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Everything posted by colonelkurtz

  1. This is how it begins , today lemonade , next counterfeit car spares , money laundering , global slave trading. When I was her age the previous weeks Kerrang swap for a Bazooka Joe was my idea of economics . Lock up the little shit and be done with it.
  2. Saw some golfists stuff on the news and it looks a shite set up .. there's no sign of that windmill tunnel or zigzag road or hump back bridge over the river or that lighthouse thing .. nothing , absolutely nothing . So yes , it's definitely a bag of shite and for irons, and cunts as well and probably all the rage in Surrey [although I see the match is being played in Merseyside Lite]
  3. There's a bloke lives a few doors away who is taking two weeks of his annual leave to watch golfing .. fucking golfing ! He always seemed such a decent type . As of this morning he's started wearing pink v neck sweaters and dayglo green kecks . In my book he is now a gold plated top of the range CUNT.
  4. Cheapo B&Q twisted lavvy or off centre ringpiece .. or both !
  5. That's the trouble with todays criminal scum ... absolutely no grasp of basic economics.
  6. Sounds like the 21st century version of my dear departed Ma and her Tupperware years . The old mans " You'll be sorry " warnings of course went unheeded . Did she listen ? - did she fuck . Once the garage was fucking knee deep in the stuff we then moved on to the loft. Brilliant business idea [muuurican of course] . Just churn the stuff out and then get some schmuck to act as your warehouse , clog up their home with the shit and then also use said home as a sales room and distribution centre, and why not throw a fucking party to flog it off , providing your tea , coffee , and hob nobs Can still remember all the cries of "Ooh ! ... that'll come in handy" and " Aaw Brenda that's just what I've always needed " for all that shite that spent the rest of it's days stuffed in the back of that corner kitchen cupboard. Come to think of it I overhear much the same remarks these days when Mrs kurtz and her mates throw the "fun" parties they obviously enjoy so much.
  7. Triple whammy yesterday at christening service and aftermath. Service itself not too bad , with a reasonable amount of fanny and milfs here and there and a camp vicar to brighten up proceedings. Followed by "Go on - gerrup an 'ave a bop" - No , hope Mr DJ electrocutes himself. " Ain't my little grandson jus' wunnerful " - No , little Haribo or whatever he's called is just a shouty little shit. " Ooh , your uncle Eddie [no relation] , he's a right character isn't he " - No , Eddie [no relation] is a bigoted old gobshite.
  8. colonelkurtz

    Tim Henman

    I miss the sight of his dad ... 35 deg C .. collar and tie ... sweaty bollocks no doubt .Yet always looking like he had either just squeezed one out or held one back in abeyance whilst maintaining the required SE1 decorum .
  9. ..... from Yorkshire.. end of.
  10. The last foreign film we watched was Trainspotting and I quite enjoyed it .. well I think I did.
  11. There are shops on Lime Street with compo claims against ship collisions at the Pier Head.
  12. Our Hyacinth Bucket neighbour rarely misses an opportunity to mention in passing the "procedure" she underwent at the local private hospital ... mind you ingrowing toenails can be nasty fuckers.
  13. Wonder if moggsprog6 shit stinks.
  14. Bring it on ... the Maybot is being lined up to take the blame and will out on her bony arse like shit off a shovel . I'm just looking forward to the first time Rees-Mogg is addressed as 'Jake'
  15. My old man always goes by the tried and trusted approach that if the name ends in a vowel the chances are they're a wrong 'un.
  16. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-40483564
  17. The media reaction is , let's be honest , completely predictable. But then again , yes , they are shit pictures . But then again again has anyone seen Jerry Halls photos of Murdochs' cock. You can bet Sky news won't be making a fuss over them.
  18. The ones I see aren't neccesarily wimmin or skankblobs , more likely yummy mummys or audi/range rover driving top geezers.
  19. Buggy,buggy ! ... we don't need no stinking buggys.
  20. What the fuck is all this "parent & child" parking spaces bollocks close to store entrances. From what I've seen this morning the parents should be forced to park at the maximum possible distance from store entrances.Get the fat little fuckers walking off the blubber that every other skankblob seems to have amassed after stuffing the endless supply of shite down their flabby fucking cake holes. Get inside the store and the fucking morons push the lazy little fuckers round in store trolleys. But then marvel as the lardarsed little cunts leap and move like fucking Usain Bolt as soon as the corner is turned into the Monster Munch and Haribo multi pack aisles. It's time the "Big Four" got their act together and took a leaf out of Mr Ali at the Costcutter store who manages perfectly well without all this namby pamby preferential parking malarkey.
  21. Fair do's .. but in the interests of balance let's not overlook the smarmy Wogan impersonator who was plainly cacking his pants at every mention of public sector pay.
  22. The main highlights are when Dibblembellend points and says " Yes, yes , you there at the back with the ghastly shirt and frightfully unkempt dentures "
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