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Faith vs Stupidity?


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Guest Alfie Noakes

You religious cunts are willing slaves and sheep who cannot accept that you are deluded by blind faith and indoctrination. If all you can do is say double disabled toilet to that then you are the one that should be using it and the spacko parking spaces you deserve. Brainwashed dickhead cunt.

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You religious cunts are willing slaves and sheep who cannot accept that you are deluded by blind faith and indoctrination. If all you can do is say double disabled toilet to that then you are the one that should be using it and the spacko parking spaces you deserve. Brainwashed dickhead cunt.

Too rude, minkey! There is only one God.... Kleftikos Marracus.
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God (for want of a better word) exists. Just not in a way that any of these bullshit religions can even begin to comprehend.

God is the unknown force that brings life to all living things. It doesnt need worshipping or offerings or anything like that. All that is required is we stop behaving like cunts.


Goes off to hug trees and eat lentils.

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Guest nobgobbler

Oh no he isn't. That's Mohammed the pickpocket looking for a free meal after his perilous journey balancing on the lorry axle to the sway of the ferry. 



Seem to be suffering from large finger syndrome, every time I go to open a thread it seems to go straight to the members page.

Zip your flies up.

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There is no empirical evidence of a God - thus the employment of the word 'faith'.


I have lived in my house for over 15 years during which time no religious group has 'come to my door' to 'convert' me.


During that period however, I have seen hundreds of bolshie postings from atheists along the lines of the OP here, demanding 'proof' of a God, belittling those who have faith, sneering and mocking them for their stupidity and, worse still, for their acquiescence and responsibility to / for Paedophile priests / Muslim beheadings / wars, sum sodomy and the lash.


Just who has the closed minds here?


Just who are the proseletyzers and zealots?


Just who is attempting to deny someone suffering and troubled some small sliver of comfort and hope?


Contrary to what might be portrayed, I'm not religious or have faith. I'm also not a vegetarian but am happy to let those who are get on with their lives and respect their lifestyle choices.


I certainly suspect that if my child had terminal cancer (as a for example), that I would get down on my knees and pray and would not care a toss what anyone else thought or said about me.


Doubtless though, there are many big-bollocked 'don't give a hang' tough guys who would refuse to do that, given the absolute certainty of their atheistic convictions

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I have lived in my house for over 15 years during which time no religious group has 'come to my door' to 'convert' me...


Just who are the proseletyzers and zealots?


One of the many sub-points here, though, is that this is exactly what the believers of even the most mainstream religions are supposed to do. I would be the first to laugh in the face of any mad fuck Jehovah's Witness or Mormon who had the folly to show up at my front door, but at least they're practicing what they preach.


As Robert Heinlein wrote, “Stupid is stupid; faith doesn't make it smart.”

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God is the unknown force that brings life to all living things. It doesnt need worshipping or offerings or anything like that. All that is required is we stop behaving like cunts.

Fuck me, we have a Jedi Knight in our midst! Beware the dark side, you must.

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Can't use fucking cunting quotes as per bloody usual so this is back at Bawsy for his penultimate posting:


That's sort of my point.


There's all these things that organised religion is supposed to be about, but the day-to-day reality is, in my personal experience stuff like coffee mornings in support of Oxfam, bellringing meetings, church youth groups / sunday schools.


And before you dismiss this as laughably twee, it may well be - but these are scenarios played out up and down the land day in, day out - but of course, Jihadist beheadings and nonce priests garner so much more publicity, don't they?

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We have a supposedly religious cunt standing in front of a camera and cutting off a innocent defenceless mans head, cunts taking flying lessons to fly planes into buildings, cunts supposedly religious sneaking into the uk grabbing all our benefits then slagging off the western world, community respected clergy abusing our offspring or condoning terrorism and the list could go on and on. I despise religion and all it stands for, it being the root of all evil and prejudice but if that's what floats your boat no problem but for me its buoyancy. My personal opinion on them all is a load of cunts who won't accept when you pop your clogs there is no more full stop just as it was before you were born. But I say to you all, when you expire your welcome to come and stoke my furnace.

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Yes I accept that, by definition, belief in a religion...a godhead....a spiritual 'other' implies belief (my words) brainwashing (yours).  Unless you go down the Anarchist route of 'any man who put his hand on me in government is my enemy' (and for man, also read 'religious belief system') then this is the reality of religious belief.


I suppose my point is where that belief leads us. For me I see it giving the vast majority succour and comfort and is a starting point for their 'goodness' (Christ what a word!), though I accept you don't have to be a believer to be a good person. Yes there's the 'God Hates Fags' and ISIS crews but  fuck them eh?


Anyway, I run the risk of coming off like a tub-thumping Bible-basher which I'm not. I just don't like atheists repeatedly ganging up on the vast majority of believers who have nothing to do with extremism, hatred and have no wish to be put on the spot to 'prove' their God exists, when belief by its definition, is the antithesis to provable fact

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maybe perhaps his other ones aren't - multi ids are all of the rage on here for the lowlife.

I am only me - you posted -Please don't go by KC - now you think I am fake?




maybe time for me to move on, I don't understand this site.


Goodbye everyone from ProfB XXX

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What about Judge .. Judge is surely a god!

I don't know, Pen.. he's too bitter to be anything apart from a pen-pushing employee. An educated man who's failed to succeed in so many aspects of his life. A wasted talent.
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I am only me - you posted -Please don't go by KC - now you think I am fake?




maybe time for me to move on, I don't understand this site.


Goodbye everyone from ProfB XXX




Every time I look at you I get a fierce desire to finish you off with roasted butternut squash and red onions.

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