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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Well before he was kicking down border posts as well.
  2. Mrs Roops


    Oh... My first "proper" job was as a degree qualified health professional and whilst I'll concur there were administrators and medico's who were lacking in perhaps empathy and common sense one could never say they were "clueless" as in without intelligence, knowledge or ability. My point, not solely aimed at you, but also at other commentators who often bandy words such as "clueless" and "thick" when describing front-line politicos, is that they may be unsavoury, dishonest and insincere purveyors of spin that border on outright lying, but "clueless"?, no. All of them are certainly not clueless, most of them have to master detail quickly to survive and all of them have to be very, very quick-witted.
  3. Indeed, I follow Taygette and Maia of the Pleiades.
  4. Mrs Roops


    Still not caring then...moving on, I see that the "clueless" McVey not only has two degrees, one in law the other in radio journalism, she topped it up with a masters (with distinction). Had you said she was "heartless" then one could see where you might be coming from. Instead you cluelessly proffered an opinion based on no evidence whatsoever.
  5. I'm not sure why you mention Patrick Moore or Magnus Pyke, as neither of them are on record for holding a religious viewpoint nor have they acknowledged a diety, on the contrary, science was their god. As for the bible, some would argue that it holds no more authority than Greek mythology.
  6. Mrs Roops


    If that were true you wouldn't have replied.
  7. Mrs Roops


    Of all the criticisms that could be justifiably levelled against McVey, I don't think "clueless" can be one of them.
  8. Mrs Roops


    Yes, I think so as well. I've met her on a couple of occasions and behind the winsome smile and blonde tresses she is pragmatic and hard as nails. Will she win? Who knows - politics is messy, unfair and unpredictable. It all depends if she can survive to the final round and for that she'll need some of the other candidates to suffer a few pratfalls. In a two horse race she just might do it. As PM she'll not be afraid to spill blood and more importantly she can handle TV interviews without coming across as a robot repeatedly spewing out mantras written by the spin doctors. She would definitely crack a few heads to push through Brexit and would not be adverse to kneeing the Donald should he become over familiar.
  9. Its sort of mockney geezer isn't it? e.g. Jamie Oliver, "I'm going to put these bad boys on the grill, the lay them on a watercress puree and top it with smoked mozzarella."
  10. Again, selective memory at play. The Corner originally had a posting board format but the then owner decided to set up a separate forum style site as the infighting was putting off the punters. The posting board always had rules and required very little moderation. The Posting Board was for the traditional nominating of cunts and arguing the case as to whether the nomination was deserved. Punters could vote "not a cunt". The forum was the place to go purely for slagging. Both sites attracted different types of punter and generally the Posting Board punters looked down on Forum posters. Unfortunately, we had to close down the Posting Board as it ran on old 80/90's tech and simply couldn't cope with the traffic. The forum was temporarily closed (including the inter-forum "bitchfesting board") and reopened after migrating Posting Board operations and rules to the site we now have. We never had "no rules". Simple. Let me tell you a story, There was a site called "Society of Cunts" run by the excellent Diamond Lights. That too had a posting board but was closed down due technical issues and then reopened in the forum style but the site never recovered its glory days. Diamond Lights either became bored or had other web demands and so handed the reins to a punter who became it's sole moderator. The new moderator very pompously announced "There is only one rule, and that is, there are no rules" Cue the poor sap being continuously trashed by a small band of cyber thugs who basically ruined what was left of the site. After a month or so the new mod had enough - he announced he was going away due to business demands but a good friend of his had agreed to take over the running of the site on his behalf. The new mod duly turned up and introduced himself as "Moderator One". He also tried to introduce some basic rules. Cue more rubbishing at the original mod's attempt at sock puppetry. Diamond Lights had enough and sold the site to the aforementioned cyber thugs who were eventually closed down by the hosting company.
  11. Let me correct your selective memory of events. You made a mild inference of noncery against another punter. You were a relatively new punter, accordingly I gave a gentle rebuke asking you not to do it again. No official warning on your record - nothing. It could have been left at that except you repeated the inference though in stronger terms. You were then suspended from the site for 36 hours.
  12. Firstly, "some cunt" has not been "put on ice", secondly the three punters you refer to were all coolered, two remain in the cells, one of them until the 22 November inst. so I am calling you out on your bullshit, here and on other posts, where this evening, you have bawled and bitched your head off. Newbies are of course entitled to heed your advice citing your take of objective reporting according to Wizardsleeve. Not only are you an appalling hypocrite who likes the sound of his keyboard too much, I see that you have tried your luck with implied noncing accusations of your own which I will be dealing with elsewhere...* *Edit, oops, Gentleman Jack is on, so I'll watch that first.
  13. The point of the forum is to nominate the "Cunts of the world" and discuss. Given the nature of the site some needling between punters is expected however there are a few individuals who needlessly work their vendettas into the discourse irrespective of the nom.
  14. Indeed, the worstest Mod in the world. Probably. Your now cancelled post came four minutes after mine. Whilst you were drafting the post, you were notified by a pop-up window that I had written a post and you were given a link to open same. Now you might give the excuse that you hadn't received the notification it 'cos I was on your "blocked list". Too bad. One has to live with the unintended consequences of one's actions.
  15. Not interested in, "please Miss, he started it". You're all as bad as each other.
  16. I've just removed three posts. I really, really do not like being ignored...
  17. As I understand it, ambulance service personnel are trained in de-escalation techniques.
  18. Boys, boys, can you all calm down? This "I know you are but what am I? tit-for-tat is neither funny nor original. Thanks most kindly...
  19. Mrs Roops

    Marcus Ball

    Hopefully, Boris will seek restitution for his legal costs, which if so awarded will have to be paid by Marcus Ball's Crowdfunder pot as this was a private prosecution. The CPS, realising the futility of the case refused to take over the prosecution thereby saving the taxpayer's money.
  20. Article 50, as much of The Lisbon Treaty was written by British Diplomat, Lord Kerr.
  21. Impudent minnow. After wading through your star-bangled but otherwise mind numbing Trump fanzine post I'm not sure you're in a position to comment.
  22. Well, I don't know about being the "oracle" and "font of all knowledge" as I usually keep my opinions to a fairly narrow range of subjects. I had thought that your initial post was suspect as your stated US defence misappropriations exceeded the entire country's budget at the time. I still would have let it go without comment but you qualified your assertion by saying that you "had done quite a bit of research". Red rag to a bull and all that...Anyone can "research", the skill is in making an informed decision as to what pieces of data is viable or not.
  23. FFS I usually allow myself a wry smile when I hear or read this whether at work, play or this forum. Your conspiracy theory is straight out of the David Icke School of Critical Thinking. The story has its roots in the American 2001 Defence budget report where it was reported that the Pentagon could not track $2.3 trillion. The defence budget in 2001 was $330 Billion so the conspiracists' absurd position is that $2.3 trillion is missing out of a budget of $0.33 trillion. Since then the "missing tax dollars" figure has mushroomed to $25 trillion depending on which nutter "who has done his research" you care to listen to. If any one who prefers facts and detail over tin foil hattery then a cursory glance at the 2001 Department of Defense (sic) report will note that Donald Rumsfield, who was Denfense (sic) Secretary at the time was asking Congress for funds to unify the countless different accounting systems and procedures covering balance sheet determinations including contingent liabilities, property and equipement values and pension actuarial liabilities. The $2.3 trillion figure is simply preceding years of totalised paper valuations which, because of a non-unified system between defence departments, simply could not be correctly reconciled.
  24. Not really, it was approved as soon as someone was available to approve it. The CC Moderation Service does not provide 24/7 cover. Due to a programming quirk in the system no one (incl Admins) was aware of the post content until your application was approved.
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