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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. Why are you using Paul Gascgoine as your avatar
  2. Yep. Its definately me!
  3. Fuck! I'd better look in the mirror to check if I'm me and he's not.
  4. His son Jarvis isn't any fucking good neither!
  5. He's not the fucking Count of Monte Cristo
  6. I hate facebook. But every fucker I know go on about it all the time. I sometimes wonder if I'm the wierd one
  7. This is exactly how nazi Germany started!!
  8. Mind you he didn't call me vulgar. The cell matron called me that
  9. I was once told I was uncouth. Fucking magistrates.
  10. He appeared in a film with fuck up artist Sean Bean. As you can imagine it didn't win many Olivier awards
  11. A friend of mine says he is a typical "Do u know who I am"? bloke, but Ive met him a few times and he has been very charming. He was good in Missing.
  12. Chris Evans doing an after dinner speech for the United Widget Makers Society awards dinner
  13. camberwell gypsy


    Dogshit in the exhaust pipe is a good one as well. Did that to a cunt of a teacher when I was at school. Put stones in his hubcaps as well. Stupid bastard couldn't figure out why the fuck his car made noises when he drove it. Finally took it to the garage and after Christ knows how long they had it but eventually found the problem. Some bastard grassed me up and I ended getting caned. Happy days
  14. Slanty eyed little fucker? What like Michael McIntyre?
  15. camberwell gypsy


    Vauxhall corsa deserves dogshitting
  16. camberwell gypsy


    No. I dont want to be treated any different. That's what we are here for and I know that no member would stoop so low as to make horrible comments about a baby's death. So.....let the cunting carry on.
  17. I'm Jazz!!!!!!!!!! I'm pissed
  18. I love crumpet Shit the rooms spinning.
  19. camberwell gypsy


    Thank you. Thankfully this site is putting a smile back on my face.
  20. I love you all. Mind you I am pissed
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