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Everything posted by Roadkill

  1. ... Are you a Mackem?
  2. I just assumed because your first post was about Yank television and you didn't know what a spacker was.
  3. I think he's a Yank. He won't know what a Sinclair C5 is...
  4. He also nicked Bono's glasses. He needs them for his glaucoma! You fat bastard!
  5. Look at that totally natural hairline. It's Segal.
  6. Halsama Shambala Concordia III. He told me. It's legit.
  7. I like you, Pen. It all just rolls off your back and your lack of giving a fuck seems entirely genuine. Good job
  8. Still got £50 from the scrap man for it though which was half of what I'd paid for it in the first place and way more that it was actually worth.
  9. You will be known as Eric the Blank.
  10. That's actually a most valid point, Ratcum. Thing was a nightmare though, it had a good ten degrees of movement either way on the steering wheel before anything would actually happen, a nackered radio that could only get Radio 3 and only played out of the drivers side door speaker, and the worlds worst automatic gearbox that made a lovely grinding sound whenever you put it in reverse. Protons are shite, but mine was a special kind of shite.
  11. Just stop behind them and get out. I did this once when someone was being a cunt at the local Tesco, they scratched the shit out of my car and escaped when the guy in front of them pulled out, but it was a shitty 92 Proton 1.3 that was going to the scrapper at the end of the month anyway, so joke was on them.
  12. In a world where Punkape exists, we've already hit rock bottom. The rest is just icing on the turd.
  13. They're waiting for YOU, Ratcum. Go. Join them.
  14. He would have probably been grateful. You can always sense a "I'm going to shank you in the kidneys" vibe from beta member of these relationships towards the alpha, but they're usually too broken to actually act on the instinct.
  15. Decimus that was some awful sentence structure by the end there. Are you genuinely angry or just pissed?
  16. Click it, go you your profile, then click it again and chose whatever picture you want of the net. Using the silhouette is for mongs and their millions of extra ID's they use so they can pretend someone somewhere agrees with them about something
  17. You need to get yourself an avatar, Eric.
  18. Roadkill

    Driveby Woofers

    Don't understand when people are surprised that some 69 year old career politician with 'Clinton' hanging off the end of her name like an infected hemorrhoid turns out to be above the law. Even if the other cunt wins they're fucked. And most likely we are fucked. And the world. I say we burn them all and start again.
  19. NEVER apologize. They'll rip you apart, man...
  20. Why are the worst ones always named Keith?
  21. Just because you're all up to date with the boss of Choirboys Worldwide Inc. doesn't mean we all are Punkape
  22. I thought the Pope was Brazilian.
  23. Roadkill

    Driveby Woofers

    Decimus, your bedrooms on fire.
  24. I feel sorry for that monkey. He never knew he'd be used as an avatar by a twat like Punkape. He probably still doesn't. Poor little bastard would off himself if he knew, I'm sure...
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