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There Is A Child (and It Never Goes Out)


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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
2 hours ago, Snatch said:

None of us can handle you? Big yourself up you prick,why don't you. I never said which ID had been banned but here's hoping that either this ID gets banned or you flounce off in one of your tantrums never to return. As for the Mods justifying it,nobody would question it.

You've turned into a troll Judge,a ProfB if you will. All you do is come on here to slag off the rest of us without adding anything to the site.

Snatchers, more accurately, none of us can fucking stand him, twittering and lisping like a half wit. He should stay in his cell after hours, or at least keep his back firmly to the Corner wall, for Quincy and the Sisters have fresh fish on the menu, and we like a romantic struggle.

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Guest Bill Stickers
2 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Snatchers, more accurately, none of us can fucking stand him, twittering and lisping like a half wit. He should stay in his cell after hours, or at least keep his back firmly to the Corner wall, for Quincy and the Sisters have fresh fish on the menu, and we like a romantic struggle.

Half wit? You're far too kind. Quarter wit is pushing it still.

Plus you've given me the horn Quincy.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
15 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

Half wit? You're far too kind. Quarter wit is pushing it still.

Plus you've given me the horn Quincy.

Well, I will say this. At lunchtime he will be in the film reel room where it's nice and quiet. He may well fight the good fight but it'll be no use.

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Guest DingTheRioja
12 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I thought it was a light that never goes out!

I'll get my gladioli and hearing aid.

Only if the NHS can afford to give you a hearing aid...

8 hours ago, judgetwi said:

I'm sorry Snitch but I've never been banned......not once, not ever. Our mutual friend The Doc can confirm this. Obviously he would love to do the dirty deed , but how would he justify this? Because none of you tossers can  handle me? Well, that's good enough I suppose.

No, none of us are big enough tossers to handle such a bell-end like you...

3 hours ago, Snatch said:

None of us can handle you? Big yourself up you prick,why don't you. I never said which ID had been banned but here's hoping that either this ID gets banned or you flounce off in one of your tantrums never to return. As for the Mods justifying it,nobody would question it.

You've turned into a troll Judge,a ProfB if you will. All you do is come on here to slag off the rest of us without adding anything to the site.

He always was a terrible troll, never contributed anything above "I ride a Harley" if I remember correctly.... his mantra was "you're all gays and you all talk shit, FLOUNCE!!"... don't think he said anything much different the whole time.

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4 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Snatchers, more accurately, none of us can fucking stand him, twittering and lisping like a half wit. He should stay in his cell after hours, or at least keep his back firmly to the Corner wall, for Quincy and the Sisters have fresh fish on the menu, and we like a romantic struggle.

He won't take on the likes of you and Stickers,he knows he'll get his head stuffed down the toilet before telling teacher,once again,that the big boys are picking on him.


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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
8 hours ago, Snatch said:

He won't take on the likes of you and Stickers,he knows he'll get his head stuffed down the toilet before telling teacher,once again,that the big boys are picking on him.


I fear there are far worse stuffings on the cards for him than heads and toilets. The worst fisting imaginable - I recall a van damme movie with fists dipped in glue then glass. Need I say more?

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
On 13 February 2016 at 7:22 PM, Jiggerycock said:

It's the job of the next generation to piss off the previous. This I understand but do they have to go at it with such over-achieving gusto?

I'm not asking for them to go apple scrumping or play conkers or any of that 'Village clock at ten to three and is there honey still for tea' stuff but fucking hell, put down the smart-phone and the cheeseburger and just move about a bit will you? Preferably outside, so that dense fug of Brownian Motion shit-microbes that loiter around you, get a chance to disperse

It's like wilful indolence is the software they operate on - suggest an upgrade to the merely slothful and my God, it's the only time you generate any kind of vigour in the bone-idle little cunts.

I'm never sure if I'm moaning like a stereotype cunt parent like every generation has since we crawled out of the fucking sea  but I am convinced the wee fuckers are fucking useless. Unsurprisingly, I blame something new. iPads etc why not- it's instant gratification. Want to watch something- boom it's there. The cunts think everything is "on" all the time, and it is. Given up explaining to my 5 year old that something "wasn't on". Thick cunt, out the fuck you go, set something on fire or kill something, get in a fight, get some glue. Sigh.

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12 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

I fear there are far worse stuffings on the cards for him than heads and toilets. The worst fisting imaginable - I recall a van damme movie with fists dipped in glue then glass. Need I say more?

Mere foreplay for the Judge.

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