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West Ham thugs

Earl of Punkape

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On 11 May 2016 at 10:32 PM, BrothersQuim said:

They would honestly be the most useless fucking terminators ever! Imagine a Henry hoover with plastic cutlery and a lighter sellotaped to it. 

On topic though it was a shame non of the cunts suffered an injury, I could happily watch that bus hit the central reservation at 100mph and not feel a flicker of emotion, brain dead fucking twats on both sides.

Keeping on topic ...which is fucking unusual on here.....why waste a perfectly good high speed bus crash into a central reservation? Surely even you would have a flicker of emotion if sky sports reported the sad demise of the entire Munich scum in the worst incident since their last one.  Can we please have the red scum bus hit a coach load of Muslims and a BP tanker, maybe throwing in a couple of French family cars as kindling.  Just So we don't have to listen to Wayne Rooney crapping on about how good Paddy McNair would have been if he had survived.  

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Guest BrothersQuim
10 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

Keeping on topic ...which is fucking unusual on here.....why waste a perfectly good high speed bus crash into a central reservation? Surely even you would have a flicker of emotion if sky sports reported the sad demise of the entire Munich scum in the worst incident since their last one.  Can we please have the red scum bus hit a coach load of Muslims and a BP tanker, maybe throwing in a couple of French family cars as kindling.  Just So we don't have to listen to Wayne Rooney crapping on about how good Paddy McNair would have been if he had survived.  


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Right my pedigree chums......this lot of West Ham cunts should be given a fucking knighthood for services to sport.  Not only did they beat the red scum, it also meant they played their last match at home to an empty stadium following their attempt to cheat with a fake bomb scare....cunts

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