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Posts posted by ChildeHarold

  1. 23 hours ago, Hi I'm Barry Scott said:

    "Gormless cunt" as a statement shows proper class. As does the word slurry. I'm really chuffed that Eamon Holmes and cheese sandwiches are all here. Cunts, the lot of them. Fuck my hat it's good to be back.

    "Back" on what? Are you pre testing a Covid drug for the nation? 

  2. 21 hours ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

    I have to confess I find his wife quite pleasing to the eye.  

    You should let them both know that then put your face right next to his fist. 

  3. 17 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    You know, I've just read all of the posts on this thread,  and I've come to the conclusion that there are some fucking depraved cunts haunting this site. Yet I still keep coming back. I despair. I really fucking despair. 

    Who with? Them? Or yourself? It's a bit like the Mandela bit in Private Eye, "Mandela Still Dead", "Mandela Death Anniversary", "Mandela has Died - One Year Ago", "Madeleine Still Missing"... 

  4. 1 hour ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

    I went into a shop this morning and there were noticeably more people wearing masks than last week (even the staff). It seems to be becoming the norm.

    With a bit of luck the English will be as advanced as the rest of Europe in a few thousand light years. 

  5. On 19/07/2020 at 15:07, Cuntybaws said:

    On a more vertical tangent the sound and fury of a space shuttle night launch was something special, but my ultimate regret is that I never saw a Saturn V go up.

    Oh shut up you miserable little twerp. 

  6. On 20/07/2020 at 12:21, Mrs Roops said:

    Having just read through yesterday's discourse I now realise "transitioning" was a major topic of the day so perhaps Judge was not so cryptic. Phew, equilibrium restored!

    It's not a dream, we ALL are transitioning. Dr Johnson will see you now so make sure you are wearing a fresh pair of knickers. 

  7. 4 hours ago, KingRollo said:

    I won't waste the bleach by drinking it, milady, when you clearly have urgent need of it for your douche.

    Certain cunts have an obsession with bleach and drinking bleach which is probably a Lady Macbeth handwashing psychosis thingy. At leadt Lady Macbeth was a real person. 

  8. 21 hours ago, Gronda Gronda said:

    So what you're better off doing is consulting with the person/team that supports you during the day before posting something. 

    Currently, most of what you've been posting comes across as rushed and not thought out properly.  Don't feel embarrassed to ask your helper(s) to read what you're trying to say because they can tidy it up for you and let you know if it makes sense. 

    So you thrive in concise erudite nodels of logical debate do you? Go somewhere else. 

  9. 11 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    No brainer. Of course it should be legalised. It causes far less social problems than alcohol, the 'gateway drug' argument is total bollocks. It doesn't lead to other drugs. The only associated activity is building contraptions to smoke it with. If it leads to anything, it leads to carpentry. 

    The establishment are happy to lock up harmless cunts for 7 years, for importing a kilo of herbs. While simultaneously issuing much lighter sentences to depraved, baby raping perverts. Says a lot about where the sympathies of the lawmakers and judiciary really lie. The dirty fucking nonces.

    That's what excessive spliffing can do to your brain. 

  10. 14 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

    Marijuana can be used legally within the following US states :  Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, Washington state, Washington DC, and Vermont.  Trudeau has ruled that marijuana can be legally used throughout the whole of Canada.  Do board members think that marijuana should be legal in the UK ?  Properly regulated and taxed, it could become a money generator for the Treasury, and millions could be saved if our police force no longer had to allocate time and manpower to take it off the streets.  There are those who champion cannabis as being beneficial for health and wellbeing, but there is also some evidence to indicate that the stronger strains with higher THC content can precipitate schizophrenia in some users.  What does the corner think about this issue ?




    Let's do it. Man. Have a splif on me. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Trucking Funt said:

    Have you not swallowed that bottle of weedkiller yet? You end the self loathing and disappointment. Just get the fuck on with it.

    As a newbie who is still learning the ropes I'll let you go with a warning. 

  12. 3 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Expect a severe blow to the back of your head next time you venture out of your bedsit Nancy Boy.

    You clearly keep an eye on every doorway in your street. Are you on the Register? 

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