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White Cunt

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Posts posted by White Cunt

  1. You're too generous you cunt... house bricks and rusty tin cans are more my idea....
    ...provided to about 8 of Couldn't female relatives..

    But those must be applied to the face only. We don't want blood on the floor. And remember to apply anti-bacterial gel to your hands afterwards. You are still in a hospital.
  2. Thank fuck my Gorgon cunt of mother in law died decades ago. Right old slag she was.

    The movie Jaws was based on her. I fucking hated the surly old whore.

    I am envious.

    Mine is still fucking rolling about. So is her cunt of a husband. I have two cunts to get rid of of and the smell in the boot is not getting any nicer.

  3. Don't get me wrong, I'm no Tory. I voted labour in successive elections and believe that the country in some respects was improved after years of Conservative rule. Some of the achievements you have cited were exactly why they won my vote. But they lost their way towards the end, complacent after years of success and intentionally creating the problems of dependency and immigration to form a section of society that were guaranteed to give them their votes. This deliberate social engineering created most of the main issues that are being used to fuel the rise of UKIP. The lack of defence for their positive aspects is symptomatic of current party leadership. Too scared to mention any achievement through fear of being associated with the Blair years. They've lost my vote as much through their own passive acceptance of taking the blame, as much as through their failed social experiments. The damage is done, I'm through with the cunts, as I hope millions of other former supporters are. I would rather be ruled by a party that are unashamed by what they are and have clearly defined policies, than a Labour party that apes right wing or left wing ideology dependant on which way the wind is blowing. They have no identity and deserve to be completely wiped off of the political map.


    It's not the size of his foreskin, sorry forehead, which indicates intellect, but the complexity of the outer cortex. His is as smooth as his fucking foreskin, sorry forehead.

  4. My Father, a veteran of both the Falklands and first Gulf war, will be having his final Christmas dinner this year. Galtieri couldn't kill him nor could Saddam Hussien. An even bigger cunt called cancer however has got the better of the old chap. He knows this, has accepted that it's his time and wants to enjoy the little time he has left with his family. Sadly, his attempt to pass on with dignity was blighted yesterday evening during a visit to hospital by a drunken pile of dogshit wandering the local A and E threatening hospital staff leading to a scrap with police and hospital security which in turn led to my Father's admission being delayed denying him treatment for the excrutiating pain he was suffering. Despite this they still treated this utter fucking prick before my Father so the plod could get back to the nick pronto for tea and biscuits instead of just throwing him into a piss drenched cell to fucking die.

    A night in a cell, followed by a hefty bill should be prescribed. Any wounds should be treated with 16th century medicine.
  5. This is the level some will stoop to. Listening to a fuckwit junkie from some needle-laced latrine, spewing High revolutionist bollocks.

    However, as there is no sane alternative, this garbage is probable better than our elected cunts. And whatever is left of his bonsai brain, is actually going somewhere.

    Give me this cunt over other cunts any day.

    Bring him on!

  6. I have an uncle that only buys items in the past expiry bin.  If the bread shows signs of mold, the cut just rims it off an toasts it.  He only buys pints and quarts of milk, so it doesn't completely go off.  Dented tins on fruit and veg, damaged items, the lot.  The cunt is worth 1.3 million, and he shops at pound stores. 

    Clearly, he gets off when it's off.

  7. i've just about had it with the cuntery of  "out of the box thinking " ... "blue sky ideas" ... "ring fencing" and all the numerous other turd end buzz words -  the only relief this morning was sitting right at the back of the room  day dreaming up cc responses to this management crapfest.

    and yes .. you guessed it - "ring fencing" came top of the list !

    Shite-speak is the foundation of extensive droning. It goes well with sweaty armpits, bad breath and a washable suit.

  8. I used to go out with a bird with great big tits who would let me suck stuff off of them - fuck all to do with Yoghurt -  just thought I'd say like.

    Tits  - milk - yoghurt.

    Freudian slip.

  9. I second that. 230,000 immigrant mothers had babies last year in the UK. Its just been taken too far. British identity is being given away. Disgraceful.

    Have the babies got numbers on their arms? If not we should take steps...

  10. I remember our cubmaster, used to jack off in his tent every night with his torch on, reading Tit Bits as visual stimulation, unaware of the stark silhouette relection we all viwed, the cunt. We set light to it one night, unfortunately he escaped, but all his kit was furnaced - happy child hood memories1

    You should have recorded it, were it possible.

    Posted 05 September 2014 - 09:12 PM

    By allowing these cunts to stowaway, is missed opportunity...

    All that is required is big fuck-off signpost: "YOUR PASSPORT TO THE FUTURE - THIS WAY TO ENGLAND" at the

    entrance of the Channel Tunnel.

    Let the cunts flock through like sheep and once they are 200 yards from Dover, FLOOD the fucking thing. Then drain and repeat.


    Agent orange is better

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