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Prints Harry

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Everything posted by Prints Harry

  1. @Earl of Punkape has never posted anything to indicate that he is anything othr than an heterosexual male of the catholic persuasion.
  2. Have a good time Punkape .. doubtless this little fool Billy will be left buried in a bunker somewhere. lol
  3. What is the Sporadic-E situation at the moment?
  4. May I remind you that having diabetes mellitus and being well versed in the treatment thereof does not entitle you to call you self a "doctor".
  5. For all his bluster Punker's might actually be a very good golfer and up to par in that sport .. in fact this is far more likely to be the truth than our own "Dr" Cunt actually being a medical practitioner or indeed holding any kind of qualification that entitles him to use the "doctor" embellishment.
  6. So after all this gobbing off it turns out that you are a traffic Warden .. YES DECCO is a FUCKING METER MAID!
  7. That does not matter .. your brain has never been alive.
  8. You are the best on here Frank.
  9. No the shit that spews from your mouth continuously.
  10. No he wears a deerstalker and knocks about with a companion who he calls Dr Watson.
  11. He has got piles in his mouth from doing blow jobs.
  12. I know a geezer from whitechapel who can get you a 60 inch one for twenty quid.
  13. German steel .. Ratty will know where it is.
  14. So unless he fucks up Boris will be t he next pm
  15. Adolf Hitler was a Catholic.
  16. I do quite a lot of reading about WW2. There more than a hint of evidence that the western allies could have got to Berlin before the soviets but chose not to for political reasons. One being that the soviets would be faced with doing the dirty work in in decapitating national socialism and also cleaning up the mess that the allied bombing had caused. The soviets actually used ruthless methods in the clean up process in that the best rations were given to the people who were physically able to do the clearing up work with lower rations given to the elderly and disabled. All things that the other allies might have found difficult to do. Of course the other issue were the fanatical nazis who had to be dealt with and have 12 years of brainwashing removed, what better cure than wash our hands of it and let the soviets sort that out?
  17. The BBC is as guilty as the lowest tabloid for sensational and inaccurate headlines. Jack Shepherd was rightly convicted of the manslaughter of Charlotte brown and received to me a lenient jail sentence. It is correct to say that he was grossly reckless and negligent .. However i did not set out to either kill or injure Charlotte Brown and to call him a killer is wrong. That term might be correct to apply to someone who set out to injure and maim but actually kills someone might be correct but is not in this case. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-48701877
  18. Loss of a much loved pet is something that is often hard to cope with but there is help and support out there. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/animal-attachment/201703/6-ways-say-i-care-friends-who-are-facing-pet-loss
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