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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. You're not paying attention. I referred to the BS in relation to your subsequent tantrums each time you were called out. I made no judgement on the list of unrelated assertions save to request "context and corroboration or it didn't happen", so you have your work cut out.
  2. No they don't, Fauci received quite a bit of stick for that. COVID vaccination impact on menstrual cycle appears to be small and short lived | Imperial News | Imperial College London
  3. If you understood the article "perfectly well" it then begs the question why you thought the CDC had withdrawn the PCR test when they had done nothing of the sort. As for the vid, you do know that Dr Mullis was talking about PCR tests and the complex relationship between HIV and AIDS? The waters were further muddied by Mullis' notion that HIV did not develop into full blown AIDS. I would add that the quote given at the beginning of the vid was incorrectly attributed to him. On a more personal note you are an uncomplicated man, albeit someone who articulates disturbing fantasies involving nuns. Far be it for me to say, but its difficult to take seriously someone who works with tools that have no moving parts now presenting himself as an expert on virology and immunology.
  4. Excellent, so there is no need to have a toddler tantrum every time your BS is called out, as you say, it really doesn't matter.
  5. Its telling that after your self-induced immersion in a vat of powered egg that you immediately launch into a rampage of deflective whataboutery. You know the score now Billy - context and corroboration, otherwise it didn't happen.
  6. it would've been simpler to confirm you weren't concerned.
  7. That would be thread derailment on a nom about covid-related matters in general and vaccines in particular.
  8. I'm afraid you have picked up another fag-end from the anti-vaxxer rumour factory. This story relates to self-styled 'libertarian' John Stossel who was upset that fact-checkers were rubbishing his campaign of disinformation and wanted the courts to ban fact-checking. His legal team made the case that his factual misinformation was in fact 'opinion' and therefore protected by the First Amendment. "Ah" came the response, then surely actual correct information is also "opinion" therefore shouldn't that also be protected by the First Amendment?
  9. Firstly, let me congratulate you on your conciseness and the ability to cram so much nonsense in so few words. Secondly, let me proffer commiserations on not only losing three people "that [you] know" but also having half of your of your jabbed friends experiencing "health issues". Clearly you are a statistical anomaly and you should surrender your person to Porton Down for weaponisation forthwith. I don't recall you "proving" anything nevertheless, if you had understood the article correctly then the CDC have withdrawn one specific PCR test from Emergency Use Authorisation. The other PCR tests remain approved. Its worth noting that there was nothing wrong or suspect with regards to the withdrawn test, it was simply that newer test kit was lighter, faster and more efficient. Of course all of this moot as the vaccination roll-out is designed to prepare the body to fight the virus if contracted and is not a therapeutic therefore the use of such tests prior to a prophylactic jab is pointless.
  10. Disgraceful that you ask. As you know, Smurfs are small cartoonish people who inhabit a fantasy world and...oh...wait a minute...
  11. The irony here is that your accusing me of making a straw-man assertion, but as you say, it's just a theory...
  12. Aren't you just a little bit concerned the way the MAGA-morons turn on each other when things go south?
  13. The problem Billy, is that I cannot find any stats on the ONS site that are presented in the manner you describe. Given your habit of lying and making facts up (by your own admittance) its always a red flag when you refuse to provide corroboration so I am grateful to @Jake The Muss for sourcing the document. Neither the graph (and several others like it) nor the figures were issued by the ONS. The graphic was created by messrs Slackjaw & Bonkers for publication on social media where presumably it would be lapped up by gullible saps and the cerebrally-challenged. Fact Check-Graph showing England’s COVID-19 death statistics misrepresents impact of vaccines | Reuters On a not entirely unrelated note its quite rare to witness a blue-on-blue incident on The Corner but when a co-conspiracy theorist storms in and inadvertently sinks another's assertion then its a sight to behold.
  14. Well if you must use a footballing analogy this more about a screaming diva prone to extreme diving who has received umpteen yellow cards for his behaviour. I've lost count of the number of players I've sent off thanks to your baiting. I'm only surprised that experienced and valued big beast punters like Decs and Eddie fell for it. This is the last time you will be involved in the commenting of site management and involving yourself in the internecine warfare between punters. In future the only posts of yours that will survive will be your traditional gammon taxi-driver rants.
  15. So you're dumber than a bag of rocks, who knew? Your confession goes someway in explaining this, ...which by spooky coincidence brings us to this... You were actually asked as to what is your understanding of "excess deaths", instead as per your usual M.O you avoid the question and deflect. I think all things considered Billy, we need to see the actual document you refer to. Before you answer that you lack the necessary keyboards skills I note you previously uploaded a diagram, itself an instrument of deflection.
  16. That assertion might have some minor credence if the vaccines were individually prescribed therapeutics, not a national immunisation roll-out of prophylactics. This is the second time you have now pontificated wholly incorrect science, the last time when you announced that mask-wearing presented greater risks than the virus. When asked to back up your assertion with evidence, answer there came none... As for my vagina, it is very much alive, of normal body temperature, in regular use and is as fresh as the morning dew.
  17. Indeed, damn the commie press barons and their lickspittle anti-trump lying reporters. Obviously Sen Hawley was running towards the loyal band of totally not seditionist and definitely not insurrectionist tourists who were visiting Capitol Hill to reverently pay their respects.
  18. I have no wish to disparage a retired ecologist who specialises in the genetics of mushrooms. You are obviously passionate about a subject that you know so little about and I applaud your resolve to ask awkward questions to further your understanding of the subject. With this in mind I have compiled a list of questions that are never asked by Mr Steyn to any of his tame guests, perhaps you could contact GB News and ask the following; 1/ What is the rate of deaths due to covid between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients in all age groups? 2/ What is the rate of deaths attributed to the covid vaccinations compered to the virus in all ages? 3/ What is the incidence of myocarditus of vaccinated people compared to those who have covid? 4/ Why has your preferred choice of vaccine (Novavax) has now been restricted to over 18 year olds in the USA? 5/ What is the rate of myocardits post-vaccine of Novavax compared to the mRNA vaccines? Finally a question for you Billy, what do you think is meant by "excess deaths"?
  19. Considering you've bragged about dumping three wives in succession I don't think you've set the bar very high.
  20. Its not a theory but no matter. I don't think 'humble' is in anyone's vocabulary given the nature of The Corner, no?
  21. Trump soy boy Josh Hawley demonstrating MAGA spine...
  22. I understood that you're unable to differentiate between weather and climate and that your made up word was by accident rather than design.
  23. Resorting to a strawman argument, Wolfie? Really?
  24. Hey thanks for that, I've amended my post.
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