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Trucking Funt

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Posts posted by Trucking Funt

  1. 23 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    I imagine that De Gaulle is spitting his dummy out from beyond the grave over all this submarine business.

    The petulance and sulking from the crapauds has truly only served to make them look like pathetic and jealous school girls throwing a tantrum after not being invited to a sleepover. Not content with recalling their ambassadors, they've further embarassed themselves by releasing official statements about saving the Americans during the war of independence and calling us junior partners in the AUKUS partnership in order to soothe their absolutely fucking massive inferiority complex.

    Their foreign office has also stated that the UK is opportunistic and only involved because it wishes to seek to improve its standing in a post Brexit world. No shit fucking Closeau, since when has pushing your country's influence been a crime?

    Perfidious Albion indeed. Vivre and fuck off etc.

    I've got a tenner that says France uses this to demand that it replaces the UK in the Deputy Supreme Allied Commander role at NATO as a consolation prize for their destroyed ego. It's fucking grated them that they have to play third fiddle since they came back 43 years after another screaming fit led to De Gaulle pulling them out. 

    As for being opportunistic, the UK will take no lectures from those sly fuckers after they sold exocets to the Argies knowing full well they were gearing up for a rumble with the UK over the Falklands and illegally extended a ban on British beef for six years to give their lazy twat farmers a commercial advantage. We should have left the snail gargling cunts to rot under Hitler.

  2. 1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

    And the French toys emerge from the pram...

    France recalls its US and Australian Ambassadors

    The posturing from these garlic munching cunts is hilarious. I notice the cunts didn't withdraw their ambassador from the UK. Probably has something to do with the SAS fighting their neo-colonial war for them in Mali which is preventing their uranium supplies just across the border in Niger being overrun. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Jesus Christ. Classic armchair general guff. You’re the sort of prick that buys Navy News and Airliner World magazines, aren’t you? Or has this deep strategic knowledge been gleaned from loitering around the vending machines in some Portsmouth engineering company like a mobile office Colin? All this shit about getting one over on such and such, or whose got the biggest boat with the best dive rate….fucking dive rate….it’s impossible not to feel a bit sorry for you. 

    My unsolicited advice would be to pack away the Airfix kit and the semen-encrusted back editions of Janes Defence Weekly, and brush up on the social skills so that one day you might find a nice lady who’ll touch your ickle winkle for you. Do your grandad proud, soldier. 

    Oh, and The Norfolk Navy Yards, traditional home of US Naval manufacturing is in….Virginia. As if I’d pay any attention to what kind of boat ScoMo is ordering for 2030. I’m too busy learning Mandarin and digging a fallout shelter. 

    Clean the flecks of spittle from your screen Matron, this is basic sub stuff if you have an interest in such things. I'm sure you're fountain of information on steam trains and Fred Dibnah's Y-fronts. Each to their own. I'm not judgemental. 

    The Norfolk navy yards might build the surface ships but nearly all US subs are built by General Dynamics in Groton, Connecticut, the maintenance takes place at Norfolk. Perhaps you should stay away from Wikipedia Matron as it is just getting you even more confused. 

    Anyhow, when Boris visits down under after Chinky plague subsides, I'm sure he will pay you a visit there in WA to tell you how great it will be now you're back under Blighty's protection and how we've cut out the EU cancer back home. Their citizens are fucking off in droves now. Give it a few years and we might bring back the imperial preference system as well or to use its modern name CANZUK. We'll have the Chinks out in no time at all. Let's make Australia white again.


  4. 3 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

    I made a stack of money from Chinese tech stocks last year on the Covid rebound, but ditched the lot this spring when the first signs of state interference became evident. Just as fucking well, as it turns out. I don't think I'm quite ready to invest in India just yet, though. 

    I'm probably teaching grandma to suck eggs but don't invest in any Chinese property companies. Their biggest one Evergrande is about to go tits up owing $300 billion and not even the Chinese government can bail the fucker out because the rest of the pack will expect the same when the dominos start to fall as expected. I might see if there is a punt on Chinese property auction houses. Business could be looking up.

  5. 1 minute ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    Thing is with India, as someone else pointed out on here, is the infrastructure in India is shit. Massive investment will need to be pumped into the place to get their transport system up to scratch. 

    Oh it will take a few years but India has got big plans if Narendra Modi can stay in power and stay alive. The west is finally coming to the conclusion that China is about as trustworthy as Jimmy Savile running a creche and have to move their manufacturing bases somewhere else so I wouldn't be surprised if serious money starts getting pumped into India over the next several years. I believe Samsung has already fucked China off and moved its main production plant to Uttar Pradesh. Usually the Koreans are ahead of the curve on this type of thing so I would expect the Yanks will move everything en masse soon to take advantage of the ample supply of cheap child labour and fuck all in the way of employment laws.

  6. 2 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    The only way to hit these cunts is to stop buying their shit products. 

    True but there's too many greedy business owning cunts who wouldn't even dream of doing so unless there was a government trade embargo. I can see it coming though if India and Indonesia get their acts together and start offering an alternative to Chinese made crap. 

  7. Just now, Stubby Pecker said:

    I’m sure the response to the chinks from the US-UK-Aussie pack was very diplomatic, unlike the nationalistic commie, Sabre rattling bullshit they come out with. Privately however, the governments of these 3 leaders of the free and non corrupt world will be telling the slopes to get fucked, it’s none of your business. 
    I genuinely, genuinely hope there are plans afoot to hit the chinks with viruses that’ll make COVID look like grazed knee. Payback for their incompetence in unleashing it in the first place and the blatant lies and coverups since.

    Kill them all

    I think this is a warning to Winnie the pooh to stay the fuck away from Taiwan and if they don't heed it, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam will be armed to the teeth as well because the Afghan money pit fund can easily find a new home. 

    This agreement of course opens the door for US and Royal Navy vessels to regularly operate out of Aussie ports which is going royally fuck with the Chinese navy's ability to make surprise appearances in waters around Australia, something they've have done on several occasions. It would be piss funny if one of their shitty destroyers broke apart fleeing from an Anglo/US patrol then the pictures got beamed around the world showing these fucking animals up for the paper tiger they really are.

    • Like 2
  8. 8 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Do fuck off you knobhead. Boris couldn’t pin the tail on the donkey, much less order another country about. You well know his track record on negotiations, including dropping his trousers and any pretence of environmental credentials to secure tuppence off Vegemite and Tim Tams. If it’s the submarines you’re clumsily referring to, then Australia has bought those as a paying customer and most of the kit is coming from Virginia as far as I know, which isn’t part of Britain anymore. I’d have thought you’d be applauding any move to contain the Chinese, as most Brexiteer dullards I know have segued neatly from Brussels to Beijing in their one dimensional narratives. You should also be predictably delighted to see the French complain about underhand negotiation tactics. 

    It’s a shame your Grandad shuffled off to the great Legion Bar in the Sky before he’d chance to teach you the difference between a partner and a supplicant. Get someone to look it up for you next time you’re hanging about aimlessly in the Canteen waiting for your tachograph to let you go back to work. 

    Oh dear Matron! You seem a little confused. It isn't coming FROM Virginia, it might be coming from the Virginia class which is a type of US attack sub, you fucking imbecile.

    The likelihood however is that the Aussies will go with the Royal Navy's Astute class because it's cheaper and requires smaller crews. No doubt the Yanks will fill their boots by hybridising it with their reactors and weapons systems but I'm sure BAE systems will be doing most of the work down there in Adelaide seeing as they already have a yard set up to build Type 26 frigates for the Aussie navy as well. They might be paying for it all but we don't just sell this stuff to anyone and the RAN have a massive erection for the Astute. The Astute class is the deadliest attack sub in the world because of its superior detection systems and dive rate. Even the fucking yanks are scared of it after it humiliated their navy in a NATO exercise a few years back. Scott Morrison has landed Australia a good deal if that is the case.

    Of course I'm celebrating French humiliation, what true blooded Englishman wouldn't after the filthy cunts have spent the last 18 months flushing their illegal migrant toilet on us. Hopefully it will be the catalyst for that pompous little twat Macron getting the French equivalent of a P45 in April and some proper right wing government in France to clean the place up. Many French cities are starting to look like a Dakar slum which is why the illegals won't stay put. 

    Spitting in Beijing's eye is most definitely the icing on the cake however. It sets us apart from the cowardly EU who have been sucking Comrade Xi's dick in the hope he will throw them a few scraps. It's a wonderful start for the British return to the far east as well. Hopefully the Chinky flu will clear up in time for HMS Queen Elizabeth carrier group to make a stop in Sydney harbour on the way home so a proper Union Jack can fly gloriously over the colonials just like it did in the good old days. Do they still hunt Abos in the outback? I'm sure the Admiral wouldn't mind a bit of sport while he's ashore.

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  9. 14 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

    A couple of things the foreign-born Konta could learn from the foreign-born Raducanu. If you want the British public to take to you, don’t look like a fucking horse. Oh, and actually win something.

    The only thing I'm dreading now are all the sad cunts camping outside of Wimbledon for a week before it starts then BBC breakfast and Good Morning Britain desperate for something to fill their timeslots with go and interview the attention seeking weirdos who have nothing more to offer than "We'Re HeRe FoR OuR eMmA!!". Then all the "Henman hill" bollocks starts with people making utter cunts of themselves leaping into the air like a plutonium rod has been rammed up their arse at every point while screeching like a fucking a wildebeest being eaten alive by a pack of lions.

    I want all of these cunts rounded up two weeks before it starts and clubbed to death with tennis rackets to spare this country the embarrassment of their presence at an international event.

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  10. 8 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

    There is no excuse to mass import more drivers, just to continue filling the posts and continue the old trend of conveniently not having to train new people. This has been the case for many years, and as you pointed out - the lobbies don’t give a fuck, unless it hurts them financially. 
    It is also a good message to the general public; the services required will have to provided by Brits (or robots).                            The UK has stable demographics, unlike many EU countries, where depopulation is well under way. The pool of hands is large enough, needs training in many areas to fill the gaps, it will carry real cost, but that is a part for the cause.

    There is a young couple, at the end of my road. They inherited some money from parents and bought their house with a mortgage they can easily manage and repay within twenty years. Between the two of them, they both work in nursing now (qualified last year), aware of staff shortages, they went through their education and training, and now enjoy stable careers.

    The same happened to a friend of mine, who qualified over ten years ago, then in her late forties. Still in in NHS employment and happy with her choice.

    Chatting with another neighbour, who was an HGV driver his entire life, he said the working conditions vary, like in any job, but the cheap flow of EU drivers, had made conditions and employment contracts better for firms and shite for employees, thus making a lot of young choosing different jobs, even if the pay was lower. People forget that drivers have families, don’t live twenty to a house and need the balance of work (with decent facilities) and time off. 

    I couldn't have put it better myself.

    The penny is starting to drop in Whitehall that they're partly responsible for this as well because they've overregulated the fuck out of the haulage industry. There are an estimated 200,000 HGV drivers out there who have left the industry, a third of which have done so simply because the fucking bureaucracy is soul destroying. Added to all of the other drawbacks, who the fuck is going to want to subject themselves to that for two quid an hour above minimum wage unless they're desperate?

    I'm absolutely pissing myself now British drivers are holding a knife to the agencies and supermarket's throats because they will be dictating terms for the foreseeable future after years of being treated like dogs. In April, an old mate of mine left a company he had been working for after 8 years when the 10 year old shipping manager got a leary with him because he didn't follow the "designated route" for a couple of his drops. After telling him to fuck off and lose his virginity before lecturing somebody who has been at the game for 28 years, he's now working out of a Tesco distribution depot with a 72% pay increase and a small army of whippersnappers doing most of his paperwork for him plus more sociable hours to boot.


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  11. 5 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    They say timing is everything, so I’m glad you chose today to lecture me on animal welfare, in addition to the benefits of your beloved project. 


    As the article states, the government has told businesses to hire and train British workers. The sooner they start doing this, the sooner they will have fuck all to moan about and piggy can go to market.

    The new immigration rules cannot be changed just to suit a bunch of greedy cunts who didn't bother to prepare for Brexit and are now throwing their toys out of the pram because they can't hire Poles and Romanians sleeping 20 to a house on subsistence wages. They've known for 5 years what was coming, fuck them! I hope the cunts get swine flu. 

    • Like 3
  12. 5 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Laughable shite. Your summary of events in Australia is presumably culled from Der Sturmer or whatever you’re lining your cage with these days. Complete bullshit, but makes you feel better about yourself. How very modern. 

    Speaking of which, I don’t hear you piping up about Brexit much these days, or invoking your mythical Grandad’s medals for bashing up Johnny Foreigner. I think we are all well overdue another half-arsed lecture from a man who thinks you can pick up most things from half an hour in a factory canteen waiting for your delivery docket to be signed. You don’t call at the Pfizer factory on your milkround, do you dickhead? Do tell.

    Looks like martial law down there is interfering with your access to reliable media Matron. I'll have to remember to give you regular updates on Australia's descent into totalitarianism so you never fail to be depressed about something. Hopefully you'll top yourself by Christmas, you trot knob polisher. 

    Brexit is going fine. Divergence from the EU protection racket is fully underway and the UK is set to become the fastest growing economy in the G7 for the next two years. I'm pissing myself at the fast food industry's attempt to blackmail the government into allowing the tax dodging Euroscum back in to supposedly ease the HGV driver shortage. They're starting to get the message that they can't pay shit wages to British drivers anymore for what is often a gruelling occupation. There's a Brexit benefit for you. Not that it's any of your business because you don't fucking live here. 

    Do us a favour will you and feed the crocodiles....with yourself. 


  13. 1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Brillo Neil has decided to call it a day in its infancy, I see, rather than hang around trying to become the UK version of Roger Ailes. It was a project doomed to failure, given that the British public are either terminally disinterested, or very well served already with right-wing news outlets. It’s worth noting in passing that Mr Neil spends much of his time with his Swedish wife in the beautiful South of France, a life choice now rather more difficult for most of his audience.

    I’m sure there will still be niche audience for Farage interviewing Geoff Boycott or Anne Widdecombe while sipping warm recently uncanned John Smiths. Or Porn, as @Trucking Funt would call it. 

    Who rattled your medicine cabinet Matron? Shouldn't you be more worried about your local plod paying you a visit to make sure you've wiped your arse properly? I hear things are getting a bit draconian down there in kangaroo land with the filth murdering defenceless puppies. 

    Mind how you go now. 

  14. 56 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    I'm hardly a communist, you utter fucking moron. I'm just a bit too cerebral to want to watch an outlet clearly designed to appeal to window licking dickheads such as yourself who still stand up when the national anthem plays. If I want to be informed on current affairs I can do better than listening to the dog whistling of these idiots, and no, I don't mean the BBC, you utterly predictable, poor man's Alf Garnett cunt.

    Fuck off.

    What's wrong with standing for the national anthem? 

  15. 9 hours ago, Decimus said:

    Is anyone on here one of the twelve viewers who regularly watches this bollocks? I haven't seen any of it, purely because if I wanted to listen to a load of uninformed, bigoted shite I'd go to the nearest flat roof pub and talk to whichever cunt had the most tattoos. Or PM The Judge.

    A quick look at their presenters is like a who's who of faces that I'd love to punch the fuck out of. Perpetually enraged sweaty Andrew Neil, Shit stirrer and fake man of the people "Sir" Nigel Farage, Alex "I'm not racist because I've sucked black cock" Phillips, and most bizarrely of all, Neil fucking Oliver.

    What an absolute shower of utter fucking cunts.

    Fuck off you commie bastard.

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  16. 16 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Look up 'William Scully'. He's been in a couple of Indy films with Ray Winstone and Jude Law. And a comedy series called 'Operation Good Guys'.

    He's a former SAS grunt. Awarded the QGM for defending a hotel in Sierra Leone from an insurgent force of over 200 looking to make hostages of a few hundred guests. Not a prolific actor, but I'd include him on the 'Showbiz Hard Cunt' list, alongside David Niven and Christopher Lee.

    I would take a lot of what you read about Christopher Lee with a pinch of salt. He was an RAF intelligence officer attached to the SAS occasionally that much is true but he had fuck all to do with the sharp end of things.

    Historian Gavin Mortimer did some digging shortly after Lee died to find out what he got up to in WW2 and said he didn't exactly lie but he wasn't enthusiastic about putting the record straight on assumptions he had allowed people to form about his wartime service either.  

  17. 51 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Who's the new avatar TF? Looks like the third Chuckle brother.

    Khasha Zwan. The guy was a fucking legend. Like RK said, he didn't give a fuck. I didn't get the literal translation of what he said to the goat fuckers who killed him because you need to know some Pashto poetry to get it but the consensus among the sand dwellers on youtube is that he was telling them that they had faces like a dog's arse at the very point that one passed the AK-47 to the other.

    He had more balls than half of the Afghan army put together. 

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  18. 8 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

    I've learned many years ago that the old adage of "give an inch and they'll take a mile" applies to certain punters hence the zero tolerance over certain words. You're obviously a man of principle TF, so why not set up and manage your own forum and see what happens. We both know that won't happen as you are one of those hot air merchants who talks the talk and nothing else.

    Time of the month is it?


    10 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:


    Unsurprisingly, you two snowflakes are completely missing the point.

    Snowflake? I'm not the one cowering from the thought police. If somebody was posting shit like kill all niggers and all coons should be in a zoo then I could see your point but shitting your knickers over "negress" is censorship at its worst.

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  20. 6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

    ...he said hiding behind a screen of anonymity.

    Considering The Corner is freely available to view, punters are given a fair degree of latitude to spew ill-informed racist drivel. That said, there are certain words which are gleaned by the professionally outraged which can result in the site being closed down. You have been made aware of the situation yet you insist of having a few seconds of cheap thrills in order to sate your cretinous and very brittle ego.

    When was the surrender to ANTIFA and BLM?

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  21. 1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

    I know this is not a cunt as the programme is a pile of dog shit and I am glad it's fucking over. The reason for this nom. is so we can run a sweepstake on which one of the vacuous cunts that appeared in it will be the first to do a 'Flackers' and end it all. 

    CBB is going for Liberty Poole.

    All of them hopefully. A group jump into a wood shredder would make required viewing. I might find their twitter accounts and give them some encouragement.

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