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Trucking Funt

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Posts posted by Trucking Funt

  1. 37 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    I’m amazed your chain is long enough to let you reach the computer from Katie Hopkins’ dungeon, just as I’m amazed your bacofoil helmet doesn’t irritate Toby Youngs’ knackers when you’re tonguing his scrotum. 

    But fuck all that whataboutery bollocks. You are currently operating in a very crowded marketplace of populist fantasy and shouty Daily Mail inspired outrage. It’s unoriginal cookie-cutter shite and it’s poisoning this site. Change the fucking record fast or fuck off, we’ve heard this act before. 

    Or what?

  2. 50 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

    Amazing the number of online discussion boards where contributors start with 

    'I don't usually agree with Piers Morgan but.........' before going on to agree with the proponent of the greatest restriction on civil liberties since Pol Pot got a bit handy back in the day.

    We fucking love this shit!

    Download the Gestabo App and turn in your neighbour for having 65 minutes of exercise instead of the state-sanctioned amount!

    Morgan is the sort of cunt who people wouldn't bother arguing with if he went in a working man's pub, he would just get a slap and left to bleed in a corner while getting peanuts chucked at him or pissed on.

  3. 12 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    So what happened? 

    Just more pathetic grandstanding from the prick. He gave her a mouthful accusing her of laughing about deaths in care homes when it was just a nervous smile.

  4. 48 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    He's not just any politician. He's the president of the United States - winging it by cutting funds on a whim under the guise of an investigation for corruption which already clearly has a pre-determined result right in the middle of a pandemic is just as irresponsible, if not more so, than the Ethiopian prat in charge being bent.

    They're both in the wrong and are both being incompetent - the United States simply does not rely solely on the WHO to gather information on China - to act like they do is ridiculous. When your dog is missing and you hear your Chink neighbour having a party next door, you don't rely on the heartfelt promises of the Ethiopian postman that there's nothing dodgy going on...

    Yes, he's president of the United States that provides 15% of the WHO's total funding and like most of its major contributors has been systematically lied to regardless of what other information might have been available. Why would you continue to pay for something that's clearly under the influence of an enemy power?

    I suspect the aim of the funding suspension is to remove the crooked African and put a physician with some integrity in charge who will actually make an attempt to find the exact source of the disease and lay the blame for its spread where it firmly belongs in order to counter the bullshit coming out of Beijing in the last couple of weeks who have now made it the official government line that the US is responsible. You can bet your last bottle of hand sanitizer Trump will play that card for all its worth come November.

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Roadkill said:

    I wouldn't be so sure - I think Trump has been his usual blundering self. Reflecting what people are thinking, and saying what people want to hear to cover your own arse when you've fucked up are two different things:


    Don't forget there's an election going on over there - the little whore would fucking pole dance in a thong if he thought it would get him votes. Cue empty claims that all of the WHO funds will be used to help the millions of Yanks who've lost their jobs.

    That tweet is nearly word for word that of the one put out by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at roughly the same time when everyone still thought the WHO was a reliable source of information.

    Like I said, Trump is a politician trying to give off the appearance of acting decisively.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    Trump has clearly used the entire thing as a scapegoat to distract from his own woeful handling of the situation and the glaringly obvious faults in the American system as a whole, but that doesn't mean that it isn't somewhat justified. 

    Its turned into a corrupt little shit show at the top and is clearly showing obvious bias in favour of the Chinks, especially at the start of all this (most likely because they elected some corrupt, bribe seeking, Ethiopian cunt who's election campaign was funded by Mugabe and who's only real contribution to the world of medicine was covering up a load of cholera outbreaks).

    HOWEVER saying that, I think a lot of governments took the original reports for granted and must also be held responsible to a certain level for inaction - the WHO doesn't dictate how individual countries go about handling outbreaks, and information regarding outbreaks should be automatically regarded as unreliable at best when its coming from China anyway. Also stopping money towards the organisation now is the worst possible decision in my opinion, because it means that even the parts of the project that are working as intended will suffer due to what is essentially a failure of upper management - if this wasn't a cheap distraction tactic by Trump to save face, it would have been better to wait until the virus is under control and the deaths have stopped - then air your grievances.

    Basically the world is run by clueless wankers, corrupt twats, and senile old spackers - as it always has been. 

    I think Trump is merely reflecting what most Americans are thinking. Why should they give half a billion dollars to an organization that blatantly assisted a hostile power in concealing the potential threat posed by the outbreak of a highly infectious virus simply so the CCP could save face? The corrupt little African cunt shut down the warnings coming from Taiwan who tried to expose what Beijing was doing and the WHO diluted the advice given to its main benefactors. Yes, there was complacency from Western governments but those governments pay their dues to WHO to supply them with the most accurate information possible from ground zero in order to protect their populations and that simply didn't happen because of its Director-General's incestuous relationship with the barbaric Chinese regime. Trump is doing what all politicians do in a crisis by appearing to act decisively but is in reality at the mercy of events like the rest of us. However, I admire him for having the bollocks to stand up to the Chinese cancer, which I believe is the biggest threat to global security since the Nazis and the Japanese militarists of the 1930s.

  7. 3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

    It has always been anticipated that 80% of the population would be infected. Boris' Plan A was to let that happen, the theory being that such action would not only develop a national "herd immunity" but also be less damaging to the economy but once the medical statisticians has calculated the extent to which the NHS' capacity would be swamped by several factors, Plan B was put into action to "flatten the curve" and keep the caseload within NHS and ICU operational limits. Sweden has gone down the Plan A route though the jury is out on that one. 

    I saw an interview with Sweden's top virologist Professor Cecilia Soderberg-Naucler who's challenged the Swedish government's advisor Anders Tegnell to a public debate as she thinks he's full of shit and and the death toll is going to be horrific with signs that seemingly unconnected clusters are appearing rapidly in Stockholm's care homes. Sweden has a leftard minority government which is desperate not to become unpopular for implementing a lockdown and has rapidly promoted Mr Tegnell to be its fall guy who will take the blame if this ends up in disaster.

    Personally, I don't know why everybody is ignoring Hong Kong as the virus has been stopped dead in its tracks there despite being one of the most densely populated places on Earth. Many in the medical community are attributing it to the fact that everybody immediately masked up. It makes me question why our government is fucking around by not including this in official advice. Even if there's no evidence to support their usage, they still haven't conclusively ruled out that they're useless either.

  8. 19 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    He has become a grumpy, belligerent little Neanderthal in his old age. I quite liked the silliness of the goodies when I was a kid. Although 'Dick Turpin' with Richard O'Sullivan was a firm favourite. 

    He once said "British people should be limited on the amount of children they can have as I often feel ashamed to be British, they're a terrible race". He should have been immediately banned from appearing on TV ever again and made to live with fucking rodents he loves so much. With some luck, he'll die of the hantavirus.

  9. 7 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    Alcohol has a flashpoint of just over 43°C..lotta lads snared by the rozzerz for not having eyebrows, singed hairlines or missing bits of face.


    I'm making quality liquor with a well oiled machine (purely for personal use, I might add) and many years of trial and error well behind me. None of that dodgy Poitín swill for me.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

    Fucking hell, she looks like Björk's mannequin after the remnants bin at Madame Tussauds caught fire. THAT'S why you shouldn't stuff a shit-ton of cakes down your greedy fucking pie-hole in the first place.

    At least her gammon hangers will keep her ankles warm in the cruel northern winter.

    She could also accommodate at least two homeless people withing the folds of the saggy arse growing out of her lower abdomen. I bet it smells week old puke in there though.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    Anyone who uses this virus as a race issue should be fucking ashamed.

    This crap won't gain any traction because the causes are fucking obvious and Boris will simply dish out some home truths to them if they get too uppity about it.

  12. 7 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    We're a jovial lot over here TF baby..these lockdown measures over here arent popular. Its a 100 years ago this month when churchy sent the scum of the UK jails over here to try n keep down the peasants ..and just over two decades since kang bally n his ilk were stoppin n searchin the citizenry..but we know when to lie low..unlike yer throngs of yobbos who just dont get the keep calm n carry on mentality that y'all usta have.


    But how will you cope when the meths runs out?

  13. 4 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    The Woke brigade should be given zero airtime in any circumstances with one exception, if they were all rounded up and machine gunned into mincemeat.

    Even the universities are getting fucked off with them now the government has threatened to strip them of funding if there is anymore de-platforming. Hopefully, if the political landscape continues to shift to the right, the fucking leftards will commit mass suicide and the rest of us won't have to endure anymore of their childish tantrums.

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