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Uneducated TV presenters who say "Somethink"

Guest nobgobbler

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The moon itself is fake. A projection in the sky what was put there by a ancient civilisation what lived on a big mountain and drank fermanted yak milk.

I thought everyone knew that?

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Yes, sorry. these presenters are cunts of the highest order. But the TV in general is a mass hypnosis device designed to make you a fuckwit so of course the presenters will be fuckwits.

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The moon itself is fake. A projection in the sky what was put there by a ancient civilisation what lived on a big mountain and drank fermanted yak milk.

I thought everyone knew that?


I want what you're having. Seems to work great.

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Guest KuntaCunty

How do these irritating twats get jobs on prime time TV programmes when they have little command of the English language? Fick cunts init.


Have you ever heard of the "casting couch?"  Many under-qualified, undereducated, bottom feeding cunts have landed good jobs that way. 

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The moon itself is fake. A projection in the sky what was put there by a ancient civilisation what lived on a big mountain and drank fermanted yak milk.

I thought everyone knew that?

Just found out about it.

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Guest nobgobbler

Do I go to the front of the queue in front of Grumps now then?

yes. I tried to please him but how could I have known? On arrival at rendezvous, a pavement cafe in a place called Brighton somewhere in Australia, I approached what appeared to be a smart looking gent in collar and tie, and bowler hat which I imagined was hiding an array of silver strands that would have glistened in the mid day sun given half a chance. He had a big red mobility scooter and everything a girl could want. He had nodded off, well I was fashionably late. I gently shook him by his drool soaked shoulder, and as he lifted his head I was startled by his face which I clocked for the first time. It wasn't the strong jaw and grumpy expression I was expecting. It was that fucking aussi tramp with black picket fence teeth and bollock breath that grumpy had met earlier. I can only assume grumps decided to stand me up. Shame he didn't keep in touch. Cunt.

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yes. I tried to please him but how could I have known? On arrival at rendezvous, a pavement cafe in a place called Brighton somewhere in Australia, I approached what appeared to be a smart looking gent in collar and tie, and bowler hat which I imagined was hiding an array of silver strands that would have glistened in the mid day sun given half a chance. He had a big red mobility scooter and everything a girl could want. He had nodded off, well I was fashionably late. I gently shook him by his drool soaked shoulder, and as he lifted his head I was startled by his face which I clocked for the first time. It wasn't the strong jaw and grumpy expression I was expecting. It was that fucking aussi tramp with black picket fence teeth and bollock breath that grumpy had met earlier. I can only assume grumps decided to stand me up. Shame he didn't keep in touch. Cunt.

That cunt! He swapped me a bag of weed for a loan of my bowler hat and scooter to increase his begging prospects. I went and blew a number behind a tree and kinda got high and wandered off. I'm sorry for standing you up nob as I was quite looking forward to sharing a scone with you over a pot of Earl Grey. We will have to reconvene at a more reputable establishment instead of the Brighton begging corner.
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That cunt! He swapped me a bag of weed for a loan of my bowler hat and scooter to increase his begging prospects. I went and blew a number behind a tree and kinda got high and wandered off. I'm sorry for standing you up nob as I was quite looking forward to sharing a scone with you over a pot of Earl Grey. We will have to reconvene at a more reputable establishment instead of the Brighton begging corner.

Brighton Begging Corner? BBC? I hope I don't detect some Radio DJ goings on here Grumpers.

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