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The Beast

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Posts posted by The Beast

  1. This paper is well beyond my scope of knowledge. However, it appears spike production is still occurring long after the injection. An important comparison group would be those who have had infection, but not the poison. 
    Either way, the more I get the idea these bastards don’t really know what these injections do nor did they care before given regulatory approval.


  2. 2 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    You booked in for your womb transplant yet Bill or what? I see the technique has come to the UK and I reckon knocking out a couple of kids as a sideline to the Brothel and the Christmas Trees should keep the M3 insured for another year or two. Bon chance. 

    I am guessing you have got to be a complete cunt in the first place to be eligible.

    • Like 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    NIAID/NIH/FDA? Does it matter which of Fauci’s corrupt tentacles the $400m was handed to? The stench of corruption must surely be apparent to even the die hard Long Covid addicts who’ve lost all sense of smell (no.4 on the list of symptoms to tick when applying for a government funded life of leisure). Moderna  throwing huge sums of cash at the government bodies that then recommend their ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental and unnecessary product to the public used to fall straight into the ‘conflict of interest’ category. That was before that category was given a makeover and renamed the ‘conspiracy theory’ category. Jonathan Van Tam might confirm this theory when he emerges from the revolving door and settles in to his new office at Moderna HQ.

    Get fucked.

    The Moderna gravy train has been ongoing for some time all directly or indirectly linked to individuals and institutions.....  Ralph Baric, Peter Danzak, the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill to name just a few, there are plenty more important ones than these.

    The money changing hands, is just part of the process of corruption, especially when it is on the taxpayer's dine. It is the pre cursors to it that need to be focused on and they start from a very long time ago.

    The notion of a scary deadly virus on the loose is a winner for many. The pandemic preparedness industry has been in development for decades. SARS-CoV-2 was the point at which it proved to be an operation success and a future repeating business model.

    I don't know if it is possible to deliver a biological weapon across a population any more than i know if it is possible to have a viral respiratory pandemic, least of all one that spreads to 130 different countries in matter of weeks.

    • Like 1
  4. On topic.....

    I do hope they win. It will be fully deserved. 

    As I recall, the ethnic grifters (anti white scum) were very upset about the lack of diversity (anti white hate) when they won the European championship.  They are at the ready to shit the bed again in predictable fashion if England win.

    These bastards will sap the joy out of a victory in their psychotic pursuit to deconstruct every last vestige of anything that represents pre-multicultural England.

    • Like 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    Never mind this shit, Proper, would you have fucked it if you were cleaning the bogs on her ward?

    I won't lie, she's probably the most guilty wank I've ever had, the post-nut clarity was like coming down after a two day MDMA and coke binge.


  6. 17 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

    The gravy train is in action with criminal psychologists doing the talking heads on sky etc telling everyone what they already know and doubtless being paid four figure sums to do so.

    Not the only fucking arseholes chipping in. 


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  7. 9 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

    Would you care to be more specific or are you just backing up your puppet? 
    Why are you so scared of free expression from an imaginary Jew? 
    I went down my imaginary local Synagogue the other day and said “Rabbi! I want to be a Jew ….I want to follow Judaism….I want to be saved.”

    He said….”we don’t proselytise and we don’t recruit. Who do you think you are?……,Whoopi fucking Goldberg already?” What a cunt eh? No wonder you hate them so much.

    No. I was clumsily asking you to put your balls back in their sack and participate in cuntery. Don't get paranoid. It's not worth it.

  8. 18 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    This is much better, Beasty. I disagree with 1 and 6, 2 is a well established epidemiology phenomenon largely due to reporting bias, 5 gets a “don’t know” from anyone objective, and 3 is not arguable. 4 is however very interesting, and the reference was strong. Certainly I’m satisfied that COVID antibodies were in circulation much earlier in 2019, and though anecdote isn’t evidence, I know several otherwise well people who reported “worst ever flu” episodes in 2019 who almost all had exposure to travel and airports much earlier than September 2019. If you have more on item 4, I’d be interested. 

    I don't know about established epidemiology phenomenons, but getting something published that supports the claim is nigh on impossible.

    (PDF) COVID-Period Mass Vaccination Campaign and Public Health Disaster in the USA From age/state-resolved all-cause mortality by time, age-resolved vaccine delivery by time, and socio-geo-economic data (researchgate.net)


    Re 4, it was also claimed that the alleged pathogen was present in sewerage samples from Barcelona March 2019.

    Coronavirus traces found in March 2019 sewage sample, Spanish study shows | Reuters

    The test has to be fraudulent. A virus present this length of time without any rise in excess deaths anywhere, not until a pandemic is declared 12 months later, makes no sense.  Iatrogenesis is responsible for many of the deaths, as per point 3, but it won't be responsible for them all, so for the test to be genuine, the alleged pathogen did not kill people and never posed much of a threat until it was declared as a threat and labelled as such by the test. 

    The most interesting bit about the Italy study is the fact the overwhelming majority of the 115 that unknowingly had this alleged virus were asymptomatic. We were told the bullshit by the nudge unit, "act as if you have it". 

    I won't talk about the gene transfection injections that instruct the body to produce a foreign chimeric protein that people were propagandised into begging for, other than to say that I didn't take it and don't regret not taking it.

    This whole sorry Covid saga has absolutely nothing to do with public health.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Decimus said:

    Never mind this shit, Bill, I don't usually get involved in the whole Covid debate, I had my opinions at the time and chose not to disclose them.

    Needless to say I didn't have any of the jabs and I deplored the Big Brother antics of H.M. Government at the time, so you can probably deduce where I sit on the debate.

    My question is, and it's a genuine one, can you tell me the average age of death of people with Covid in the UK during the pandemic who didn't have any pre-existing comorbitities? I think the answer will settle the argument once and for all on whether there was a disproportionate and sinister reaction from our "betters", regardless of the unproven and ultimately fruitless counterargument that being less tyrannical would have resulted in more deaths of supposedly healthy individuals.

    It could have been put down as a bad flu year and no cunt would have known any different. 

    I will add:

    1) There wasn't any pandemic or even an epidemic.

    2) Hotspots in Lombardy and New York observed boundary lines on maps.

    3) Advising people to isolate for 14 days and not seek medical assistance with respiratory symptoms until hypoxic (and most likely in acute respiratory failure) will fill up critical care units with patients suffering with sepsis and multi organ failure. A slow and painful death for too many.

    4) Patient "zero", a laboratory scientist/worker in Wuhan December 2020 is nonsense. The alleged virus was present in 13 regions of Italy by September 2019. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0300891620974755 See point 6.

    5) Nothing was leaked from any laboratory anywhere, maliciously or accidentally. It's bullshit to keep up the veneer there is a scary virus on the loose and underpin the need for the pandemic preparedness industry.

    6) The Corman & Drosten PCR paper passed peer review in a matter of days. The test is fraudulent. 




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  10. 1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    I’m currently sat in the Qantas lounge at Perth airport, watching the rain fall as I wait for QF9 to ferry me back to Blighty. Funeral for an old friend, and perhaps a little trip to Old Trafford if the weather holds this week (anyone in the vicinity have a forecast?). I’ll be in the UK on Thursday when the by-elections come in. If it isn’t the beginnings of a major political earthquake, then I wish you all good fucking luck. 

    They have already conceded all three seats. It matters not. These bastards will hang on to the very last day, 28th January 2025. 

    It makes no difference to me. I despise this lot as equally as I despise what's coming.

  11. 8 hours ago, Decimus said:

    He's an absolute fucking cunt is what he is. His recent interview with Kuennsberg amounted to him basically admitting that Labour has absolutely no plans or policy other than not being the Conservatives.

    He'll probably get in by default, but if he spends his subsequent five years in office moaning that his hands are tied because of the Tories, Labour will then spend another 15 years out of power at least.

    He will win, that's a given. The  massacre will make 1997 seem tame.

    The only way to get rid of this duopoly is to take one half of it out.

    The tories need to be hounded out, right down to the last parish councillor. Extinct. They deserve nothing less.

    Only then can some credible opposition start to form.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

    There is a difference between what is of interest to the public and what is in the public interest. That said, I don't know why you've name-dropped me as my comments thus far on the recent press furore have concentrated on protecting The Corner from receiving letters from Messrs Sue, Grabbit & Runne. Hold on a minute as I change hats...


    Your post is at best misplaced and reeks of the bar room. Firstly, the Sun, whose Sunday edition, formerly known as the News of The World before the title was quickly dropped for outrageous and criminal behaviour, is no stranger to bashing its' competitors, sometimes for the most spurious and hypocritical of reasons. 

    You've made the point that Edwards' salary is taxpayer-funded. My reaction to that is so what? Are we now given to understand that every taxpayer-funded employee (17% of the UK workforce) should now be subject to scrutiny by the morality police? What Edwards or any other public employee chooses to spend their salary on (criminality not withstanding) is none of our business. 

    I think the whole Edwards/BBC charade of investigation by social media, pearl-clutchers and hysterical press are asking the wrong questions. Why did the young man's family first approach Edwards' employer and then the Sun newspaper? Surely, if criminality was involved the first port of call would be the police? I would also be asking if the Sun opened it's chequebook to secure the story.

    You've mentioned Tim Westwood and the "BBC mental health stance"; granted I spent only a couple of seconds looking for this "stance" and came up with nothing. The only reference to mental health I could find was an Independent enquiry commissioned by the BBC offering mental health support to witnesses who were affected by reliving their encounter with Westwood.

    Really, people should pipe down and let the Edwards family deal with their laundry in private.

    As long as mugs believe the man on the telly, this is very much in the public interest.

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  13. 23 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

    Up until around 20 years ago THE SUN was posting sexualised pictures of girls of 16 and sometimes younger indeed the when Murdoch took the paper over he built up its huge readership by posting such pictures on page three and the Daily Mirror (former owners of The Scum) soon copied him. Pictures of16 year old girls were frequesnt amougst those of 18 and 19 year olds  and neither paper seemed afraid to also post similar pictures of semi-attired 15 and sometimes 14 year old girls at the slightest excuse. On social media I am seeing dirty old men of 75+ ranting about Huw Edwards behaviour and then on following posts reposting Page 3 images from 50 years olf of what would now would be classed as undergage girls. Yes Huw Edwards behaviour was wrong but it does not match what the likes of Savile and some of the others were up to.

    He wasn't raping people in hospital beds as per Savile, but his actions were still predatory. The mindset is not dissimilar.

    The page 3 topless pictures are false equivalence. Had another shitty rag made the Edwards allegations it wouldn't be of consequence. It's just the usual see through libtard deflection tactic.

  14. Just now, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Er, no. Huw has been a bloody idiot by the sounds of it. But no more than many others who aren’t put in the stocks for it. 

    Thanks for playing, though. 

    The only person playing is you with yourself. I don't give a fuck about these media arseholes. 

  15. 25 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    I am some distance away, but this story has me confused now. Huw appears to have been caught paying for sexual services on the internet. The police say he has no case to answer, currently at least. The young unnamed provider of said sexual services says there’s no case to answer. The mob cry cover up and wave their pitchforks as they were asked, of course. Opportunistic colleagues with an axe to grind pile in with “he sent me a late night text and signed off with an X!” - please. The Sun, serving as some Orwellian moral guardian, seem to have based their story on the outrage of parents appalled by their offspring’s life choices, and are now in full reverse-ferret claiming no criminality was alleged, while screengrabs suggesting otherwise are preserved in internet aspic.

    A middle aged man, otherwise respectable, lies in a psychiatric hospital dealing with the fallout of thinking with his cock as his poor wife picks up the pieces. Thirty five grand will soon look like chicken feed. Being stupid on the internet and thinking with your cock. Something hundreds of thousands of men do every day, including some here I shouldn’t wonder. It’s stupid, grubby, and isn’t for the dinner table, but I wouldn’t fancy a British tabloid giving someone I love a public enema much either, thanks. 

    No laws appear to have been broken thus far. Yet the usual suspects line up with Murdoch to denounce the BBC as paedo central and want it scrapped/defunded/turned over to private capital. These people would perhaps do well to reflect on the company they keep and the standards The Sun has championed down the years. The disgusting creature that is Kelvin McKenzie perhaps as exhibit A. 

    What frustrates me is the targets these people pick for the full pack of hounds treatment. Meanwhile, Boris gets to ennoble his intern, withhold his phone from a public enquiry, and cavort with the KGB while Foreign Secretary. Gets a soft focus new dad piece in The Mail. George Osbourne might have done something unspeakable, says a mysterious email. Michelle Mone gets a nine figure sum for not much and spunks it on a yacht, while public servants are told to try a little harder if they want a cost of living rise. All with not a murmur from the Nations favourite comic. 

    They’re laughing at you. And you love them for it. 

    Doc, anyone with any discernment knows the media are all lying bastards, drip feeding the masses, long before Huw Edwards had certain maladjusted ways of reaching the vinegar strokes.

    I have quite enjoyed two competing factions of the MSM arguing with each other, both parties are the enemy of all decent people.

    Now we have a situation where a pervert is painted as the victim because his media friends and hanger-on acolytes are all cock sucking liberal arseholes. 

    You fit this bill perfectly with the utter dogshit you have written.

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  16. One can only read between the lines as to what the fuck is or isn't going on.

    We know Murdoch and his media organisations need euthanising in the public interest, we also know the BBC is a vital state organ that will never be surrendered.

    Another sexual scandal would be deeply damaging for the BBC.

    I think the alleged crack using young person has been paid off.

  17. Alistair Campbell still being at liberty to shit over liar Johnson is an indicator of how corrupt this country is and has been for decades. I wonder how low the nadir will be.


    Personally, I would love to see Zahawi, Javid, Sunak, Blair and Hancock set on fire. That would indicate the nadir has passed.

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  18. 7 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    I think most of us have had good reason to despise these arseholes for years. Weird, bespectacled vitamin pushers with a hugely inflated sense of self worth. They lurk away behind their racks of mysterious boxes, pushing fearsome middle aged witches out front to huff loudly when you ask whether it’s really necessary to wait an hour for someone to find omeprazole off the shelf and wrap it in a bag for you.

    They will delight in lingering an extra ten minutes in their fortified lair waiting for the anxious hypochondriacs stalking their aisles to load up on supplements, protein shakes and moisturiser, thus keeping their BMW in petrol another week. Always ready with a suck of the teeth if you want more than six paracetamol or recommending an urgent GP appointment if you think your new blood pressure medicine might be giving you itchy teeth. Happy of course to branch out into travel medicine (“have you bought some of this DEET spray, only £30”) or health checks (have you noticed our range of slimming shakes, fatty?), they’ll be content to milk the public for evermore whilst taking zero clinical responsibility. The added pleasure of torturing the spotty youth who wants some Durex or the morning after pill is a huge rush for these power hungry maniacs. 

    Now, noted son of pharmacist Rishi Sunak wants to give them free reign to solve the UK GP access crisis. In so doing, antibiotic stewardship goes out the fucking window and the coming multi-resistant superbug gets moved forward a decade. Fuck them and their dispensing-fee fuelled bullshit. It’s about time Amazon moved into prescription meds and consigned these dinosaurs to the days of fucking leeches. Cunts.

    I dunno Doc. The state of medicine in the average hospital pretty much fucks up the good work in Primary Care in not prescribing antibiotics. Every poor old bastard that turns up off the back of the yellow taxis is treated for an infection and gets a bucket load of multiple intravenous antibiotics. It's all sepsis.... apparently.

    I wouldn't knock pharmacists too much. It takes a lot of money to set up your own independent shop and you need to be open long hours to be dispensing a lot of FP10's to make it pay. Selling a few dunkies and vitamins is not something I would begrudge them.

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  19. 3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

    Ah yes, the dreaded datasets, hated by some conspiracy theorists as they look at the greater picture. That is not to say individuals do not have an agonising story to share but IMO the Mark Steyn approach of cherry-picking, ambulance chasing and drawing baseless conclusions from same is simply evil and wholly irresponsible when one considers that nearly a year ago some 142 million doses of an allegedly "untried, untested and experimental" vaccine have been administered in the UK alone.

    As for you last sentence, this has galvanised me into thinking about my relationship with The Corner (amongst other things) something I've been minded about for a few months. Here's a clue.


    If the data is anything like Pfizer’s trial, people removed due to adverse events etc, then it is horseshit.

    Just because billions of doses have been administered through inducements and coercion, it doesn’t imply a safe profile. 



  20. 1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

    Whilst I'm sorry to read of your son's injuries and the passing away of the next door neighbour and your brother-in-law I would contend that in the real world public health decisions are made on the findings of assimilated data and not by personal anecdotes and guesswork. You're gonna need a larger sick bag.

    And therein lies the problem. We have reduced public health to a dataset. The narrative is safe and effective, anything else is conspiracy and is not listened to let alone thoroughly investigated.

    I know you are not sorry, because if you were you would have had the decency to send me a PM.

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  21. 9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

    We've covered the non-story about periods before...

    Define "so many".

    Why are you revisiting baseless anti-vax stories? You need to step out of your lonely echo chamber. Seeing an older bird indeed...:rolleyes:

    The data doesn’t say , so it ain’t happening… keep sticking to the safe and effective narrative, we must because we put the entire farm on it.

    Meanwhile, in the real World, away from the black and white spreadsheet, people are experiencing different outcomes.

    I know death happens, I have seen many tragedies in my 30 years of clinical practice. As well, as my Son’s injury from these injections, my 50 year old neighbour’s fatal collapse whilst jogging due to pulmonary embolism last August, he was not on regular medications, fit and well, running two to three times a week for years, I can now add my 51 year old brother-in-law, no regular medications normotensive and a regular runner who collapsed and died today. 

    You make me want to vomit.


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