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White Cunt

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Posts posted by White Cunt

  1. 2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    Don’t waste your time on the so called ‘war’ WC. The real story is the war against the human population by the globalist WEF, WHO, UN elitist class which is underway with all these never ending ‘energy crisis’, ‘climate crisis’’, Covid crisis’, ‘mis/disinformation crisis’, ‘threat to democracy crisis’ etc etc etc. All manufactured BS to distract the fucking idiots from waking up to the real agenda. 
    Our masters have realised that ‘democracy’ has outlived its usefulness and some of the sheep are straying out of the pen and seeing things from the other side of the fence. The game is almost up and they know it, so the fucking lizard cunts are now brazenly taking off their disguises and going full on with the agenda in plain sight. 
    Have a look at a video on YouTube. ‘THE UNSOLVED MYSTERY OF THE PANDEMIC…..’  and tell me everything in the world is OK.

    I have been nibbling at the very rich people issue for years. Their prerogative has always been to keep the masses in the dark, drunk, uneducated and in a state of worry about their future, their food/money/etc.

    Technology underpinned by education, cheap plentiful energy and large populations, created a growing, large middle class with good incomes and qualified working class with much higher standards of living.

    As we are going into population decline in areas of the world where it actually matters, it makes sense for them to destroy the independent middle class and push as many as possible to their enterprises. The government loves it as many weird “essentials” can be justified, stuff the people must pay for via taxation: think chinks and their current goings on with covid (industries).

    As there is no more real growth, they simply want to make money on the way down in any way possible and under any excuse. Their carefully curated ponzis are imploding here and there;  it’s not a reassuring situation for the people who are holding the bag. As you say: democracy has outlived its usefulness. They are the ultimate stock brokers: making money on the way up and  down.

     I hope that China goes to shit sooner than expected.

    Here is some good news:



  2. 1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    I feel like that. I genuinely can’t abide even my own relatives. My sister is a stupid fucking cunt and my mum is a gibbering spastic who would honestly be better off dead. I fucking hate the whole of humanity deeply and passionately.

    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share that. 

    I have come to conclusion that I probably hate the middle of the road, barely thinking majority the most - those who are willing to play good or bad, depending on who is pulling their strings. They are the cunts who follow orders without question and would sacrifice everyone to save their own skin. Absolute fucking tools. Even worse then the bad wankers who are giving them their orders.

     I am delighted to see some aware russkies, escaping certain death of conscription, by voting with their feet. Can you imagine being pulled into the army, now? Vlad is hoovering up men of up to 65 years of age, including disabled (to throw them in the mincer, after extensive pillaging of medical and pension coffers). Besides covid, the men are being given other compulsory vaccines (new 2021 laws), before being shipped off with a guitar or a hammer to fight some other cunt in the snow. There will be no one to complain to about potential side effects.

    Vlad has recently exchanged some Ukrainian fascists they caught for an oligarch and some soldiers. Some way of dealing with fascists, don’t you think?

  3. 1 hour ago, The Beast said:

    So many confusing things in play.

    How the fuck there wasn't any checks and balances in place before the mini budget was announced? 

    It seems populism is being expunged from both parties, Starmer put in and the Corbynites expelled or sidelined. Technocrats like Sunak, Hunt et al put in.

    It's like there are things that have to be done and democracy is not allowed to get in the way.


    I have a feeling that we will soon be treated to another “event”, just to cover up the financial implosion. And don’t expect any side to admit to the years of wrongdoing.


  4. 47 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    How close are you to her? If it's close enough, take a shit in her shoes. That'll learn the commie bitch.

    What we need right now is the advice of an expert in the field of shit. I'm trying to think of... someone who... yes! @cunt. What's your professional opinion in this matter, you vile fucking basement flat freezer gimp?

    That would actually be an improvement.

  5. 21 hours ago, King Billy said:

    You never mentioned that Roops was your neighbour before.

    My bitch neighbour is a fully fledged rancid commie cunt, EU lover, a disgusting & collapsing hovel’ dweller, with sketchy education and work history, currently claiming her state “pension”. This stinking freeloader is a menace to everyone in the area.

    In case I haven’t mentioned it before, they removed her from the Labour Party twenty years ago for being too violent.

    And she has issues with people who actually earn and spend money and naturally feels short changed by the system.


  6. 3 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

    Truss is out because she obviously is a mentally impaired spastic and couldn't run a bath. Cue the next selected spastic to fuck things up even more. We are heading towards a Keir Savile government in the not too distant future, get your prayer books out now motherfuckers. 

    Keir Mao may be what the chink party craves, to get their vermin fingers even deeper into our red comrades. I fucking dread the politics and a cold toilet economy ahead. 
    I want them all dead.

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  7. 11 hours ago, Penelope said:

    Billy did you know that millions of dogs in the UK have had a microchip implanted into them and the dogs are now programmed to attack and kill people at random?

    Where can I get one of those? We have this awful bitch next door, who could do with her fucking head ripped out and shredded by some abomination. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Eddie said:

    Look on the bright side, With 4 darkies in a room, odds are at least one will be stabbed to death 


    1 hour ago, King Billy said:

    When the lights come back on, one will be hiding from the white girl outside with the caramel coloured baby in a pram, one will be searching the corpse for an unpaid drug debt which led to his shanking, and the other will be a Guardian ‘journalist’ emailing the news desk with his ‘scoop’ blaming Winston Churchill and Nigel Farage for everything bad  ever.

    Another black out?

  9. 11 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Absofuckinglutely. Actual scheduled telly is fucked. The internet pirate streaming sites have got everything from the 70s - 2000ish, with people that look and sound English. Switch back to normal telly, and this utopia is shattered by screeching queers and gormless black cunts sucking their fucking teeth. The quisling faggot nonces at the BBC can shove the licence fee up their fucking arse.


    I need some pointers, Eric. While I don’t mind paying for content, there is nowhere to go for anything of value anymore, unless you are a genetically modified, screaming freak. Even Netflix is getting a bit thin, though not terrible, yet, but it would be good to have some options.

    Tivo was great in its day, in the end I gave it away, just being too busy working.

    What options are there?

  10. 3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    I decided not to have the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental cocktail despite world leading virologists like Dr Hillary, Piers Morgan, Nick Ferrari, Lorraine Kelly, Andrew Neil, Phil and Holly and scores of other experts. Being a somewhat sceptical consumer of the MSM I saw a guy online who seemed to make more sense to me. His name was Doug Brignole, a healthy keep fit fanatic who said ‘I have enough confidence in the vaccine, based on my research to get it done. Those of you who think the vaccine kills people can use me as a test. If I die you were right. If I don’t die and have no I’ll effects you were wrong……..blah blah blah’.

    I really miss Doug. Even though I didn’t know him, I miss him so much now he’s gone.🤣🤣🤣

    Did he have a large following?

  11. 20 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

    This man is a cunt who clearly needs castration with an acid dipped meat cleaver followed by some prog-rock played on his ribcage by a couple of unsettling claw hammers. He is as useful as a rubber crutch. 

    This banana brains shouldn’t be trusted with a second hand carpet cleaner at Eddie’s car wash, never mind a budget.

    I wonder where the tories will bury his carcass.

    • Like 1
  12. 9 hours ago, Roadkill said:

    What the fuck for? The cunt made you statistically poorer on a whim, without a moment's hesitation, simply to appease his "massa".

    If the fucker nicked your wallet and pissed all your money away on the horses would you feel sorry for him when you finally caught up to him?

    The only perceivable value the cunt has is the fact that he's so obviously been used as a scapegoat, thus damaging Truss' already low public opinion - that doesn't automatically make him a victim of anything other than his own stupidity - which is hard to sympathise with when that stupidity directly and negatively effects the value of my fucking money.


    Post inflation: minus thirty percent.

    Post Mugabo: minus ninety percent.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    Don't get me wrong, the man is a total fucking imbecile with the economic nous of a 1930s Soviet, factory commisar. But in fairness to this finger counting-simpleton, his mini budget was clearly dictated to him by Fake Mags. 

    If only he had the mental capacity to realise that he'd been thrown under the bus, we could have had an almighty whistle blowing scandal to add the final nail in the Truss cunts coffin.

    Although these cretins don’t operate in isolation, he had a lot to say on the matter. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    I'm guessing this is some little dig at other members here, whatever it is, it's absolute shite... What I have a problem with is your 'Discuss' command, who the fuck do you think you are Carl Sway? Do you believe you have any authority here? You are making a right cunt of yourself again and seem oblivious to that fact. 

    Stupid fucking idiot. 

    Some think this place is a lab for wooden drones, holding hive meetings at a round table of Facebook’ headquarters.

  15. 54 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    Yer not the sharpest tack in the box are ya....i can see ya now in downtown luhansk...ooo..look a Ukrainian flag nailed to a pole...ill tear it down n ill be a hero back home...not seeing the photovoltaic cell wired to haffa a pound of semtex inde wall behind it..lol


    Fuck the flag, Panz. Stick half a pound of fillet steak and a bottle of claret and I will be all over it like a French octopus.

  16. 3 hours ago, Roadkill said:

    Satellites are expensive to maintain and require a lot of highly skilled people to operate them. 

    Drones on the other hand can be launched from the next field over by a pimple faced youth the moment they're required and cost a fraction of the price, without having to call in first to ask for permission and intel from cunts hundreds of miles away.

    Panz is suggesting a cost effective alternative to conventional warfare, hence the "wars are expensive outings" comment.

    A fragmentation grenade dropped on your head from 200 feet when you're in the middle of sucking your mate's cock (this actually happened to two Ruskies) kills you just as much as a satellite guided cruise missile would and certainly costs less both financially and in manpower.


    That explains the Irish for arms shopping habits at EBay and Tesco.

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