop troops from firing once they've started. Then there's looting and getting "carried " away with prisoners and local female civilians/refugees.

    The public schools provide the bulk of officers in the Army to handle brilliantly the scum of the British working class.




  8. 6 hours ago, Alfie Noakes said:

    It has been reported that Swedish police "hushed up" a large number of sex attacks made by migrants to avoid reprisals. 

    Cologne and other cities in Germany also have the same sort of problems. 

    It seems women from the Middle East and Africa suffer this all the time, that explains why they feel they have to cover up. 

    Filthy fucking cunts who can't respect what is being done for them by abusing our women.They should be fucking thrown back to the shithole they came from after a bit of "treatment" by the locals.

    A lot of British women dress like hookers and we havn't had any problems here.

    The Asian brigade just chase the really vulnerable ones in care homes......

    • Like 2
  9. 5 hours ago, MikeD said:

    The head of the Care4Calais charity says lorry drivers attacked by migrants should change their jobs and the attacks are not the end of the world.

    There really isn't a death painful enough for these whining, apologist bastards. I'd like to strap this cunt to the outside of a lorry, drive her through Calais and see the state of her fucking gash after the "poor, helpless people" subject her to some of their fucking cultural differences.



    Send her to Cologne for next years New Years Eve Festivties.......specifically the main square in front of the cathedral......

  10. I just fill up the Range Rover. I've never really looked at the price.

    As long as it's full I can get to the pub,one of my golf clubs or a shoot.

    I bagged a magnificent hare the other day which is hanging at the moment and I'm go to jug it tomorrow. 

    If any of you jug a hare make sure you use fresh juniper berries and not the dried or packet versions. This will prevent your hare from tasting cheap and nasty.

    If you have any leftover ( hares are huge) take it to your local Salvation Army food hall, having told them it's chicken and lob it into the soup. The down and outs will be awfully grateful and won't notice the difference anyway !



  11. 12 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

    Pile of shit, kill yourself! You hideous disabled toilet cleaner's mop bucket.

    No doubt Bowie's funeral will turn into a poofter, drug abuser and weirdo event of the year.

    A ticket for Alfie !

  12. 3 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    Get down to Brixton and stand with the rest of those clowns and when that nimrod Mat Alltwat shoves a mic in your face for comments say just that. It will be tv gold.



    I wouldn't be seen dead in Brixton.




  13. 2 minutes ago, deebom said:

    Just  a small thing, but it irritates me. People who press the buttons in the lift for no reason other than they cant not press them.

    I'm in the lift, someone gets in and rather than wait the whole 3 seconds for the doors to shut, they have to press the door close button? They do it on every floor? Some cunts even press it as soon as the doors are fully open, causing people entering to have a mild scuffle as the the doors try to shut on them.

    We have 8 lifts at work, so you might press the button to call one, and the lift furthest away may come first. Sometimes, because of these fucking cunts, by the time you have strolled over to the lift, the doors have closed because the didgy tosswaffle inside has pressed the door close button. So you have to call another.

    Some cunts even press the button to the floor they are going to every time the lift stops... But they're just OCD loonies who probably kill cats.

    You're developing a general all round psychosis.

    Are you still taking illegal drugs? 

  14. More media hysteria over the death of a "rock" star. 

    Did Bowie have sex with men and women ?  Pervert.

    Did he make good music ?   No it was a ridiculous nauseous racket.

    Did he die from AIDS ?      Probably and so have a lot of his bum chums from the "Avanf Garde " scene. ( more perverts ).

    Good riddance.


    diseases directly transmitted by Rats

    • Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome. This is a viral disease that is transmitted by the rice rat. This disease is spread in one of three ways: inhaling dust that is contaminated with rat urine or droppings, direct contact with rat feces or urine, and infrequently due to the bite of rat.
    • Leptospirosis. This is a bacterial disease that can be transmitted by coming into contact with infected water by swimming, wading or kayaking or by contaminated drinking water. Individuals may be at increased risk of Leptospirosis infections if they work outdoors or with animals.
    • Rat-bite Fever. This disease may be transmitted through a bite, scratch or contact with a dead rat.
    • Salmonellosis. Consuming food or water that is contaminated by rat feces bacteria can cause this disease.
    • Dengue fever.
    • Halitosis.
    • Aids. ( Gay community)
  16. 2 hours ago, Decimus said:

    My boy has got a pet rat who he thinks the world of, and to be fair, we're all really keen on him. I know they are not every one's cup of tea, but they are actually really sweet, affectionate and intelligent.

    Unfortunately, he has been a bit under the weather the past week so I took him to the vets today to see if there is anything they can do. The Vet suggested trying out some anti-biotics and anti-inflammatory meds, which I was willing to try as it would break my sons heart if anything were to happen to him. As he is small, we only needed a tiny dose, so I was expecting a 20 quid bill tops. So imagine my fucking suprise when I am landed with a bill for SEVENTY FUCKING QUID. I nearly had a fucking stroke when I saw it and asked if it was correct, only to be told that it was. I paid it, as I would never have an animal put down unless they were gravely ill and it would be a kindness, regardless of the species, as long as they are not suffering, and he is still happy, eating and in no visible pain.

    It's disgusting how they choose to capitalise on peoples emotions and bonds with their pets. Obviously I do not expect a free service, but the amount of profit they have made today just out of me, must be appallingly high. They are greedy fucking cunts who know that they have got most people against a wall and can hold them to ransom over their emotions. It's even more disgusting that some people will not be able to afford ongoing, or even one off treatments, and the amount of healthy animals that are either needlessly put down or left to degenerate and sicken because of the veterinary sectors greed is fucking disgusting.

    Keeping a rat is a disgusting. Rats are permanently incontinent and harbour all sorts of digustusting fleas and parasites. Only a fucking lunatic would give something to a child that was responsible for bubonic plague an the Black Death.

    They are also used for depraved acts by knob-jockeys.

    Your son should be taken into care immediately.


  17. 6 minutes ago, Degenerategambler said:

    I like the Tate modern. 

    Where else can you get in for free, see some Picassos and other shit exhibits, and cunt them off?

    Or see the offerings of depraved "artists" who have crapped on a urine soaked canvas and enter it for the Turner prize.

    Or a Gilbert and George penis painting.

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