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White Cunt

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Posts posted by White Cunt

  1. If my memory serves me right, the downfall of Eastern Island was it's population. I bet it was full of fat cunts, who ate all the food, then each other and when all the seafood moved away, just in case, the remaining ones pegged it too.

    This may be a preview of things to come to these shores, if we don't act in time.

  2. Er.....


    Er...........Mr. Patel's Corner Shop doesn't count as a "supermarket". Yes, he may give you a couple tins of beans on credit until your benefits arrive but there are  these really big shops with lots of food in them which are the real supermarkets. They even accept credit cards although i don't suppose you've got one of those. It's a lot harder to nick stuff though. Hope this helps.


    Finally, you scraped together an idea. As I see you that speak from experience, I shall take your advice on board, in regards to the easiest places to nick stuff. Just in case I get desperate and have to resort to that kind of "support". And you do carry on paying for food with credit cards - a very wise choice. I hear that Wonga have reduced their rates, so you should be OK.

  3. Fat cunts should be deported to labour camps, to be productive and lose all the lard. Those who refuse should be shot on the spot and turned into fertilizer.



    Deported?..... Where the fuck have you put these camps?

    Isle of Man is far enough. If they make, they will be awarded a three-legged trophy. If they try to escape and swim back, then they will most likely drown; or suffer a coronary - and drown

  4. When/if  the Gestapo should call, my girth contains most of the answer.
    Though my mirth contains all of the alcohol. 
    Any cunt up for game of chess ?.
    Ched  her  chesse.
    This year I shall be mostly shopping at poundland then.

    I hope you don't mind if I help myself to your girth, with a Swiss Army knife, next time the famine spreads. I promise to be very careful, and to leave your innards intact. Kind of like shearing a sheep.

  5. Can somebody explain, please, why the fuck are supermarkets so empty after Christmas?

    It feels like some fucking Kristallnacht is coming and everybody is stacking their joints to the rafters. Just in case the Gestapo pays us a visit and it's really much safer under the floor boards, with a big stash of food and a bucket?

    Or maybe people are giving each other these massive rolls of vintage Stilton to graze on, christmas pud and plum jam instead of presents? WHERE IS THE FUCKING FOOD GONE TO?

  6. So the smarmy, smug cunt says 'The UK faces "chaos" if it changes economic course in next May's general election'.

    Strange that, seeing how him and his cuntish b/wanker chums in the 'city' caused the 'chaos' in the first place, and we're the cunts who're still paying for their mistakes, while they award themselves another fat bonus, the CUNTS !

    While those rodents are busy with slashing public sector jobs, they seem to overlook one fact - all politicians cunts have tax-sponsored cunt-bubble wages; plus the odd, fat brown envelope, from the local cyanide manufacturer. I propose to start with them, plus making those "donations" as legal as crystal meth. If they breach the rules, slavery in Roma camps, run by some very rough poofs should follow.

    A little

  7. It is a little too obvious, to be a subliminal message, but there you are.
    I propose to suspend any in-depth analysis of the bollocks he is desperately trying to feed the masses and go straight for gassing. So there. I made the right choice, Dave, in you go!

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