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Old Chap Raasclaat

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Posts posted by Old Chap Raasclaat

  1. 5 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    Shut it you 1 bar heater, money saving old poof, dream on about landing a woman that will cook and clean for you when you get old. You can’t even get one to stay with you now, lonely weirdo. 

    Morning Eddie, how you doing? I have actually got a girlfriend you know. I'm going to dump her soon as I live in two places and I struggle to keep to my commitments with regards to meeting her. I'm hardly old at 42 am I, how old are you then? Have you had a hip replacement yet? You seem upset with me Eddie. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    You did just ask if I was married.


    No I'm not by the way - never had been. As for kids, none of the potential little cunts have ever come knocking at the door asking for money, so I don't think so.

    Sounds like you want to get married one day and fair enough if that's what you want. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Ape™️ said:

    I seriously believe the vaccines work, and will reduce the current carnage to a level in line with seasonal flu. I don’t literally expect it to vanish. The purpose of the vaccine, as has been widely reported, is to prevent serious symptoms and/or death - it’s  never been claimed it will stop everyone getting the disease, just like every other vaccine ever created. Nothing gullible or naive about me. 

    My mate had the vaccine and apart from the television turning on when he walks past it, him being able to type on a windows pc without touching the keyboard and whenever he sees Bill Gates on the TV he stands up and says 'I will obey' it works fine. 

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    So you've never been married, but you judge people who you perceive to be in an unhappy relationship as "weak", despite never having the bollocks to even make such a commitment yourself?

    That's called talking out of your arse.

    No it's not, the statistics speak for themselves. Most marriages fail and most married men are more likely unhappy and eyeing up a new younger model. I won't make the committment as I love the women to much to commit to one. I guess you are married? Don't worry, when I'm next fucking my current Mrs I'll give her some for you.

  5. 2 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

    You’re growing on me OCR, must have been Frank’s hospitality & guidance?

    I went to dear old @Frank restaurant as you mentioned and Frank was walking around saying 'Im such a cunt'. We sorted everything out and we get along now.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    Do you suffer a boring sexless marriage? 

    Evening Eddie, nah never been married. I'll wait another 20 years or so when I need a woman to clean up etc and keep me company. Until then I'll happily go in and out of relationships. There are so many sexy women out there it would be shame not to try and get together with as many as possible. I leave getting married and becoming a miserable cunt untill much later.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    Fair enough if you want to fuck around, but surely leaving a marriage that you made a vow to uphold on the day because your wife won't doesn't want to shag you for whatever reason is a cowardly move, even if you aren't religious. What's so strong and noble about quitting on a relationship that gets to that level instead of trying to work it out with the other party?

    I'm 42 and I'll probably get married in 25 years time as I'll need a lady to keep me company and wash, clean and iron my clothes. Most marriages fail these days and I am not only thinking of the sex, it's also about the arguing etc and having to live in the same house as a woman you don't love  or get on with anymore. Marriages years ago used to last decades usually because if the married couple separated it brought shame on them, these days that isn't the case hence why there are so many divorces. I'll stay happily single thanks until I need a lady around my house. 


  8. 1 hour ago, King Billy said:

    Ape I need to borrow a couple of rolls of tinfoil if you can help me out. I’ve had six shiny new   hats blow away in the wind this week. I thought about making an elastic chinstrap to solve this problem, but I don’t want to look like a cunt in public.

    I've been trying to buy foil everywhere but all the conspiracy theorists have panic bought all of the foil up. I bought some rum instead. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

    I believe it will go away, so please enlighten me as to why this makes me gullible and naive. Please, share the knowledge you have that supports your non-vaccine comment.

    You seriously believe Covid 19 is going to go away? The so called vaccine isn't proven to stop you catching or spreading the Kung Flu so it not really a vaccine is it? It limits the effects of Covid 19. Also I heard some scientist on the radio saying there are 4000 mutations of the Kung Flu and that's the ones they know about, some new variants are making the 'vaccine' efficacy questionable. It's part of the flu family of viruses apparently so like the flu all the old cunts will getting their top ups each year forever I bet which is going to be a nice earner for the big pharmaceutical companies. So no Covid 19 is here to stay I reckon.

  10. 2 hours ago, Eddie said:

    Weak cunts piss me off too, blokes that are married but fuck around behind their wives back and think it’s clever, cunts with no compassion and think is tough to attack an old boy on an anonymous website with not recourse, weak cunts who can’t follow basic rules to help the greater good, and try and stop the spread of a virus, but what do I know, if you want my opinion better ask my wife for it....

    Sorry for the late reply Eddie...I have only got in from a 120 mile drive which was non essential. Whilst I admire your loyalty I am of the opinion that if I'm not happy in a relationship then I will leave it, life's too short to be in a boring, sexless marriage for the sake of doing the right thing as some might expect. You may call it weak, I call it being strong and having the bollocks to make sure you are happy. I didn't nominate Captain Tom either you stupid thick kunt it was someone else, I called you out for your over the top, dramatic snowflake reaction to someone having a laugh. As for spreading the virus, the useless Government have done a good enough job of that by letting cunts in on planes from all over the world up until recently but I guess you like to blame the bloke in the street. I don't know your wife so I can't ask her anything, but I'm guessing you've been married more than once you soppy cunt. Good evening by the way. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    One bell end who fits this category is plastic socialist and gobshite Piers fucking Morgan. Apparently he slagged off someone on air who said she did not go out on to her doorstep to clap last night. I'm sure his knickers flashing co-host agreed with him as well.

    Yes although I do sometimes like his willingness to call out snowflake behaviour he still acts like a fucking dictator on his shite ITV platform. His perceived power has gone to his fat red faced head, the cunt.

  12. Weak cunts...

    They are found everywhere these days and although the list is endless I shall highlight some that annoy me the most.

    Men who get married and even more so the ones who get married more than once are total bellends. The type of cunts who proudly say 'She's the boss' and 'I do as I'm told' it's not funny you cunts and all it does is confirm you are a weak, scared to be on your own cunt. They then wank themselves to death because the wife stopped having sex after getting married, yet they are too weak to do the right thing and leave the cow, even though she's turned into a fat, moaning cunt who is never satisfied.

    People who act like sheep and follow the latest 'right thing to do'. If it's not 'clapping the NHS' then it's having a go at somebody who dares to say something that goes against the expected response...like some of the people on here who got upset because someone dared to say something about Captain Tom. 

    And finally the gullible and naive who believe that this Covid bollocks is going to go away now we have the non 'vaccine'. These are usually the same old miserable cunts who stand by their window watching how many people the young couple have over their house on a saturday night. 'Here Mavis, that flash bastard has had at least five friends round, I'm calling the police'. We need non weak cunts to get us out of this pandemic and all the cunts in power seem to be weak as fuck and cannot say or do the right thing because they are scared of being politically incorrect. 

    And for any cunt who predictably says this is a weak nomination why not write your own up instead of sitting on the sidelines criticising nominations. If you've been here for ages it doesn't mean you cannot put a shift in.

    Yours sincerely Old Chap Raasclaat. 

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  13. On 28/01/2021 at 11:31, ChildeHarold said:

    Not finding the lurv you obviously crave when you post such anti foreign anti Europe fake patriotic bull shite on the Corner? Kiss my black European arse you racist. 

    Are you a blackie Harold? 

  14. 4 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    Whats political speak for unrepentant fenian bazturd ..dont feel to bad ..i too offered to take the roops out for an Irish coffee ifn she ever found herself in the fair city of Dublin..give her a break from high powered exec speak n pointin at graphs n pye charts..alas to no avail 


    I was thinking I would like to visit Dublin...that famous city founded by Vikings. I may pop over Covid and Brexit permitting, if they say no I could always get a dinghy. Had an Irish bird years ago, she was beautiful.

  15. 3 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    And she deserves it...sigmund was right..ya become what ya detest..or somethin like that 


    Panzermurphy, what is your opinion on the EU's behaviour regarding vaccinations and generally acting like a load of spoilrd, bullying cunts?

  16. 2 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

    It is now "after orbyn" .. it might not interest you to know that today I resigned from two campaign groups .. fuck all to do with GBLTQQBWWWWTHTAB after informing them that the cost of what they are campaigning for will cost a cash-strapped local council at least £1.5million per year for which I was told that I had just plucked numbers out of the air.

    Fair play to you, as I've got older I have noticed labour are the spend, spend, spend party and God knows what they would have spent had they been in charge at the moment. Imagine Dianne Abbott getting involved...she would allocate 7 vaccine jabs per person and allocate £400 to buy everybody a new house.

  17. 3 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

    I am pro european left leaning labour but I am not a member of the club and so far as you are concerned I have no beliefs.

    Understood Dawn, most of my family are/were Labour voting etc however I cannot support the deluded idiots anymore especially after Corbyn. 

    Not that it matters to me but are you a tranny?

  18. 15 hours ago, Decimus said:

    A lazy, slipshod explanation as to why you have trolled the site continuously since you first joined it.

    First off, the majority of posters aren't right wing or racist. I'll give you that a vocal minority probably are, but to paint the entire site as a Stormfront offshoot says more about your own political naievity than the political realism of The Corner. I'm a pro European, old school left-wing, historic Labour voter. Others who you probably also imagine to be Nick Griffin clones actually have similar political leanings as me. The difference between us and you is that we have recognised and acknowledged that the left has been hijacked by extreme ideologists who are fervently trying to shoehorn identity, race and gender politics into the main political discourse of this country.

    The fact of the matter is, Great Britain has more important things to be worrying about than a starving Somalian not getting a Covid jab, or a 6 year old boy being denied gender reassignment surgery on an already overwhelmed NHS.

    You live in a fantasy Twitter world where idealism and principles trump Realpolitik and the base nature of the human race. Take a look at your communist heroes and see where idealism got them, with cunts like you in charge during one of the most challenging times in human history, we'd be reliving Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.

    Get off my fucking site.


    I have noticed Cunts Corner has balanced political representation and indeed hosts all kinds of people from the UK and beyond. You have Panzer who must be left leaning and loves the EU, considering that's all he ever fucking talks about, Earl of Punkape who is extremely right wing and told me to fuck off and live near Mtembe. You also have most of our fucked up society represented... Childeharold who has been given far too much mobile phone allowance in his mental hospital, tranny's like Dawn Chorus (so I have been led to believe) are given free reign to express themselves and decent respectable folk like me have been welcomed here. And not forgetting Frank who is like that relative everybody is ashamed of and is allowed to carry on talking utter bollocks whilst sat out of the way in his shit and piss filled pants. 

    All presided over by the mysterious Mrs Roops...who declined my advances. 

    Cunts Corner...it's the place to be. 

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