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King Billy

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Posts posted by King Billy

  1. 7 hours ago, The Bishop said:

    For a couple of short years there was the hope that our nation would be free again. Sadly our foolish masters have decided that they know "best" and the dream is over. Welcome to the flag that we will all now bow down before or be treated as traitors.


    Your dreams all end with you running to get some tissue and then changing your pyjama bottoms

  2. 16 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    I watched Barney's last game before retirement against Van Gerwyn in the Premiership, last night. And true to script, he got fucking hammered. It was in Rotterdam and he gave a speech in Dutch to the crowd. It was quite emotional. This morning the orange cunt has decided to rethink his retirement. 

    I find the darts boring since Phil Taylor packed it in. Cant really get interested in any of these cunts getting hammered by the orange mong. At least Taylor could still give him a run even though he was well past his best. All these other cunts play great until they meet MVG and then turn to jelly, except Anderson occasionally. And as for the BDO Why the fuck do they bother cos they really are shite

  3. On 24/03/2019 at 15:56, Eric Cuntman said:

    If you're at home, any chance you could nip down to the Venue Cymru and kick Ronnie O'Sullivan in the bollocks? 

    And if the ref calls a miss you can keep kicking over and over again until you get him right on the Bell end

  4. 56 minutes ago, The Bishop said:

    I was talking to a wee scottish bus driver yesterday. When I asked why he moved to the West Country .. his answer was "That little poisoned dwarf called Nicola Sturgeon".

    What’s left of Hadrian’s Wall is only about 3 ft high but I suppose the Romans weren’t stupid and why waste materials when the average height of the little angry sweaty socks is only around 2’ 6” Horrible little McCunties

  5. 15 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    If I was a  bloke up in court accused of raping her my defence would be to fall about laughing and between breaths saying "Surely you fucking jest". 

    A plea of insanity would surely be guaranteed to ensure a not guilty verdict.

  6. 21 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

    Nobody can be better off outside the top 3% earners.    Real earnings have not risen for working class people in any western country since 1979.  That includes USA.     The fact is big corporates and economy conglomerates like the EU have surpressed wage growth to ensure they stay competitive with the emerging world economies of Chine, India, Brazil, etc.    so to remain competitive and to prevent your fucking jobs being moved to these countries you have to face being paid the same.  Downward pressure on western world wages has therefore been in affect for decades.   This in micro terms is what the EU has done with Eastern European wage competition driving down Western European wages.   In order for Europe to be competitive with China.     All the major German manufacturers shifted production to places like the Czech Republic years ago.   If their other staff demand wage rises above normal they get threatened with moving production.   Jaguar have just opened in the Czech republic for the same tactic.  Fucking cunts.

    Have you seen the new Jaguar Fabia?

  7. 6 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

    I have no problem with dogs.  Don't misunderstand the intention of this nom.  It isn't to slate dogs, it is incite the general public into a blood frenzy to butcher cunts who do this shit to dogs.  Who speak like this with their dogs.  Dogs are great companions, but you have to work within their capabilities.  Fucking flid humans who pull this shit should skinned alive and dipped in a brine of salt and Pen piss.  

    I’ve trained my dog to lick pedigree chum off my arse

  8. 45 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    They wont change it because they'll be too busy fucking moaning about changing it. 

    Before changing a eurobulb it’s important to check all relevant eu safety, lgbt, anti Islamic, anti Semitic, disability, anti bullying, anti sexism, pro eu, anti British regulations, so it wouldn’t be a quick or easy job and maybe having considered all these unforeseen problems to what at first seemed a simple task, perhaps  a couple of highly trained Eastern Europeans could be found to save the day. Otherwise we might as well just admit defeat and cancel Brexit.

  9. 3 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

    How many remoaners does it take to change a lightbulb?

    Well, are we sure the bulb is dead in the first place? Has it been reported in the Guardian and on the BBC? Have we checked the connection between the socket and the bulb? Could there be some dirt between the socket and the bulb and could it have been placed there by racists and homophobes? Has anyone checked the wiring and the integrity of the building itself? Could it be that the working class, and almost certainly Islamophobe and transphobic, tenants haven’t paid the bill to the foreign owned, taxpayer subsidised, energy company?

    I’ll tell you what, why don’t we just sit in the dark for a few years and blame it on the cunts who switched the light on in the first place?

    I’m sure they’ll own up to their mistake eventually.

    Yeah but when we, sorry if we, are allowed to leave the eu we won’t be able to buy bulbs cause all the shops will be closed down and there won’t be any electric because the frogs own all the energy companies and the channel tunnel will be closed apparently, unless we give the garlicky cunts all the money we have left and our only imported product will be asylum seeking 45 year old children. But still better than having to listen to all these fucking  cowardly treasonous cunts we call MPs right now.

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  10. On 26/03/2019 at 14:04, camberwell gypsy said:

    I believe one esteemed member of CC has a satellite dish in his garden that can get porn from even the far reaches of the old Soviet Asia,  that needs no porn pass. 

    I’ve got one of those videos on Betamax.  Sexy girls with beards go wild in khazakstan 2

  11. 3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Look, the filthy old cunt can barely restrain himself. Catholicism and Islam, two ideologies that could reasonably be outlawed, on the grounds of child sexual abuse alone.

    I hope that little boy got away unscathed. I dread to think what some of these religious loonies would be prepared to allow happen to their kids, in return for a promise of a place in heaven.

    An early Michael Jackson video ?

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  12. On 26/03/2019 at 09:08, The Bishop said:

    Yesterday a British Airways plane landed at Edinburgh instead of Dusseldorf .. these days that is a very easy mistake to make.

    That’s really strange cos an Ethiopian Airlines plane landed 3 hours ahead of schedule in a field, another easy mistake to make

  13. 4 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

    I don't think this qualifies as a race issue. However there are some serious questions that do not seem to have been raised by news item. Ignore the IOPC as they have proven to be whitewashing quango. Firstly, the police should not have been removed Ms Moloney's phone/camera until she had been formerly arrested. Most seriously, the article said that the police went to Ms Moloney's home for the purpose of arresting her. The article does not say if the police were investigating a summary or an indictable offence. If it was the former then the police cannot travel to a suspect's home with the express purpose of arresting him/her without a signed warrant. As the police have also ignored their own policy and procedures the complaint needs to be investigated preferably by way of a judicial review. Ms Moloney has a good case for pursuing a civil lawsuit.

    At least she didn’t end up face down in the river with some cunt pulling her onboard with a magnet. Just depends on the mood of the pigs I suppose. So Ms Baloney should maybe be thankful and just fuck off back to potato land.

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