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King Billy

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Posts posted by King Billy

  1. 14 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    Yeah, right. Who wouldn't want to live in Rotherham, Bradford, Sheffield, Ponterfract or Huddersfield. How could Norfolk, or indeed anywhere in the south, compare to such cultural delights.

    You fucking idiot.

    He’s definitely a cab driver in one of those shitholes. He obviously lives in another place in case he gets recognised by parents or social workers of the poor helpless  individuals him and his gang help out with free booze and fags etc etc etc

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Erroreptile404 said:

    Again that sounds more like the south you painfully unfunny, dreary fucking prick. Kill yourself. We actually have garages on our houses here that can fit two cars as well as a workshop while you live in little one bedroom rabbit hutches in shithole areas full of crime. How's that sharia law coming along? lol

    Not sure, but if you have a drive around Bradford, Rochdale,Rotherham,Skipton, Leeds, Keighley or just pull back the corrugated iron and look out your window you should get a pretty good update Abdul. Sorry to hear about your impending death.    (Sorry it’s taking so long)

  3. 17 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

    The only culture he knows, is the fungus growth on his kitchen sink/come public baths. They even share toothbrushes & dentures and second-hand cotton buds are a roaring trade as so too are flunkies. They're the only race that uses both sides of a bog roll and then rinse it through, peg it up to dry and sell it to the highest bidder... The only poxy things they've managed to export are The Stringed Vest and Spring Onion crisps. 

    My uncle married a girl from Leeds when I was a kid and moved up there. My mum told everyone he had been killed in a car crash

  4. 7 minutes ago, Erroreptile404 said:

    I mean fuck, the extension on his house he got recently cost more than the mortgage on your wooden shack in swampland. Not From Yorkshire either although i've heard it's vastly nicer than your neck of the woods.

    It’s not really an extension though. 100 years ago down south they were all the rage for the nouveau riche. Outside toilets I believe they came to be known as.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

    The only culture he knows, is the fungus growth on his kitchen sink/come public baths. They even share toothbrushes & dentures and second-hand cotton buds are a roaring trade as so too are flunkies. They're the only race that uses both sides of a bog roll and then rinse it through, peg it up to dry and sell it to the highest bidder... The only poxy things they've managed to export are The Stringed Vest and Spring Onion crisps. 

    Silicone Valley Keighley. You won’t find a cheaper pair of secondhand tits this side of Watford Gap

  6. 6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    I'm not sure what the relevance of your uncle is here, reptile. Beyond the fact that he lives in a Wendy House and has a paper round, am I supposed to be jealous of him because he spent a couple of dubious nights camping with you on t'moor?

    At the 5 star Hindleys luxury campsite on Ilkley Moor

  7. 11 hours ago, The Beast said:

    From where I am standing, we have a process that has long been in chaos, now we have the input of Steptoe, a proper Euro sceptic, even more confusion will result. Parliament is about as much use as a eunuch at a cum bank in knowing what it wants and 12th April is looming. I still see only one outcome.

    Nuclear war?

    • Like 2
  8. Has she ever interviewed Lembit Opik? Or has she ever been seen with the banana faced libtard cunt. No, because the Bum Bandit Copulation have a LGBT quota to fill and these two are made for the job. Same fucking person, no doubt about it. If anybody who wasn’t a complete Cunt tuned into the BBC by accident they would have been rumbled by now.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    'Where da white wimmin at?'

    At home scratching their fat arses, stuffing themselves full of Doritos, watching ‘ Loose Wimmin’ and moaning about their work never being done.

  10. 13 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

    Are you having a slow motion breakdown? 

    We tend to think of mental breakdowns as huge, cataclysmic moments that change your life in the blink of an eye. One day you're working your bollocks off, coping with the stressors of life, the next day you're sobbing uncontrollably in the office, or completely unable to get out of bed to cook breakfast. But mental breakdowns are not always these dramatic, rapid events where your world is instantaneously falls down around you and knocks you for six like a Gary Sobers.  

    The slow-motion breakdown phenomenon is on the increase and it can push you to the edge like a wobbly face, or a plate of bread & butter pudding.

    See the source image 

    Hello!  Is it me you’re looking for?  I can see it in your eyes. Etc. Etc.

  11. On 24/03/2019 at 23:27, Eric Cuntman said:

    I quite fancy myself as an African warlord. I'm getting a gold plated Kalashnikov, a black Mercedes covered in dust, and some nice sunglasses.

    And a council house in London

  12. 1 minute ago, 'eavensabove said:

    I'd wager that he furnished Elton's ring piece. 

    Paddy Power would probably take that bet but the odds wouldn’t be great. Double it up with Graham Norton would possibly make it a worthwhile little fun bet.

  13. On 01/05/2017 at 16:02, Eric Cuntman said:

    Clarkson as Director General of the BBC would get them back on track, failing that let's have him, Hammond and May back on Top Gear. The latest incarnation with Joey from Friends and the ethnic brothers is total shite, I'd rather watch the old ones on Dave.

    Once the eu directive that stops all cars exceeding the speed limit is implemented Top Gear will be such a hoot. Lamborghini v Ferrari v Porsche ‘ Which can get to 20 mph quickest?’ James May roadtests the new disabled scooter and Hammond tells how he walked away from his latest low speed crash, and Clarkson decides that coming back was a big mistake and chins the producer he threatened last time. Happy days eh? Fucking cunts. The Stig reveals himself to be Stephen Hawking who’se faked his own death as if anyone gives a fuck and Sadiq Khan announces that pushbikes have failed his new emission tests and will be taxed accordingly. Who said things couldn’t get better?

  14. 13 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

    There is an alternative ya know...Ireland could go n talk to the frog and the hun on your behalf ..tell them ya had a bit of a brain fart from too much frosty jack and watchin zulu too many times that yer sorry for the mess n bygones be bygones and all that 


    Or they  could go round to your house, make sure you’re in and blow it up.

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