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Posts posted by Roadkill

  1. 35 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    If, and it's a big if, the russkies do pull out and leave Ukraine alone, who do you think the midget will come to with cap in hand for the few quid it will take to restore his shithole to its former shithole glory? I'd say they should nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. 

    I don't think Russia will pull out. They'll probably just keep throwing meat into the grinder until they can secure the territory they've managed to capture then declare it a victory whilst conveniently forgetting the infamous "three day plan".

    Ukraine doesn't have the man power or the equipment now that western interest is starting to wane to win a war of attrition. Few years time and it'll be the Ruskies begging for help against the smiling Chinks on their doorstep. If we're lucky they'll just nuke each other and microwave Germany a bit in the process.

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  2. 13 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Daley Thompson was our best darkie. Just went about the business of winning stuff without worrying too much about being black.

    It's the Yanks fault. They've got the bunch of them thinking they were all picking cotton a few generations back, so when they do achieve something they feel the need to make a statement in support of "their people". Hasn't really settled in the fact that there's a big fucking ocean between them and the Yank darkies, or that as far back as WW2 all the segregation bollocks of the Jim Crow era was heavily frowned upon by the UK population when they saw how they were treating their black GIs.

    Honestly I think most of the cunts hate the colour of their own skin more than the "racists" they see in every dark corner.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, and said:

    Don't be too hard on him, he wasn't lying, he hadn't had a bath or shower for twelve months. Poor guy lived in a bed-sit, with only a communal bathroom for his daily ablutions, and it was always occupied by some smack-head looking to shoot up whatever was available.

    That's what life is like, when you're at the bottom... 😢

    So it was you all along? They never did discover the identity of the shitter squatter...

  4. 17 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

    This vile, lying, chancing cunt has just been banned for refusing to say who was driving at the time other offences were (allegedly) committed.

    Bianca Williams banned from driving and given 18 penalty points

    The report doesn't say what the 11 penalty points she already had on her licence were for. Perhaps it was "Smelling of foreign food" or "Possession of curly black hair and thick lips"?

    I saw a report about this bint moaning that her championship ambitions were crushed as a result of this horrible judgement.

    It must be a fascinating perspective on life to be so adored, so pandered to and supported into a certain - dare I say "privileged" - lifestyle that the very concept of consequences for your actions becomes so alien to the point that you're still arguing that your status as a celebrity sports person should exempt you from the established laws of the land.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Penny Farthing said:

    It was never the same after they replaced William Hartnell .

    I've never been able to get into it at any level myself, but Hartnell isn't even the first Doctor anymore - they retconned a small black child into that position a few years ago.

    No reason, just because they can. I do understand the frustration this sort of shit must cause to long term fans though, even if I'm not one myself.

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  6. On 02/12/2023 at 11:22, ChildeHarold said:

    You’re dead wrong there. But why don't you just say the whole fucking Dr Who shite show has it's day and this is just resuscitating a corpse. OK a transgender corpse. 


    Considering the average age of punters on here Doctor Who was probably an important part of their childhood and they feel bitter towards what to them is established cannon being changed to pander to a new generation.

    Nothing the BBC has it's fingers in these days is primarily entertainment, it's just regurgitated slop designed to specifically indoctrinate younger viewers into a more politically acceptable world view, whilst seemingly tricking older fans into letting their children watch it.

    A corporation, especially one that demands a mandatory payment simply for the fact that every television in existence automatically has their channels tuned in out of the box, should in no way be abusing its status to pander and transmit the social engineered whims and opinions of its employees who intend to use it as propaganda to promote their own personal beliefs.

    It can play the fucking program the way it was written and portrayed since the fucking sixties, or they can fuck off and become a private channel and do whatever they fucking please. They shouldn't be legally allowed to spit in the face of fans and demand payment for the service.

  7. 51 minutes ago, ZEV said:

    Hitler only had one ball , just sayin'...

    He had Parkinson's disease too. I guess if he delayed his self induced sinus expansion long enough to end up a shivering vegetable he'd have just decided to call it a day and start working as a motivational speaker for kids who can't read good.

  8. 21 hours ago, Decimus said:

    Back on topic I recently watched the children in need Doctor Who mini episode as despite it being absolute dog shit since 2017, I bizarrely thought things might be different with a white, straight male back in the lead role.

    Within seconds I was disabused of that notion when the jock proclaimed that he was previously "A brilliant woman".

    Still, I didn't realise just how bad it was at the time. Spacker extraordinaire and all round wrong'un Davros was being played by a normal man. I assumed it was some shite that was explained away by it being set in the past before he transformed.

    Cue today when I found out that it was actually just a retcon because the BBFuckingC confirmed that the change was made because they considered it toxic in this day and age to portray someone in a wheelchair as being evil. Despite that being wholly patronising and incredibly insulting to anyone disabled as it implies they are inherently no threat and just good sheeple who will toe the line, it didn't escape my attention that aunty hasn't got any problems with displaying a white man as an evil, megalomaniacal psychopath, however.



    What about the Daleks? Are they going to give them all legs?

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  9. 2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

    How these cunts forge ahead in business I don't know given the propensity to cover up and lie displayed so far in the occupied Palestinian territory of the West Bank, the annexed Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and the current military siege in the refugee camp of the Gaza strip. 

    Probably their propensity to cover up and lie, Harold...

    That and the easily manipulated Yank mindset that a religious or racial group of people who've been discriminated against by white men in the past should in no way be held accountable for their actions in the present (unless they're Asian), despite all the evidence that they're actually being a bunch of cunts right now.

    They've got white guilt refined so far down into a fine art that they actually adopt other people's white guilt.

  10. 16 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    Is anyone other than me wondering how long the centre of London will be allowed to be taken over on a daily basis by tens of thousands of anti-British, virtue signalling, leftard cunts climbing all over our war memorials, screaming vile abuse and hatred at anyone and everything British, while our ‘brave boys in blue’ stand motionless watching them (no doubt on full alert for any sign of ‘far right counter protesters’ to launch an attack on)?

    This country is in the final stages of total fucking collapse and imminent surrender to the radical left, while the totally unaware and totally brainwashed masses are sat at home on their fat white arses, glued to Strictly Come Mincing, Farage stuffing his cakehole full of cockroaches for a million quid cheque, then the BBC fake news’s latest smorgasbord of lies before bed.

    And all the clever cunts will wake up tomorrow and gorge themselves on whatever distraction that’s served up for them on GMB or Sky News etc. to keep their massive intellects ticking over for the next 24 hours.

    Fuck off.


    London is already lost. Has been for decades.

    I've never been, but I've seen videos of those entire areas blanketed with advertising in squiggly sand-monkey script where every cunt is dressed like a brown Dumbledore or Islam Dalek.

    The mayor reflects the dominant majority well, as does the Prime Minister for that matter. You can't point it out though, that's racist.

    Can't counter protest any of their organised tantrums that they've cunningly planned on a national day of remembrance either. That's racist, that is. Of course they haven't planned the entire thing just to rub it in how little they respect the native culture of the country they're residing in - in fact I bet every single one of them personally knows a dirty baby trapped in a Gaza hospital and feels really really upset.

    I suppose we've only got ourselves to blame. Whitey got all uppity after two world wars and started demanding shit like a National Health Service and livable wages. Just not sustainable if Rishi has to turn the heat off in his swimming pool one day of the week after 10pm. These new fuckers can have the run of the place as long as they're content living twelve to a room and making £2 a day.

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  11. On 10/11/2023 at 09:26, Mrs Roops said:

    Strange as it may seem but sorting out a bunch of overgrown children at The Corner ranks pretty low in life's priorities ...

    Ah, but it does rank. Welcome back :)

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  12. 1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    Exactly, what a bullshitting cunt he is... Said he's not worn trainers for twenty years, after posting a stupid picture of himself (on his own) wearing trainers a few months ago. I don't know who you think you are either, Withers, didn't you say you were done with France after seemingly paying too much to get your shit filled septic tank emptied... You're still there though, aren't you? You're so full of shit, you should jump in said tank. 

    Fuck off. 

    Sometimes, he lies.

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  13. 1 hour ago, Jake The Muss said:

    Are you suggesting the hidden hand is the readers digest ?

    I'm just saying it's rather suspicious that a magazine that I've never seen someone under the age of sixty five and not in a hospital bed read has survived for so long with such a fragile demographic.

    There's something dark going on there behind the scenes, could be human trafficking, could be drug cartels, could be a secret society pulling at the strings of various political and religious conflicts to serve some hidden agenda.

    I wouldn't rule them out is all I'm saying.

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  14. 14 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

    That's all very well and true...but what if there was guidance from a hidden hand, some researchers suggest that Hamas was very influenced by Israel when it was founded in 1987, Israel said once that Hamas was an asset of theirs (whatever they meant by that). 

    Two wings of the same bird and nothing is what it seems...meanwhile, the innocent suffer as always in the plight of political mayhem by design.

    It's a bunch of Jews dropped in the middle of a sandy desert shit hole populated by sand monkeys eighty years ago. A shit hole that has been known as a staging point for religious conflict for thousands of years.

    There doesn't really need to be a hidden hand pulling the strings behind the scenes for things to go tits up. The fucking Reader's Digest fan club could "manipulate" these cunts into killing each other

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  15. 3 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

    Interesting you should say this, apparently there was a letter written in 1871 by 33rd degree freemason Albert Pike outlining three world wars, the letter was in a british museum at some point before it was removed. He described WW1 & WW2 accurately. He stated that WW3 would be fought by political zionists and Islam. Now the letter may well be a load of old pony but the content appears accurate...all i can add is, if the letter was real, then these bloodline scumbag families sure do play the long game over generations. At this point, i'm open minded about fucking everything. 

    Albert Pike was the author of the book morals and dogma, in that book he referrers to the elite as the sinless and the rest of us cunts as the profane and also has a high praise for lucifer, lovely chap, it's all a puppet show.

    Interesting story, but you don't really need magical, future predicting letters from the past to realise two groups of cunts using their gullible masses as cannon fodder for territorial gains.

    Both parties will happily kill anyone even remotely connected to one or the other, up to and including the sick, elderly or even children and both parties are more than happy to use such casualties to solicit sympathy and support towards their main objective - which is the complete annihilation of their enemy.

    They're all cunts. I genuinely don't understand why either side is considered worthy of sympathy or even attention.




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  16. 3 hours ago, Decimus said:

    Let's play a game of beast wars, and no I'm not talking about pitting some the Corner's most sinister reprobates against each other. I mean old school, playground "which animal could you beat up?" shit.

    As we're talking about dogs, do you reckon you could take a rottweiler 1v1 in a fight to the death? No weapons obviously.

    Anything up to a black bear. Prius isn't a weapon - it's transport.

  17. 2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    I’ve only ever been bitten by 2 dogs. Both Border Collies. Something to do with a boredom threshold if they don’t get exercised enough. 

    One very old golden retriever bit me in the face when I was little. Probably because she wanted to sleep and I was being an annoying eight year old and trying to get her to play, so not really the dog's fault - in hindsight I'd have clouted me, too.

    Now, cats? Cats are maniac cunts who'll just bite you to hear you scream. If those fuckers were as big as dogs we'd all be fucked, including the dogs.

    I genuinely think the current dog witch hunt has been brought about by cunts getting them during the pandemic and having no clue how to raise them properly - a fucking Staffie bit a baby a few days back - anyone who's been around that breed knows they're the kindest, stupidest idiots going as long as they're brought up right, especially around young children who they adore and would usually protect with their lives.

    The simple fact of the matter is that most of these owners should be relegated to goldfish ownership only - there'd probably be a drastic rise in incidents of kids drowning in fish tanks, but at least the fish won't be held responsible.

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  18. 37 minutes ago, LastoftheMullets said:

    I've actually used that magikarp method and then you dump it at the Pen and King Billy run Pokemon day care centre and wait for it to evolve into the Gyrados, it's not even that Sandshrew is hard to defeat it's just an irritating little fucker that pops up every 5 mins doing his Michael Jackson pose when you're traipsing though caves  and you can't even zap it with your Pikachu as it's impervious to electricity...cunt!

    Pikachu is an overrated little flagship bitch. Go for an Electrode or Magnamite and suicide bomb the cunt. I completely forgot you could drop them of at the care center - I think in the later games you can drop off two and they'll shag if they're male and female. I got some weird fire snail thing that way.

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  19. 4 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    I was a teenager when Turtles came out so it still counts. 
     I bet you don’t even remember ‘Batfink’.

    I know the name, not the show. All the old shite was played on a channel called Boomerang on the cable when I was growing up.

    Wacky Races and Catch the Pigeon were the dogs bollocks.

  20. Just now, Eric Cuntman said:

    That reminds me of the black faced avatar that @cuntsman had 5 years ago. Like some black & white minstrel in a turban.

    It's a Japanese thing. A lot of their "mystical" characters were portrayed like this in the 90's and 2000's because they think fuzzy wuzzies have magical powers.

    Western influence has killed the tradition off a bit, but you do still get the odd full on gollywog depictions sometimes.

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