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Hammer of Cunts

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Posts posted by Hammer of Cunts

  1. 1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

    Awww..fucking hell you give me a headache .I really hope you haven't got kids .I can just imagine it."daddy , daddy look I've drawn a picture of sylvester the cat "

    "Yes my sweet , so I see .One thing i need to pick you up on is the fact the siamese breed has longer legs and larger ears than you have illustrated .I am  dissapointed , I have to admit " 

    Pictures of animals could be difficult for you; start with nice drawings of Lego houses with a big yellow sun shining.

    Have you learnt to wipe your own arse yet?

  2. 17 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

    I'm learning , albeit slowly .I never realised this site was frequented by such  a genius of the written word . I offer my whimsical titterings in the vain hope of one day, being accepted into the hollowed courts of such renowned  artist's of the pen .I merely stand on the shoulders of giant cunts .

    You're sliding back again... This one's just repeat shit.

    Puctuation isn't the preserve of such a "genius of the written word"; those with  normal intelligence can manage it by the age of 10. BTW: I assume that by "artist's", you mean artists. Plurals (more than one) dont have an apostrophe (the little wiggly bit at the top); that denotes possessives or missing letters.

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  3. 3 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    The only aspect to medieval living was having to get up at 6am to have a shite in an insect infested toilet block. 

    Until '96, I lived in a cottage with no hot water, no bathroom and an Elsan bog up the garden. The rent was only four quid a week though. I stayed for over thirty years.

  4. 3 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

    No, I've been lucky in life but unlucky in love .I was always trying to put it up the wrong'un.My ex wife always said I was fascinated   by arseholes. Quite possibly that's the reason I await your messages with such eager anticipation.

    That was quite a good one, if a bit contrived. You still haven't got he hang of the puctuation though.

  5. 31 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    It's another example of the rentier mentality (lke the hereditary principle and royalty) which infests the Anglo-Saxon mind from Broadstairs on Sea to Big Sur California. 

    Apparently Channel 4 has 23 property shows either in production or in the pipeline. 

    All sponsored by John Lewis, B&Q etc. 

    Any rural area, if even mildly scenic is now infested with these urban shits; locals have to live in poxy "starter homes" built on filled-in waste sites, the pubs are all selling wierd gastro experiences. Every flat in the market towns either has a little plastic Air b&b key box or is a weekend cottage.

    These cunts seem to think that a pointlessly large 4x4 is de rigeur outside the M25; we just laugh at them. Road tyres and no tow-bar? Fuck off.

    The Welsh lads were right about it fifty years ago (and they got what they wanted).


  6. 17 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    The middle classes like to "glamp" now. It's still basically living like a fucking refugee for a week. "Yah, since Cressida and I with the two kids Rainbow and Buddy went glamping, we can really emphasise with the homeless, yah"? 

    Fucking wankers.


    Some down-sizing wankers started one of those places up the rod from here, in a nice shady little grove. The bloke next door responded by performing various entirely legitimate agricultural activities; mainly chainsawing, quite early in the morning and positionig of a new "fertiliser" storage facility just over the fence.

    These wankers come here to enjoy the "country", so they should get a good dose of it.

  7. On 28/03/2024 at 12:29, Frank said:

    You'll have to dig deep to find the story on any of the usual news outlets

    It's not really racism to put this on page 5. This sort of stuff is so common in London that it rates as less newsworthy than most day-to-day events.

  8. I'm not a (particularly) stupid man but no-one has ever made me understand, beyond Tory doctrine, what was the use of privatising and selling off our infrastructure. It seems now that, after years of neglect and underinvestment, Thames Water is going tits up; the business shits who have been milking it will not cough up to maintain their investment and the government will have to step in to ensure that Londoners will be able to wash. I'm sure that other companies will follow.

    There was a similar debacle with energy companies recently; greedy chancers had been bleeding the system until the well dried up and the stinking mess was exposed.

    Obviously those in charge will escape with their fortunes intact.

    • Like 4
  9. On 27/03/2024 at 15:06, colonelkurtz said:

    a fucking 5ft cube who at least does have a  tailor with a decent sense of humour

    I think he bought up George Melly's wardrobe. I wonder, what is the Korean for "zoot suit"?

  10. 28 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

    Scrotes, I fixed my energy with EDF, in September 2021 - 3.9p /kWh for gas and 19.5p /kWh for electric. Every time I use it I get a nice comforting feeling knowing that I'm paying less than the frogs that own it. What do you think of that?

    At school, we used electricity to make frogs' legs jiggle about. Thinking about it now reminds me of Johnny Halliday.

    I wonder if it makes their ballsacks shrivel up, it would explain a lot.

  11. 36 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    A blatant set-up. It identifies as a boy but demands to be included in a girls competition. As soon as it’s accepted it starts screaming that it’s been ‘misgendered’ or whatever buzzword has reached the top of the victimhood parade this week. Any amount of common sense or reason applied to the situation will be decried as bigotry and prejudice. 
     Because common sense and reason have been reclassified as hate crimes in order to protect perverts, deviants and low IQ third world filth.

     Fuck this utopia for savages and born wrong perverts. We should’ve listened to Enoch. 

    I think it's more sinister than just perverts, they're just unintended beneficiaries. The BLT nonsense is the most salient part of a worldwide denial of science/facts. "Lived truth" has become more important than reality in many more areas. It's no longer neccessary to learn facts, they can be looked up on the internet; no need for arithmetic or even a decent command of language when everyone carries around a bit of glorified bloody office equipment, designed to make them receptive to control. I wonder if there's a reason that the Chinese control the internet so enthusiastically.

    Are children still expected to read 1984 these days, or is it "racist" or "colonialist" or something?

  12. 22 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

    I don't much care for your tone. I hope we cut off your electric.

    Fuck off.

    This from a country where plumbing is seen as a form of satanism and they shit in the shower.

    Set fire to a bidet and make the world a better place.

  13. Accrol, apparently one of the largest of our British bog-roll manufacturers, is in danger of being absorbed by  an alien stationary manufacturer. The potential for strategic damage during times of global tension is eye-watering. Foreigners have differient expectations in these matters and standards could easily slip, just look across the channel.

    An Englishman cannot appear at his best with an itchy arse; Putin's spies are aware of this, liberties will be taken and security will be compromised.

    Our national interests need protection!

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