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Old Chap Raasclaat

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Posts posted by Old Chap Raasclaat

  1. 28 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

    I'm not sure this approach is working Raas. ELC posts more than Donald Trump on crystal meth at the best of times, and you've just goaded him into doubling that rate.

    Anything to stop the spastic writing more nominations, Cuntybaws. He keeps calling me a little cunt, lol, I know deep down he wishes he was dead and I'm simply guiding him to his destiny. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Frank said:


    Fucking moron quoting yourself now. Totally shot to pieces. 

    Reported for thread derailment. 

    As a smoker, what do you think about this latest anti smoking shit to come out of Westminster, Frank?

  3. 1 minute ago, entitled little cunt said:

    I asked you , Do you think people give a fuck about what you said 5 years ago ?Granted you probably  had a better grasp of reality back then but it really was a different world  don't you think.Pre covid  , interest rates at 2%, no small boat crossings and the basics were affordable for ordinary people .All of that is not the case now .


    No, you asked @Wolfie. Dear oh dear, elc, you are losing the plot by the minute this evening. I think it's fair to say you'd be better off dead as opposed to making even more of a cunt of yourself. 

    Fuck off. 


    • Like 1
  4. 42 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

    Spastics allowed to survive on here, Raaso. Our vulvas got kicked in for at least a year when we joined. Fucks going on with the Big Beasts?

    I'm currently plucking @entitled little cunt, he'll be ready for the pot next week. Harold is in a world of his own and I think we'll simply have to be patient and wait until he kills himself. 

  5. 1 minute ago, entitled little cunt said:

    I think its a pretty good assumption to make that vets are guilty by association.

    Well, there we are everyone, elc has assumed something so it must be true. I don't know what's worse, your punctuation or your delusional belief that you know and are right about everything. 

    You stupid, daft cunt. Lol. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

    Said by the boy who feels he needs to follow every paragraph with a 'lol'.The point which should be  pretty obvious even to you , is you and your ilk seldom post a topic for others to comment upon. All you do is go off on some emotional rant like a petulant child .There's a lot going on out there , important things.You seem to be oblivious to it all. 

    What makes you think you're able to speak for most on here, elc? You will give proper answer. Lol. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

    Why would anybody be bothered about what you wrote five years ago you daft  knob.Most aren't bothered about what you wrote 5 minutes ago .


    One minute you're saying if people don't like what you write then don't read it and now your speaking for 'most' people. What the fuck makes you think you can speak for most people on here when you can't even write a simple sentence? You utter piece of cunt and thick idiot to boot. Lol. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

    Talking of failings , I'm quite certain that to produce a smug , supercilious little cunt like you must have taken some major failings in your upbringing or quite possibly you were just a wrong'un from the get go .

    I'm not smug, you better explain yourself before throwing words like that around, elc. 

    Why do you keep calling me little? How tall are you? Grandad said you're a short arse cunt.. lol. 

  9. Smoking, although I quit smoking around a year ago, I have to admit to liking it... The smell, smoking after a meal or sex and when pissed and or coked up a cigarette can be a necessity. Whether you like it or not, smoking is cool. Anyways, enough about me, what about Rishi Sunak proposing an effective smoking ban by raising the legal smoking age each year? The cunts in parliament are voting on it as I write this and no doubt many had or are having a crafty cigarette before the vote. Fines for shops selling to underage smokers (good luck proving that) yet cigarettes brought in from abroad are allowed to be smoked. Will they search you to confirm your cigarettes are from another country? What a fucking pile of shit and yet another example of this country and its laws encroaching on our ability to enjoy and kill ourselves (if we want to). Rishi is a vegetarian and I doubt the boring cunt drinks either... I bet his stinking veggie farts cause more damage to people within his farts range than passive smoking ever would. Boris the daft cunt would never have allowed this to even get to a vote.

    I doubt Rishi will stop vaping and all the corner shops selling that synthetic shite though will he?

    It's enough to make to make me want to start smoking again. 20 Embassy and a bottle of Appleton.

    Utter fucking cunts.



    • Like 1
  10. On 13/04/2024 at 12:30, Neil said:

    It's probably more British than most Ford or Vauxhalls, certainly more reliable. Tell me what British made items are worth owning?

    Neil, I thought the British Passport had to be British made and worth owning... Only to find out it's made in fucking Poland. 

    What the hell is going on? 

    Shall I join you and vote Reform UK? 

  11. 5 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

    Have you got permission to be in the site ? You seem to be about ten years old .Stupid boy .

    Last time I checked I was on this site, not in it. It's no wonder you have a problem with the school system, it didn't fail you, you failed it. You thick, can't write a sentence cunt. Lol. 

    • Like 1
  12. 8 hours ago, Frank said:

    Raasters I’ve just watched the very last episode of Curb. 22 years it’s been running. I’m certainly not overly fond of the jews, but I do love Larry David. 

    I watched some CYE years ago, Frank. I found it hilarious, what did your think of the episode when the speed camera catches Larry looking at the black woman's ass in his car? 

    I'd love to watch them all, in order, Frank. Could you leave the box set you've finished watching outside the Athenian grocery store in the picture? I'd really appreciate it, Frank. 

    PM me the time and I'll be there to collect. 

    Thanks in advance, Frank. 


  13. 11 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

    I'd prefer it if you produced your own vile insults rather than redirect mine .The idiotic  use of lol does surprise me also.If you're going to make disparaging  remarks at least put some effort into it .cunt .


    Don't shoot the messenger. Grandads not happy, elc, he'd prefer it if you stopped embarrassing yourself here. 'A grown man, unable to write a sentence, is a fucking cunt'. His words not mine. What do think about that?

  14. 11 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

    They also produce a lot of manure which is another  similarity  .

    I thought you'd keep your thick head down after yesterday but then again, you're such a daft cunt it's no surprise you're back. Tell me, was it a busy day at your 'Business'? Any issues selling the big issue? Lol. 

    Grandad said you're making a right cunt of yourself on here by the way. He said your punctuation is worse than a recent immigrants. What shall I tell him, elc?

  15. 23 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

    I will let you into an evil little secret .. I despise steeple chasing along with all other "sports" that involve pain and injury to horses.

    I remember you admitting you kick dogs though, is it only Horses you care about? 

    • Like 1
  16. 8 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

    Did your horse fall at the first jump?

    I was born in the year of the Horse.  Horses are beautiful and powerful, like me. I'm not really a gambling man and don't like seeing the Horses raced to near death at times, by some midget Paddy cunt. 

    Do you know what I mean?


  17. 3 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

    Of course I have, the cream always rises to the top and I'm feeling like I've just stepped out of Bobby Ewings shower. Pay increase this month too. No chance of repossessing the bungalow as I own it but I'm thinking of getting out of the rental market because it's not as tax efficient anymore - what do you think?

    It's good to hear you're getting your life back on track, Big Bollock. Did you buy a bungalow so you could stagger around drunk and not fall down stairs?

    Anyways, renting is a fucking nuisance these days, I'm thinking of getting a working girl or two working from my Flat... No tenancy agreements, no tenants rights, cash (no trail) and no phonecalls about the something needing fixing. 

    What do you think?

  18. On 13/04/2024 at 18:27, Penny Farthing said:

    You need to calm down and not jump the gun.

    Pen, have you noticed Frank creeping up the leaderboard? Stupid question, of course you have as you've been helping manipulate the leaderboard, haven't you? You fucking cunt. 

    • Like 2
  19. 5 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

    That's hilarious .I think you're asking the wrong man .Harold is quite aware of your adolescent ways , if i remember rightly it was your good self along with a couple of your cohorts who go off on some weird "why dont you die , bla , bla , bla  bollocks .When you eventually muster a response  you get all emotional and school playground .Grow up or go.  You buffoon.

    You what?

    • Like 1
  20. 2 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

    Oooo, you're getting all emotional again aren't you .weird  little cunt .I'm making no plans for the end of the month , no matter what grandad may say . I've got rents to collect.yummy .

    I talk to Grandad you thick cunt, not you. Do you understand?

  21. 1 minute ago, ChildeHarold said:

    Actually you had to have very steady hands and a light touch to handle those handsets.  I already had a pronounced body tremor at the age of ten. 

    Harold, what do you think of elc's vile behaviour towards me?

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