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White Cunt

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Posts posted by White Cunt

  1. What happened to Frank? Was he removed or was it euthanasia?

    ​He finally managed to squeeze his fat, old head into his aga and fire it. As he lived in a middle of nowhere, nobody had noticed until the house burned down.

  2. Cunts Corner isn't as good as it used to be.

    ​True words, Keith. You should seek compensation for the trauma the new site had caused and your great sadness, which followed. Involving a Legal Aid solicitor, you may end up with a life time supply of blow jobs and doughnuts. I wish you luck.

  3. The buses around my area are fucking shit. Always late,drivers are always aggressive cunts driving a fucking bus at 50 down a tiny road, Always a bunch of crack-heads sniffling and shaking about,some pregnant chav cunt listening to shitty drum an bass down some headphones with the little-un crying cos it's shit it's pantaloons!

    I suspect public transport is pretty much the same, wherever you are in the country. It's full of trash as described above and most of us avoid it at all cost.
  4. The only thing in my defence, Jackers, is that I was heavily inebriated at the time. That and the fact Diana was a fucking despicable, privileged, toff cunt. Voted number 2 on the list of greatest ever Britons? Shows what a fucking boot licking bunch of brainwashed serf's the majority of this country still are. What did she ever do beyond marry an inbred Nazi, breed two more inbred Nazi leeches, fucked every single nationality under the sun and get herself fucking killed. And for this she was voted second greatest Briton. Fucking diabolical. On a lighter note, I'm half a bottle of bells down and grinning like Tony Blackburn. I might go ahead and post something about the Queen Mother stinking of piss.

    Isn't she gone off yet? I though the thick cunt had expired a while ago. But then again, these cunts have the genome of four pairs max, so who knows what effects this might have on a corpse. Old Ma might even be pregnant now.
  5. So, fresh from banging a dusky skinned suitor, the peoples sluttress goes and gets herself killed. As far as I was concerned that was end of story. Joe fucking public, however, wouldn't let sleeping dogs lie. Next thing you know, Elton Johns taken five minutes out from chugging cock to rehash an old song as a cringeworthy memorial. All because she once touched some poofters hand in a hospital who was dying of self-inflicted, banditry induced AIDS. Then there were the millions of idiots lining the streets of London, sobbing faux tears like a retrospective Savile accuser on Loose Women. Some of these cunts would no doubt have had relatives who died that they gave less of a hair tearing, mourning performance in honour of. All over some media hyped, promiscuous, over privileged cunt who wouldn't have shed a tear over any of the idiot plebs who shed plenty for her. Thank fuck she's dead and there's no chance of a replay of that day of massive cuntery.

    Two cunts down and tens of thousands still in the pipeline. Fucking cunts. Don't get me started, Decimus. Too many thickos out there addicted to tabloid toss and chips to see things clearly. Fuck.
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  6. These ISIS cunts are sneaking into Europe on boats pretending to be vacuum cleaner salesmen, those fucking lilly livered pasta munchers are picking them out of the med like Oysters, I'd turn a blind eye on these cunts ......

    If they can get past the great white, that is.

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