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King Billy

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Posts posted by King Billy

  1. On 22/04/2024 at 18:56, camberwell gypsy said:

    Nope. I feel that it will do to keep the Ivans at arms length but to beat them is an other matter. When that runs out  they expect another handout and it may be the Don with his size 11s under the Oval office desk and he'll tell the pint size action man to fuck off, the wallet is closed. I can only see a Russian victory. 

    Putin isn’t the bad guy in this CIA orchestrated puppet show. He’s just the carefully manufactured ‘pantomime villain’ who’s been prodded and poked into a corner by NATO  for at least a decade, but has refused to roll over and suck the cock of the globalist cabal.

    And good on him too.

  2. To all you ‘woolly backs’ (sheep) who’ve been wondering why shit loads of young and middle aged people who were fit and healthy pre-plandemic aren’t anymore? Why are almost every type of aggressive cancers, inflammatory heart conditions, blood clots and life threatening neurological disorders currently showing at never before seen levels in millions of people across the world? (if they’re not already dead due to some unexplained medical intervention  that isn’t allowed to be discussed, but occurred in late 2021)?

    Well here’s the thing. Unlike me, every one of you clever cunts who obediently rolled up your sleeves, and queued up, clapping like performing seals for your Pfizer, Moderna etc. cocktail are now unwittingly in the same queue, but this time you’re in the fast track queue for your final farewell.

    I wish I could say I didn’t warn you, and feel sorry for you all, but that wouldn’t be true as I did warn you all and I don’t feel one bit sorry that you’re all terminally fucked.

    So ‘Cheerio and fuck off. See you on the other side’ 👋

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  3. 1 minute ago, Wolfie said:

    With a bit of Bresslaw Photoshopping, it might just as easily be the picture accompanying Pen's very brief obituary.

    Pen’s obituary, if and when I saw it would probably (very temporarily) arouse me on a similar scale to the picture. 

  4. 1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

    She's a very nice lady with the general publics best interests at heart. She's so selfless.Although she's very successful she still wants to make sure there's  enough to bury those who have been less fortunate than herself .She's a fucking legend and a true committed socialist. 

    She’s a cunt.

  5. On 22/04/2024 at 00:28, Dyslexic cnut said:

    My son is 23 years of age. He has an Honours Degree from a reputable University in Business and Marketing and makes a pretty good living trading Bitcoin and other NFT type shit that I don’t understand.

    Unfortunately, he gleans all of his political opinions from the inter webs and cunts like Andrew Tate. In short, he’ll espouse any conspiracy theory known to man. Be it JFK, Hitler was a decent man, Putin is the kind of President that the West needs, homosexuals should be killed and he’d never marry a ‘Western woman’ because they are all ‘cunts’ and Islam has it right.

    The last one is a bit odd in that he seems perfectly fucking happy asking his mother to do his washing when he has a mummy-funded, brand new and serviceable washing machine and dryer in his apartment.

    We bought him an air fryer as one of his Xmas presents. When we dropped his fucking washing off last week, the missus noted that his air-fryer had not been used. When she asked him why he said…’Teflon makes men gay!’ Apparently, non-stick technology is resulting in rampant homosexuality and cancer. Conversely, snorting beak, smoking weed and guzzling MDMA every weekend is a healthy option. What a fucking cunt generation of ill-informed wankers…going forward…we’re fucked with this lot.

    Denise Bulger doesn’t know how fucking lucky she is.

  6. 8 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

    He chucked me out of the shop when I asked him if he had any big rubber "O" rings.

    He probably spotted what he assumed to be a very large ferret moving around in your Y-fronts.

    Kill yourself and save someone else the trouble.

  7. On 23/04/2024 at 13:27, Ape™️ said:

    I was referring to your oh-so-hilarious writing style, where you cleverly dropped in some French words for comedic effect. Or not, as it turns out, you fucking idiot.

    Mon Diue, you’re fucking spot on Ape. I reckon it’s au revoir to him apres this cafouiller.

  8. 2 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

    He does it deliberately, to fool us all into thinking he’s not an alien.

    Of course he’s an alien. Deep fried Mars Bars are deadly poisonous to Earthlings.

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  9. On 21/04/2024 at 08:02, entitled little cunt said:

    Fellatio , a true  Italian  grand master

    The Fiat Fellatio was probably his finest design masterpiece, a true work of automotive art, but sadly no examples  survived more than one rainy winter, before being reduced to a pile of soggy crumbling rusty debris, rather like the contents of Angela Rayners big sexy knickers.

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