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Posts posted by Jiggerycock

  1. 25 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

    Her Twitter, 2 days ago:

    "As polls close I want to thank all of our fantastic candidates and activists who have worked so hard in the most difficult circumstances during this campaign. Our party always has been - and always will be - a movement built on people coming together to fight for a better world."


    The party's over love, and whilst there's probably one last bottle of Gevrey Chambertin left, the beer ran out years ago

  2. 4 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

    I am seeing the outrage from the psuedo working class (actually middle class) cunts on twatter .. I have told some of them that they are disconnected from the people labour is supposed to represent but thay call me a right wing bigot. The cause is lost. TBH I suspect that few of the working class ethnics are voting for labour or even the LibDems.

    That figures.

    Labour thinks 'Twitter' is 'The British Public' and not a bunch of cunts, with too much time on their hands, re-enforcing their great opinions of themselves or conducting a witch hunt against anyone who courts a 'bad prejudice'

    • Like 1
  3. There seems to be a lot of pro-French sentiment on the island, which has been gaily seized upon in a series of 'vox-unpops' by the Fifth Columnists at the BBC.

    Personally, it's like Scottish Independence. If they don't want to be part of the greatest nation that ever was, then fuck off and mingle with the cutpurses, scalliwags and epicures!

    We should send non-escalatory pedalos. They are French boats after all.

  4. You'd have more sympathy if the whole contrived artifice wasn't about them all having to look like porn-stars in the first place.

    Why didn't Cowell - or better still, the girls themselves - go 'Fuck right off! We're going down the Poly Styrene / Beth Ditto / Daisy Chainsaw route, being what we are, not sucking corporate cock and letting our art speak for itself'

    Course, they'd have had to forget about the yachts, footballer boyfriends, Krug and goodie bags stuffed with dildoes and £50 notes but, hey, it's a small price to pay for integrity and dignity isn't it?

  5. 1 hour ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

    The Henry Jackson Society report Iran have been mounting an online campaign to sway Scots voters towards independence since 2013, creating various Facebook profiles (now deleted) to present England as the oppressive and abusive overlord.  

    And to think the UK stuck their necks out to try to salvage the Iranian nuclear deal when the Americans were dead against it... You do someone a favour and this is the thanks you get.  Meddling backstabbing bastards trying to break up the union.  


    Off you go Scotland and have a fantastic independence as long as it's a proper one not just a pretendy pick and mix affair. 

    BTW, what's the upside for Iran out of this? The deep-fried heroin will have lost its kick by the time it hits the badlands of Tehran (so that's 'Tehran' then basically) and Runrig have a small enough audience base as it is.....I can't think they're going bandy for the tartan troubadors in Qom, so what gives?

  6. 12 hours ago, ProfB said:

    Poots - is someone having a laugh?

    Poot - it means to break wind, a fart

    Edwin poots

    Head wind aka Edwin

    The corner is always naming folk I don;t know  - i don;t know if a Joke or serious half of the time.

    Off to goog

    Edwin Poots is a Northern Irish politician.

    a poot is a fart, the luck of the irish.




    Fuck me, wait until Ding and Trump play each other in the snooker - it'll blow your mind!

  7. 18 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

    So fucking what you shit faced fuck. Howz that for "more than a hint of a sense of humour" so shuv right up your arse you miserable cunt who I have never witnessed either appreciating or creating anything funny. 


    Oh ey up, he's been listening to his Crass albums again and has gone all po-faced and shouty.

    It's true what they say about how "if you lose one sense then you overcompensate with another."

    You've clearly lost your sense of humour and have overcompensated with a sense of your own importance.

  8. What's this 'leaderboard' stuff and nonsense?

    Where can I find it?

    Genuinely - some algorithm weighs and marks the worth of the crap we post on here, then puts the authors into some sort of ranked list - and some folks take this seriously? 

    What absolute twaddle

    • Like 3
  9. 12 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

    I simply believe that during a national crisis solidarity and pulling together WITHOUT EXCEPTION is the key to success. Sorry if I sound 1940s and all that. 


    Pulling together or mindless subservience

    You call it leechen, I call it lychen, let's call the whole thing moss

  10. 2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

    OK fucking do something brave when you go about flouting the RULES (wiggling fingers in front of your face) and state quite clearly that you are a "principled" fucker and you are "fighting" for everybody's rights - including the right to be fucked up by covid infested cunts like you. 👅*

    LOL (but come clean baby) 

    * I am not sure whether this is a red posing pouch or a face mask, let's hope it isn't a used and heavily soiled one that fell out of Stubby's gym bag. 

    Unlike you, I have no desire or need to parade my virtue in my every waking moment.

    Two years time when we're in Wave 26 because we're worried about the potential effect of the 'Vanuatu Variant' and we'd better have a curfew too, just to be on the safe side, don't come running to me because you can't go to your 'Men who don't walk on the cracks in the pavement against the Nazi's!' support group meeting - not that you could anyway, impaled as you are on Chris Whitty's cock.

    • Like 1
  11. 36 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    Even so, there were clear cut cases of cunts organising "mass" events in perfect defiance of everything that was going on with of course money lining their pockets. So your argument about revenue is completely irrelevant. Parliament is supposed to back our police and justice system if it stands any chance of toughening up law and order in this country. 

    Fucking get back on your horse and get the hell out of my saloon and ride out into the fucking Wild West if that's what you want. 

    Oh fuck you and your mewling love of control and being controlled.

    The biggest civil liberties grab since Magna Carta - and you're right on side with the State and Stasi population!

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    What is it about these things we use to get around in? Some people think a fast car adds inches to your dick, some people are jealous of a successful cunt in a fast car. Why is it when a typically normal, calm  bastard (even women) gets in a car they suddenly think they are the hardest bastard who ever lived? Even if they can't back it up. I wouldn't be surprised if Frank turns into a hard man whilst driving his Pink Beetle with flowers on the dashboard should anybody dare to get in his way.

    Why do women show serious aggression and lack of road courtesy when they get behind the wheel? Or are they the lesbian (want to be male) types? When it comes to turning the driver into a cunt the car transcends sex, race, wealth and class.





    I think it's because, there in their cars, they feel safest of all, they can lock all their doors and think it's the only way to live

  13. 1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

    Oooh, oooh, oooh this big boy is picking on me Sir. Please Sir I'm being picked on. Sir, Sir can we all have more homework this week? Sir, this big boy is ganging up on me. Sir can I be Teacher's pet? 

    Trying to decipher the hyper-punctuated, surrealist Esperanto with which you choose to communicate, I'm taking a leap of faith here and assuming......:

    • You see yourself as a 'Progressive'
    • ....and therefore membership of the EU is far and away the most important religious sacrament in your faith
    • ....and therefore your posting above is a humorous take on supposed supplicant position of big business in the shape of AZ, when confronted by the might of the EU.

    How am I doing?

    Ignoring the absolute opposite argument deployed by  pro-EU groups (depending on who they are trying to browbeat into accepting their utterly potty cause) -  that it's also the world’s most powerful driving force behind globalisation and the final elimination of interference by national governments in the glorious and prosperous free-for-all that the world’s economy ought to be but, unfortunately, hasn’t yet become - there's also another teensy bit of dissonance here.

    For as long as I can remember, 'Progressives' have disparaged capitalist Big Pharma and declared that vaccines should be provided at cost to the world's poor.

    Finally, a Big Pharma company does just that. Look what happens.

    No Good Turn Goes Unpunished. This will be the last time any multinational drug company tries to be public-spirited.

    Well done, you fucking spastics / bureaucratic cretins.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, White Cunt said:

    So, it's official. The EU is charging at AZ, as planned. What might the consequences be? Well, I would guess, the multinationals may be quietly moving branches and setting up shop in new locations, out of reach of the EU's dictatorial command foot.  I also have a feeling that should AZ win the case and claim costs, loss of business or other compensation from the EU, it may never see a penny of it - they won't pay, the cunts.

    I predict a 'settlement' that makes both parties look good, otherwise the EU has placed itself in a no-win situation.

    Indeed, if the EU's techno-bureaucratic misunderstandings, misfires and incompetence's are exposed during litigation - extremely likely since at trial, forensic examination of senior EU officials up to and including UVdL re how many doses were ordered and when? How much was paid for them etc - then 'ever closer union' becomes more of a death threat than aspiration.

    If the EU 'win' against AZ, then what global vendor in its right mind can afford to expose itself to th EU's procurement processes without special guarantees?

    Unless AZ behaved horribly (possible but extremely unlikely, given it's rep that they are manufacturing a vaccine against a global virus at cost price, and at record speed), the EU will be revealed as a vindictive loser incapable of taking institutional responsibility for its own dysfunctions.....oh, wait....

    The EU's tactics here seem to be 'When you're in a hole.....demand control of all available spade production!'

    • Like 2
  15. 53 minutes ago, Neil said:

    Killswitch Engage are a prime example,stupid though cos the cunt belts out a decent tune and can sing.These other cunts will die of throat cancer soon anyway.

    Yeah - prime example, as you say.

    'The Arms of Sorrow' just rocks right up to 'there must be serenity',

    I mean why does he do that? You're blazing away doing your thing (powering up weights in the gym say for me or, for the rest of you, foot up on an imaginary monitor, singing into a celery stick, staring at your four blackened walls of your bedsit, tuna pasta bake for one sizzling away on the Belling stove) right up to that point, when the whole song (blindly) descends into this guttural nothing.

    Proper off-pissing!

  16. Yeah I know this is pretty much one of the defining facets of the genre, but why for fucks sake?

    No kidding, there's guitar work going on the like of which cannot be bettered this side of Segovia. The lyrical themes are generally novel and thought provoking and all in all, plenty of the groups mining this seam can rock my world mightily (your tastes may vary, naturally......you fucking lightweights!).

    So there I am, getting down with my bad self, and cue this guttural , generic, white-noise that oh-so many of these bands go in for.

    I dunno, I suppose they're trying to evoke the presence of Beelzebub or some shit but it's lame and unnecessary and, in the case of that fat cunt from Candlemass, just another reason to loathe their body of work

    • Like 1
  17. 21 hours ago, Goober said:

    I'm not sure how we'd celebrate St George's day. A few pints of Old Peculiar and a bad case of the shits the day after? A dinner of stewed Yorkshire pudding, Stilton and Pontefract cakes? 

    To be fair, St Patrick driving the snakes out of Ireland is just about plausible (despite being bullshit). Celebrating some bloke that supposedly killed a dragon (probably a sand lizard) is the height of sky fairy nonsense. 

    Not only that, St George is a three timing cunt, being the patron saint of Georgia and Ethiopia too. We need our own, exclusive Saint. How about David-fucking-Beckham? 

    I do agree that the English need to be prouder and less fearful of their national identity though. 

    Fuck the Welsh. 


    Bit of casual racism.......projectile vomiting on the nearest statue of some old cunt that put duty, kindness and quiet determination before ambition and appearance and extroverted emotive boasting......then fail a Chlamydia test.

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