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Cunts who wear white Dinner Jackets in the Uk


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Occasionally in the Uk you see some arsehole in a white dinner jacket.A catastrophic social faux-pas such a this is usually committed by the nouveau-riches or some cunt from Yorkshire.They are shunned like Aids ridden lepers. White dinner jackets are perfectly acceptable in the tropics or on a cruise,never in the UK. I wear mine for an assortment of social functions when I'm in Barbados or other parts of the West Indies.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest KuntaCunty

Whatever happened to Noms like this ?


Judge condemned the authors as utter cunts, and derailed every effort at discussion.  White dinner jackets are for cunts and wait staff. 

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Guest JackoTC

Judge condemned the authors as utter cunts, and derailed every effort at discussion.  White dinner jackets are for cunts and wait staff. 

And he was absolutely right for once !

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