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Guest Wizardsleeve
5 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

The way Sanders was stitch up by his own party speaks volumes about the corruption running through US politics, It's an interesting thing that most of the people that voted for Obama didn't vote for Clinton most of which were minorities and women, so to say that Trump voters are intrinsically racist and sexist is just wrong. I think that many people saw through the media bias bullshit seeing for what it was and just refused to be manipulated. Saying that, If Sanders hadn't been stitched up the DNC in favour of Killary I think he would probably have won the election despite offering up nothing other than the same old same old.

There is a conservative economist named "Krugman," if I remember correctly.  He was on the tele yesterday saying that Trumps economic plan spells global recession with no end in sight.  He has been seen stating that while Sanders' plans are socialist, they would be feasible and could be paid for, leaving no new debt and deficits, for the world to absorb through dodgy financial dealings.  Sanders was telling the people what they wanted to hear and how they wanted to hear it.  Note that want and NEED are more often than not, one and the same.  

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Guest Gong Farmer
7 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Some polls taken show that 55% of the yank righties live in fear of the left, and 49% live in the same fear of the right.  They claim the other sides policies aren't just bad but downright dangerous, and that no compromise can be made, for selling out the people and disenfranchising them from the system even further.  

They're going to self destruct.  We'll follow them down that happy path, because what happens there, happens here.  Only a matter of time.  Right, off to find a female urologist for a proper fingering!!  

The left is cannibalizing it's self, as is all of it's factions from third wave feminizm to it's progressive 'regressive' ideology. None of them agree with each other with their weakness being seated in them having no common ground. They've gone too far, they're nasty, intolerant and nqw resorting to violence to get their way, the extreme left is finished.

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Guest Gong Farmer
3 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

There is a conservative economist named "Krugman," if I remember correctly.  He was on the tele yesterday saying that Trumps economic plan spells global recession with no end in sight.  He has been seen stating that while Sanders' plans are socialist, they would be feasible and could be paid for, leaving no new debt and deficits, for the world to absorb through dodgy financial dealings.  Sanders was telling the people what they wanted to hear and how they wanted to hear it.  Note that want and NEED are more often than not, one and the same.  

I never believe what a socialist tells me. They always promise something for nothing and anything that's ree is always at the expense of someone else. On the other hand.Trump talking about bringing jobs back to America is a bit late in the day. The global economy is based on cheap goods made abroad. He'd have to convince Americans stop buying cheap foreign made goods for expensive American made goods. No ones going to do that, people want cheap and because they want cheap  western economies get fucked over. It's the people themselves that fuck up economies, not governments or global business. So good luck with that one.

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Just now, Gong Farmer said:

I never believe what a socialist tells me. They always promise something for nothing and anything that's ree is always at the expense of someone else. On the other hand.Trump talking about bringing jobs back to America is a bit late in the day. The global economy is based on cheap goods made abroad. He'd have to convince Americans stop buying cheap foreign made goods for expensive American made goods. No ones going to do that, people want cheap and because they want cheap  western economies get fucked over. It's the people themselves that fuck up economies, not governments or global business. So good luck with that one.


Just now, Wizardsleeve said:

There is a conservative economist named "Krugman," if I remember correctly.  He was on the tele yesterday saying that Trumps economic plan spells global recession with no end in sight.  He has been seen stating that while Sanders' plans are socialist, they would be feasible and could be paid for, leaving no new debt and deficits, for the world to absorb through dodgy financial dealings.  Sanders was telling the people what they wanted to hear and how they wanted to hear it.  Note that want and NEED are more often than not, one and the same.  

What is this?! Social studies at the Open University?! Stop having such a respectful conversation and call each other cunts for a bit!

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Guest DingTheRioja
14 minutes ago, Roadkill said:


What is this?! Social studies at the Open University?! Stop having such a respectful conversation and call each other cunts for a bit!


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Guest Wizardsleeve
1 hour ago, Roadkill said:


What is this?! Social studies at the Open University?! Stop having such a respectful conversation and call each other cunts for a bit!

Perhaps this will make you feel better, I know it will me....


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Guest nobgobbler
12 hours ago, Gong Farmer said:

I never believe what a socialist tells me. They always promise something for nothing and anything that's ree is always at the expense of someone else. On the other hand.Trump talking about bringing jobs back to America is a bit late in the day. The global economy is based on cheap goods made abroad. He'd have to convince Americans stop buying cheap foreign made goods for expensive American made goods. No ones going to do that, people want cheap and because they want cheap  western economies get fucked over. It's the people themselves that fuck up economies, not governments or global business. So good luck with that one.

It's easy. If he slaps a massive import tax on cheap shit they'd be happy to buy their own products.

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Guest Gong Farmer
35 minutes ago, nobgobbler said:

It's easy. If he slaps a massive import tax on cheap shit they'd be happy to buy their own products.

Except that they no longer make much of their own products anymore.

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Guest nobgobbler
16 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

Except that they no longer make much of their own products anymore.

Pretty much the same problem here in the uk. I tend not to buy much from the States because the uk import tax makes it too expensive. If Trump can create demand for local products by making the foreign shit less attractive they can create their own supply, assuming they have the skills. People want shit cheap but they don't necessarily want cheap shit, I know I don't. I could be wrong, perhaps the majority of people do want cheap shit these days as per primark etc, or at least they settle for cheap shit because it's shit cheap. Trump says he will get his people back to work. I hope that what he has in mind is a well made product at an appropriately higher price, although I suspect (aside from Michigan's car factory) they will end up with a chain of sweat shops making cheap shit, shit cheap. If due to their work ethic, the average yankee is happy to accept that, Trump could very well fulfill his promise. I wouldn't want to see a load of sweat shops sprawl out across the uk necessarily, nevertheless, good luck to him. (He might be an ugly cunt and a womaniser but he hasn't tried to touch my woo so I don't care.)

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Guest Lady Penelope
6 minutes ago, nobgobbler said:

Pretty much the same problem here in the uk. I tend not to buy much from the States because the uk import tax makes it too expensive. If Trump can create demand for local products by making the foreign shit less attractive they can create their own supply, assuming they have the skills. People want shit cheap but they don't necessarily want cheap shit, I know I don't. I could be wrong, perhaps the majority of people do want cheap shit these days as per primark etc, or at least they settle for cheap shit because it's shit cheap. Trump says he will get his people back to work. I hope that what he has in mind is a well made product at an appropriately higher price, although I suspect (aside from Michigan's car factory) they will end up with a chain of sweat shops making cheap shit, shit cheap. If due to their work ethic, the average yankee is happy to accept that, Trump could very well fulfill his promise. I wouldn't want to see a load of sweat shops sprawl out across the uk necessarily, nevertheless, good luck to him. (He might be an ugly cunt and a womaniser but he hasn't tried to touch my woo so I don't care.)

God help him if they insist on having two weeks a year holidays.

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Guest Lady Penelope
7 minutes ago, nobgobbler said:

Pretty much the same problem here in the uk. I tend not to buy much from the States because the uk import tax makes it too expensive. If Trump can create demand for local products by making the foreign shit less attractive they can create their own supply, assuming they have the skills. People want shit cheap but they don't necessarily want cheap shit, I know I don't. I could be wrong, perhaps the majority of people do want cheap shit these days as per primark etc, or at least they settle for cheap shit because it's shit cheap. Trump says he will get his people back to work. I hope that what he has in mind is a well made product at an appropriately higher price, although I suspect (aside from Michigan's car factory) they will end up with a chain of sweat shops making cheap shit, shit cheap. If due to their work ethic, the average yankee is happy to accept that, Trump could very well fulfill his promise. I wouldn't want to see a load of sweat shops sprawl out across the uk necessarily, nevertheless, good luck to him. (He might be an ugly cunt and a womaniser but he hasn't tried to touch my woo so I don't care.)

There was some amusement back in the late 1990s when the Britsh Rail freight sector was mostly sold to an americal railroad company with the promise of us pay rates and vacations. the american company had to have a quick rethink when they found out that the ex British Rail staff earned far more than their us employees for shorter hours and had much longer holidays.

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Guest Lady Penelope
1 hour ago, Gong Farmer said:

Except that they no longer make much of their own products anymore.

I think that their car factories are still churning out plenty of cars, what the issue is, is that moe people are buying cars and their own output is not matching the demand. I have rea that here is the uk we are making more cars than we have ever made in the past but that like the us we are not making enough to meet demand and the highly automated car factories perhaps only need 20% of the staff that they needed 40 years ago.

One area he could make work is ship building, as I remember on one progamme a ship builder making the comment that he could easily re-open the yard in Ulster that built the Titanic, the issue was the labour cost.

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Guest DingTheRioja
42 minutes ago, Snatch said:


Click on the trumpet or drag it around.

Not bad actually...


Back to the real world, supposedly 53% of white women voted for him, and 23% (20+ something, cant remember) of Latino women... only 5% black...

They're banging on about the white women (careful Neil) but I'm more interested in the Latinos (still careful Neil...)... do they not speak English?*



* Not racist, fairly serious, but taking the piss as well...

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Guest Gong Farmer
On 11-11-2016 at 11:41 AM, nobgobbler said:

Pretty much the same problem here in the uk. I tend not to buy much from the States because the uk import tax makes it too expensive. If Trump can create demand for local products by making the foreign shit less attractive they can create their own supply, assuming they have the skills. People want shit cheap but they don't necessarily want cheap shit, I know I don't. I could be wrong, perhaps the majority of people do want cheap shit these days as per primark etc, or at least they settle for cheap shit because it's shit cheap. Trump says he will get his people back to work. I hope that what he has in mind is a well made product at an appropriately higher price, although I suspect (aside from Michigan's car factory) they will end up with a chain of sweat shops making cheap shit, shit cheap. If due to their work ethic, the average yankee is happy to accept that, Trump could very well fulfill his promise. I wouldn't want to see a load of sweat shops sprawl out across the uk necessarily, nevertheless, good luck to him. (He might be an ugly cunt and a womaniser but he hasn't tried to touch my woo so I don't care.)

Trump's going to have his work cut out trying to export anything other than cars, car parts, aircraft, pharmaceuticals and agri chems. That's pretty much all that the US exports nowadays and is all pretty niche and limited as far as employment goes. The other option for him would be to allow limitless unchecked immigration from Mexico to work in the sweat shops to produce their own home grown cheap shit to flog to themselves and for export.

Seriously though, that is his dilemma but as a successful billionaire businessman that's more than capable of bagging the US presidency I'm sure that he'll find and amicale solution to the problem of getting the US back on track and back in business along with regaining respect for the country.

 I think the bloke is real with the best thing about him that he's given the chance for the forgotten average middle and working class American to give the liberal left intelligentsia a jolly good kick up the arse. or in Killery's case a jolly good kick in the cunt. 

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Guest nobgobbler
23 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

Trump's going to have his work cut out trying to export anything other than cars, car parts, aircraft, pharmaceuticals and agro chems. That's pretty much all that the US exports nowadays and is all pretty niche and limited as far as employment goes. The other option for him would be to allow limitless unchecked immigration from Mexico to work in the sweat shops to produce their own home grown cheap shit to flog to themselves and for export.

Seriously though, that is his dilemma but as a successful billionaire businessman that's more than capable of bagging the US presidency I'm sure that he'll find and amicale solution to the problem of getting the US back on track and back in business along with regaining respect for the country.

 I think the bloke is real with the best thing about him that he's given the chance for the forgotten average middle and working class American to give the liberal left intelligentsia a jolly good kick up the arse. or in Killery's case a jolly good kick in the cunt. 

If he's allowed to get on with it - if Killery and her cunts don't find some way to out him in the meantime. They don't seem to be able to accept the fact that they lost.

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Guest Gong Farmer
1 hour ago, nobgobbler said:

If he's allowed to get on with it - if Killery and her cunts don't find some way to out him in the meantime. They don't seem to be able to accept the fact that they lost.

The liberal left  intelligentsia 'nothing vaguely liberal about them' no longer respect the concept of democracy as seen with Brexit. It's not surprising when you consider that academic diversity in universities has been abandoned for Marxist ideology churning out a load of weak minded and self entitled snowflakes that have to run to the nearest safe space at the mere mention of anything considered to be offensive. This Libtard  ilk are the reason Trump is now president elect of the USA, they don't get it that he is the reaction to their oppressive social justice Cultural Marxist agenda, it hasn't worked out too well for them, and so what's their reaction?,,,,,, more of the same.

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1 hour ago, Gong Farmer said:

The liberal left  intelligentsia 'nothing vaguely liberal about them' no longer respect the concept of democracy as seen with Brexit. It's not surprising when you consider that academic diversity in universities has been abandoned for Marxist ideology churning out a load of weak minded and self entitled snowflakes that have to run to the nearest safe space at the mere mention of anything considered to be offensive. This Libtard  ilk are the reason Trump is now president elect of the USA, they don't get it that he is the reaction to their oppressive social justice Cultural Marxist agenda, it hasn't worked out too well for them, and so what's their reaction?,,,,,, more of the same.

I`m just imagining the stampede to get a seat beside you at the Xmas party Gongers......


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Guest Gong Farmer
11 hours ago, Hokey Gingers said:

I`m just imagining the stampede to get a seat beside you at the Xmas party Gongers......


I can't imagine anyone with cerebral palsy being able to imagine anything that complex.

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Guest Gong Farmer
6 hours ago, Lady Penelope said:

Punk can do it so why not someone with CP?

Punk can't do it, you need to be in possession of a brain to be a CP sufferer so the CP sufferer has the advantage over him.

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Guest Lady Penelope
2 hours ago, Gong Farmer said:

Punk can't do it, you need to be in possession of a brain to be a CP sufferer so the CP sufferer has the advantage over him.

Hmm .. I have run out of arguments re this.

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The hysteria surrounding Trump is amusing.

The entire establishment and media machine were against him. That should speak volumes if you're not a retarded fuckwit, regurgitating what the fucking BBC and their cohorts say.

Hilary is a disgusting, immoral, criminal, psycopath, responsible for a lot of death and misery. Trump isn't. Maybe he will be, but I dont think he will.

Trump hasn't spent his entire working life hanging around Washington, having his cock sucked by corporate whores.

Trump isn't aware of the 'protocol' surrounding political people. This will makes thing interesting, as he will speak and behave in ways that these politicians wont be able to handle.


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Guest Lady Penelope
6 minutes ago, deebom said:

The hysteria surrounding Trump is amusing.

The entire establishment and media machine were against him. That should speak volumes if you're not a retarded fuckwit, regurgitating what the fucking BBC and their cohorts say.

Hilary is a disgusting, immoral, criminal, psycopath, responsible for a lot of death and misery. Trump isn't. Maybe he will be, but I dont think he will.

Trump hasn't spent his entire working life hanging around Washington, having his cock sucked by corporate whores.

Trump isn't aware of the 'protocol' surrounding political people. This will makes thing interesting, as he will speak and behave in ways that these politicians wont be able to handle.


He will be a bit like a right wing white version of Bernie Grant.


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