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Posts posted by ratcum

  1. 22 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    As long as the Englishman is Douglas Murray and as long as whatever he's got is terminal.

    The kike shill has been all over the news condemning so called "anti-Semitic" conspiracy theories and generally trying to mumble Zionist bollocks whilst simultaneously gagging on Bibi's cock. And this is the cunt who has spent half his professional life peddling the idea of Eurabia!

    Hardly surprising that a Jew lover is a hypocrite, not when he's spent his life fan-boying over the most hypocritical maggots to ever be "chosen" by God.

    ..er, yes

  2. 16 hours ago, Roadkill said:

    My car has an automatic parking mode. Only ever used it once or twice because the actual process of getting it to understand what you want is about as complicated as docking the Titanic to the ISS. Very impressive watching the wheel spin itself as you control the accelerator and brakes, but you'd never get it set up faster than just doing it yourself or just finding somewhere else to park. Reverse cameras you can somewhat justify for bigger vans or busses, but not a fucking family hatchback.


    Good old Killer! Like a cockless zombie; fucking furious

  3. 32 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Gear change indicator. A fucking light that keeps flashing to tell you to change up every time it hits 1900 RPM. I particularly like the way it keeps doing it when you’re in fifth gear and there isn’t a sixth gear. 
     I intentionally bought a bare bones car with as few modern features as possible, but that’s the one niggle I have with it. 

    buying a car with only one nigg*r is reasonable in these dark times Authoritah

  4. On 10/10/2023 at 18:43, entitled little cunt said:

    The london  Jewish  community  are  behaving in a dignified manner considering terrorists have attacked and murdered 260 of their young in cold blood .Muslim hamas terrorists have also taken hostages , women and young kids .Its no surprise , it does seem to be their speciality. 

    By comparison  celebrations on the streets of London by pro terrorist organisation supporters has been unsurprisingly far from dignified. They have intimidated and instilled fear into law abiding londoners .Jewish businesses have been smashed reminiscent of crystalnacht.

    This has been allowed  to happen under the nose of Khan .Groups of openly anti semitic barbarians hanging  out of vehicles in Central London screaming death to Jews.

    How can Khan allow this to happen with just a few chosen words of pretend condemnation.Khan is really going to get himself into trouble , police send in the heavy squad to break up a group of ladies protesting about violence against women  and assault and batter .

    In the events of the past few days the met  stand back and allow openly racist and anti semitic threats of violence and criminal damage against Jewish owned business. Quite possibly under that disgusting despot Khan the Met  police is openly racist. It certainly seems that way to Jewish people .



    Ultimately, British and American jews will pay a terrible price for their traitorous support of pisrael. As much as £7.50 I reckon

  5. 9 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

    Of course, it’s blindingly obvious that any confused newbie would run to the Corner’s most talented for advice. Barmy old cancer-eyed shitcunt.

    DC, I'm getting Brexit crowd funding to tow that Bibby Stockholm to Rwanda. The thickos will pay top dollar to get rid of Johnnie Muslim and probably have no idea Rwanda is landlocked. Are you in?

  6. 10 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

    You are such a funny little man.

    I had a fucked up dream last night Lady P. 

    I was being chased by a Portuguese Man O'War jellyfish, the ones with those fuckin big crinkly sails on top. Turns out it was your clitoris. 


    • Like 3
  7. 8 hours ago, Decimus said:

    I can picture him now, head in the oven with the Littlest Hobo hanging out of his Sephardic starfish.

    Woof woof woof "I vos just following orders."


    I see the lovely Roger Waters has fallen foul of the skinless sausage brigade Deco. Egotistical twat or not, we should be supporting his arse at this difficult time. Let folk rise up and storm break loose!!

  8. On 07/08/2023 at 23:39, judgetwi said:

    Unless you are a Yank they are called films….. not fucking “movies”.

    I could be wrong but I suspect you are not from the United States but are just a brain dead wanker. Some people might argue that’s one and the same thing but I look at President Biden and……. Oh shit! 

    You tell him Jewdy! I think we called them 'flicks' and 'pictures' so I hope that's okay? 😐

  9. On 07/05/2023 at 11:44, Eric Cuntman said:

    He might talk to Jelly-tot. He finds you too abstract.

    In the life of Das Rat, Jelly Tot was an outlier. He did however support Frank, for the manner in which the latter challenged witless cretins coves like Rothers. This freed Tot up for his crusade against fascist vegetables and israeli fruit exports.  

  10. 1 hour ago, Decimus said:

    Didn't you say that you once played golf with Prince Andrew? Is that where you got that famous quote that saw you banned for over a year- "Everyone has slept with someone underage".


    Fuck off.

    Deco I feel you should know that Miriam Margolis has been giving me the horn

    • Like 1
  11. On 20/04/2023 at 19:42, Decimus said:

    Have you done anything to commemorate the special occasion today, Ratty? I've been educating people in the pub that the ball point pen wasn't invented when Annie Frankenburg was playing hide and seek and making up naughty lies in her diary.

    got to give it to her old man Deco: made millions out of her random jottings  but not before editing out the toxic bitching and small minded parts. 

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