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White Cunt

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Posts posted by White Cunt

  1. 4 hours ago, King Billy said:

    More dead people voted for Dementia Joe than any other candidate in history. In fact a lot of them voted several times in different states for him, they thought he was so great. 

    The votes are multiplying faster than the US national debt, and they are inflating that one up like bandits.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

    The next leader ? Surely the current leader is being operated remotely from China and the batteries are running low.

    They are working Joe via satellite and porn channels, but they have the occasional slip here and there; we can’t really expect much from chink tech above the cheap plushy shuffling pig.

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  3. 13 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    We’ve seen this film before, Decs. Ronald Reagan spent the second half of the eighties talking to the toilet cistern and wondering who that nice lady Nancy was. He managed to avoid Armageddon and helped win the Cold War. I suspect we overstate how much autonomous power these old fellas really have. 

    So what you are telling us here, LC, is that the more demented the presidential candidate, the more backing he/she/it receives?


  4. 12 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Shut up, LC. 

    Whoever thought lack of/expensive energy is going to be a massive problem ? Clearly not the twat politicians who can’t see the future past their armchair expiration date.

    Well, if we can wait like ten years for nuclear, we will be fine, they say. Nothing to worry about, they say.

    I can’t possibly imagine the effects of furious fracking on water tables or the rock turning into trembling Swiss Cheese, in the meantime.⚰️

    Yes, we are fracked. Shut up.

  5. 4 hours ago, Decimus said:

    I thought that the public's reaction when Dirty Diana died was cringeworthy, but this shit is on a totally different level.

    I'm embarrassed for this country and don't want to be associated with any of the bent-backed, fawning fucking idiots freezing to death whilst waiting in five mile queues for a chance to peek at a wooden box containing a heartless lizard.

    We're supposed to be a first world, highly advanced, 21st century society, yet this sort of cult of personality is more akin to fucking North Korea. At least in those dog eating cunts defence they're forced at gun point to act like wankers whenever one of the Kim's croak, what's our excuse?



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  6. 12 hours ago, Roadkill said:

    How long until Her Former Majesty becomes a public health risk? She must be getting ripe in there at this point.

    One last freak hot spell and the cunts are going to get the unexpected honour of bringing souvenirs home.

    Only if they put giblets back in.

  7. 12 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

    Stockholm syndrome comes to mind. Never understood why so many people get their knickers in a twist over a fraud family they don't know or have ever met. Fuck me it's bad enough knowing members of my own family. 

    Thousands of years of brain washing the pleb and punitive actions for insiders who don’t toe the line.

    • Like 1
  8. 34 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    What with our Prime Minister being an autistic, Thatcher cosplayer, running around the palace of Westminster role playing the Iron Lady, I thought that we were the laughing stock of the world.

    Thank God therefore that the good ol' US of A can always be relied upon to make our own shit show look like a highly organised operation.

    Not content with having four years of the pussy grabbing honey monster in charge, they're now in the liver spotted hands of a man who wears a nappy and doesn't know who he is, let alone what that big red button does.

    All joking aside, it doesn't take a medical expert to realise that there is something deeply wrong with Biden's mental faculties, as this video shows:

    Why is he not being removed from office? And who is the one with their hand up his arse controlling it all from the shadows?

    The next “leader” will be operated with a remote control…

    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Apparently Young Harry Hewitt has been given special permission to wear his military uniform to the funeral on Monday, instead of the morning suit thingy which he had to wear yesterday, due to having all his honorary military titles taken from him when he married Oprah or whatever her fucking name is and turned Turk on the Windsors. If the pussywhipped little ginger cuck had any clinkers at all he’d turn up in the Nazi outfit he got caught togged up in a few years ago in Vegas, with Meghan as a suntanned Private Helga.


    Why not?

  10. 10 hours ago, King Billy said:

    ‘We’re all in it together’, unless you’re an MP, a mate of an MP, a Westminster civil servant, or a mate of one of these lowlife wankers, a MSM ‘journalist’ or a mate of one of these even lower life tossers. I refer of course to the tens of thousands of daft cunts queuing to see the Lizard Queens box in Westminster Cathedral (currently 9 + hours). The three mile long line of sheep don’t appear to be in anything at all together with the above mentioned list of elitist hypocrites who have all day been walked straight to the front of the line (with 3 guests each), rather like the dribbling spastics that are ushered to the front of the queue, past the Kevs and Sharons who’ve waited for  hours with their seven multicoloured sprogs  to go on the rides at Alton Towers or the numerous other pleb parks around the country. And not even a photo in a plastic key ring or an ‘I went to see the Lizard Queens coffin and all I got was this lousy t-shirt’ to show their jealous neighbours when they get home to whatever fucking rat infested Northern housing estate they came from, and realise they’ve spent the next six months Universal Credit.

    I feel like I am hallucinating, B. Everywhere I go, there is her image in every pleb-stimulating media you can think of. I fully expect to get some text messages, ingest sky holograms and speciality bunting on the day in question.

    Although I was considering wearing black on Monday, Mrs WC told me I would look like Mothman in the dark, besides the fact that it does poor service to an old fart's complexion.

  11. 6 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    Correct and right comrade withers baby..im proud to throw my meagre contribution into the pot unlike charlie who only exists to soak out of the workers of brexitland and spunk their hard earned on range rovers and jewellery to drape on his horse faced fuck dolly..lol


    He is one spoilt twat, Panzy,  they all fucking are.



  12. 11 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

    Bawsey, this so not like you. Why so aggressive. Are you suffering from a serious illness, or has a family member married somebody Welsh. 

    Tread carefully, W. The Scottish are getting very touchy, and you don't want to be the one on the receiving end of a blunt instrument.


  13. 2 hours ago, King Billy said:

    PanzyBaby. As you’ve always kept your views to yourself on whether  EU membership is a good or bad thing for the member states 🤣, and to your credit never criticised the U.K. for democratically voting to opt out of such a patently wonderful coalition of freely elected governments, adored and trusted beyond question  by their hundreds of millions of Eurosheep citizens, I’d be interested to know what you make of the Swedish election result, the imminent and universally predicted right wing victory for Brussels basher Georgia Meloni in Italy, the 88 seats won by Le Pen in France recently, the fourth consecutive term for Victor Orban in Hungary (making 5 in total) etc. etc.? Also the Dutch governments non elected PM and his coalition of leftie/green/communists being handed a new arsehole by the hard working farmers who refuse to roll over and comply with the totally fake net zero fascism that Mark Rutte (WEF rent boy) has decreed upon them? Most of this is probably news to you as the MSM has predictably buried these unimportant and trivial stories, instead pushing the climate change/Covid variants/Ukraine pantomime/Lizard Queen dead/vaccine boosters etc. etc. etc. fearporn narrative instead. I’d love it if you just once let us all know if you’re deep down a Brexiteer or a remainer at heart? And also what your views on NI staying British or uniting are?

    Come on man. Stop sitting on the fence and tell us what you think. KB.


    Leave the complex question till morning, B. Panz is now lying in his own piss, under a pile of radishes at the local root depot. Incommunicado.

  14. 17 hours ago, King Billy said:

    A small comfort at this time of national mourning for our beloved monarch is the knowledge that the unavoidable inheritance tax which will shortly be pouring into the treasury to ease the burden of all of us adoring peasants soaring energy bills will prove to all those critics of the monarchy that they’re idiots. Forbes estimate the wealth of the Royal Family at around £88 billion, and the late Queens personal fortune somewhere between £500m and £1 billion. So 40% of anything in these estimates will be a great help in these times of need. Thank you M’am.

    Oh hang on a minute. What’s that? The Royal family have a special exemption from inheritance tax? Fucking hell. That was close. I was just about to fire up the boiler and put the bulb back in the fridge.

    Fuck off.


    While the pleb with a few quid above the tax threshold must seek a lot of solicitors and offshore trust specialists to funnel the pot to the next generation, the royal lot have stitched up the law all fine and dandy for their own, inbred parasites.

    There should be the same law for everyone.... but there won’t be.



  15. 8 hours ago, Frank said:

    I moved to Highgate the other week, WC.. next to the Heath and opposite the mens bathing pond. I feel mentally liberated. Have you ever tried American wine?

    It can’t be worse than Atlanta’ tap water, from which, of course, they make ice.

    It has a pungent smell, colouring and makes rings in the glass. Circa 1990, I sniffed and tasted the concoction and asked the waitress to bring me some orange juice, as it was absolutely vile and no doubt laced with every carcinogen under the sun.

    Guess what - the cow brought the juice, which had added orange colouring and was full of fucking ice. I should add, I made it clear to her what was wrong with the water.

    Never drink US water, Frank. It wants you dead.

  16. 2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    I heard that cunt Macron paying tribute the Queen, well when I say that, all he did was talk about her mastering their language, loving French culture etc etc in an annoying tone.  

    What an arrogant French fucking cunt and totally up his own arse wanker. Are you all like that? Actually don't bother answering and go fuck a duck... I mean goose. 

    Macron likes to ride old horses. Do you think he will do Queen Tampax?


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  17. 17 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

    Panzer, I'm sure you, like me, living in a Republic, are glad you won't be contributing towards a very expensive funeral, and an even more expensive coronation.

    A Tippy-Toe & Vive to you.

    Drop in the ocean, Withers. It will be added onto our Kilimanjaro energy bill.

  18. 5 hours ago, Goober said:

    Have you seen her hands in this photo, LCS? 


    Last time I saw hands like that they were attached to a corpse. 

    I hope we get at least a week off work to mourn. I'm going to be distraught. 


    It looks like a classic case of hairy hands.


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