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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Mrs Roops

    Hangover Cures

    Well, that's mighty big of you, but on reflection I'll pass as your 'respect' is currently worthless. What's more, a punter replete with bigotry, misogyny and dishonesty is in no position to pontificate on the need of an 'open mind'.
  2. Mrs Roops

    Hangover Cures

    Mmmmm, what precisely? The declaration is affirming the need of a uniformly digitised version of the ICVP (aka the Carte Jaune/Yellow Card) which has been around since 1933. Before you kick off with your Bacofoil bollux, your fav bête noirs weren't even born then. Jesus Christ Billy, you must live in a state of perpetual fear where everything is underpinned by baseless conspiracies. You probably have some Heath Robinson type Faraday Cage built around your favourite armchair.
  3. Mrs Roops

    Hangover Cures

    Disingenuous as ever, Billy... Obviously, Trump is going to say, "vote Republican" but his specially anointed ones at the primaries, Dr Oz et al, did spectacularly badly at the midterms as well you know. As for the midterms, its well known that the party of the president fares badly. Add to the 2022 mix a world-wide recession and a president recording record lows in the approval ratings then ordinarily the Republicans should have romped home with a thumping landslide in all areas. As such, the Republican Party scraped a wafer-thin majority in the lower house, failed to take control of the upper and recorded a nett loss in the gubernatorials. As for the anticipated 'Red Wave', a solitary mayfly landing on a becalmed mill pond caused a greater effect than the GoP. Its dawning on the more lucid Republicans as well as some extreme right-wingers that the 'Trump' brand is toxic.
  4. Mrs Roops

    Hangover Cures

    Ah, I see - whilst frantically searching the 'net to corroborate your bacofoil theories you chanced upon some obscure comments by Maga-loving journos and Trump groupies opining that Bankman-Fried was involved in money laundering. When pressed for evidence, answer there came none. Incidentally, you never mentioned that Bankman-Fried was a generous donator to Republican PACs, Super-PACs, electoral candidates and politicians alike.
  5. Mrs Roops

    Hangover Cures

    Yeah, let us know when that happens...
  6. Mrs Roops

    Hangover Cures

    He'll be searching for a long time; the red wave didn't even qualify as a red ripple.
  7. Mrs Roops

    Hangover Cures

    Absolutely you do. What are you on about? Not sure why you are curious when the rest of the scientific and medical community would like to have "meaningful discussions" with Dr Lapado. Questions are being asked as to who conducted the "analysis" and more importantly, who peer reviewed it. Specifically, they would like to know why an obscure methodology was used and why there was no comparison with covid patients who developed myocarditis symptoms. The State of Florida spreads antivaccine disinformation disguised as an epidemiological “study” | Science-Based Medicine (sciencebasedmedicine.org) No good bawling your head off. You said it yourself, most of what you post is "shit".
  8. Mrs Roops

    Hangover Cures

    If you must cite a news source, then at least be honest enough to quote it correctly rather than miss out bits to suit your deranged narrative. Incidentally, you're the designated conspiracy theorist every night but omitted to mention that thus far, every theory of yours has turned to shit upon closer examination.
  9. Well, it's no great conundrum, if the punter is being a dick with the "likes" then his/her return will be short-lived notwithstanding the high risk of being culled with other inactive accounts.
  10. It's a given that "likes" are conferred on a quid pro quo basis as well as those exchanged within a clique of the moment and of course, awarded as part of a brown-nose exercise. That said, it's taking the piss when likes are awarded seven days, in one case three months, after the event. I've reversed the likes you have conferred during the previous 24 hours and have prepared a cell for your comfort and convenience. Be a dick again and you will lose 66% of your tally to date.
  11. Apparently Celtic with a touch of Iberia and North Africa.
  12. I think three of the "likes" were questionable, but it falls far short of a French-style LB manipulation.
  13. If you think we're stupid enough to believe that, then knock yourself out. In the meantime, we'll mark that down as another Fender fuck-up. Incidentally, I'm naturally raven-haired so sorry to disappoint.
  14. ...which is why I prefaced my statement with "these days" Jeeze, Fends - it must suck being you.
  15. ...these days RINO being the term coined by the extreme right wing/Maga morons in describing the GOP mainstream...
  16. ...and who happens to be a Republican
  17. With humility and gracefulness - I'm on a mission from God.
  18. Aside your post being remarkably bereft of humility, one has to wonder why an unemployable ponce who hangs around The Corner 24/7 took nine hours to respond with a limp-wristed rebuttal. Far be it for me to give you advice on how to wage an internet battle but wouldn't it be easier and devastatingly more effective if you simply use the multi-quote to show where I said blag passports could not be purchased rather than whimper "you know what you said"? An added bonus would be you could also show where I was apparently "destroyed".
  19. Bollocks, you've obviously read the thread and have come up with a big fat zero, so practice what you preach and show some humility.
  20. Under California Code § 6250-6268, law enforcement, amongst other defined situations, is exempt. On a federal level, law enforcement is exempt where privacy (presumably in this case, the victim) is compromised and also to avoid prejudicing the right to a fair trial as guaranteed by Article 6 of the constitution. Incidentally the Napa County DA was elected on a non-party affiliation ticket. The rest of your post is probably "shit" as well.
  21. I see. Well show us where I allegedly said that blag passports could not be purchased. When you come up with a big fat zero perhaps you could then be kind enough to demonstrate the 'humility' thingy that you make an issue of.
  22. The only people who know what happened last Friday morning are the alleged attacker and victim. Naturally the usual noisemakers have crawled out of the woodwork and are joining dots on baseless rumours. Elon Musk's unhelpful comments and sharing of tweets have since been removed, presumably by the 'Chief Twit' himself. It appears that the more egregious commentary emanated from one Dinesh D'Souza, he of the debunked "2000 Mules" fame who grifted millions of dollars from gullible MAGA fans by way of pay-per-view fees. Then we have the amateur sleuths and newly qualified CSI agents who have determined that the damaged point of entry at Pelosi's mansion was affected from inside. Have a look at the crime scene and see what the problem is with that piece of deductive insight. If there is an immediate question, I would be asking why police authorities did not pick up the events from the plethora of CCTV live feeds allegedly being monitored by local police.
  23. OTOH, another narrative could be of a nut-job fed on a diet of QAnon conspiracy theories broke into a private residence armed with hammers, rope and zip-ties at 2 AM, a time when most people would normally be in a partial state of undress whilst in or preparing to go to bed.
  24. Actually, you called me out for 'personal bias'. For good measure you added two insults. The lesson for you Snowy is that if you are going to instigate a fight then it's not a good look if you cry like a slapped bitch when someone kicks you back. Cry-baby pompous pratt.
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