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Posts posted by Neil

  1. 13 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    Are you having a pint now, Neil? 

    Being an alcoholic aside, what do think about the Castore kit controversy?


    It absorbs too much sweat apparently, giving a 'wet look'. The Aston Villa female 'Football Team' are a bit worried about wearing it... For obvious reasons. Will you be watching/supporting Gashton Villa?

    If they wore it with no sports bra,in the rain and they weren't a geezer bird but had decent tits it might make me tune in for a gander. Judging by the 'bulldog chewing a wasp' faced munters that usually try playing sports ill probably keep my dick in my pants thanks.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

    I’m turning into my vile old fella, Neil. Two days before he died, aged 83, an older bloke asked to sit in a spare chair next to him in the pub. ‘No problem son’ replied Dad. ‘Son? You called me son? I’ll have you know that I’m 92years of age’ said the by now, indignant older man. Dad replied…’well you know what they say, “only the good die young” so that makes you one horrible Cunt…now fuck off!’ He lasted one day as a greeter at Asda btw…true!

    He sounds like a fucking top geezer to me. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    When he says he 'hates every cunt he knows', I believe him. But I also believe he hates some more than others, and I fear I'm squarely in this category. Since he allowed my piss-taking to permeate his exceptionally thin skin, he called me a 'cunt' and seldom responds or awards likes. I made some quip years ago about my ex-partner haunting my old cottage, when the skidmarks in my bachelor's bog started to miraculously disappear, which was the last time he offered some acknowledgement. I hope his missus gets more attention after he's downed a tray of Viagra with a trough of Carling.

    I'm not sure if I've ever been 'hurt' by words on here Wolfster, yes I've called one or two a cunt but I'd take it as a show of affection if I were you, you cunt.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    Neil, I've been relaxing in the west country, away from all the stresses of the big city and taking time to reflect on life and taking time out for myself. I've been watching a  squirrel from my balcony lately, he/she has been working hard, gathering food to store away for the upcoming winter months and I've got to say it (amongst other things) has given me inspiration and food for thought. We must strive to be the best versions of ourselves Neil, plan for the future and as men, make sure we have the money and life we should have. I don't know how old you are old chap and you're possibly too old to give a fuck now but I've decided to grab each day (and not the 3-4 a week before) by the scruff of the neck and make it count, more than ever before. 

    I mean, don't get me wrong... I'm comfortable but I want a lot more and why shouldn't I? We can learn a lot from the creatures of this world, Neil and like the apex predators, we have to get out there and take and make what we want.

    Anyways, thats my thinking of late and I was wondering what you thought about it?

    I'm off to Sandbanks to do the same this weekend. I will probably leave just as cynical and apathetic as I arrived but in between the drinking,wanking and general 'couldn't give a fuck' state if mind will surely be a welcome break from the cunts that surround me on a daily basis. I am 3 years off retiring officially but giving it a good go now and for the last few years. I have long been accused of being too laid back but I find myself becoming less and less tolerant with others daily. In fact I hate every cunt that I know , I just tolerate others a bit more than most. I hope that helps?

    • Like 3
  5. 211 Take-Away orders on a stolen card because she's mental?  What fucking chance have we got of restoring some sort of order when we let greedy scumbag cunts like this off with the now bog standard excuse that she's a fucking mong?. When they find all those bodies I'm just gonna say "Wibble" with a pecil stuck up my nose, slap on the wrist and off to do the same again,sorted!




  6. 19 hours ago, Dick Fiddler said:

    Indeed, hypocrits and puritanical pearl clutchers. So he put his maggot about a bit? Who cries RAPE 15 years later?

    My 'ol mum used to say "It's only rape if the cheque bounces"

  7. 13 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

    All personalised number plates are wanky but some are more wanky than others. Nothing says " I'm a cunty  narc " quite like some a prat plate .

    Top honours has to go to BO55  plates .These  absolute cunty heaven plates are normally seen on 2 grand  10 year old range rovers driven by cleaning company owners  who believe themselves to be the linchpins of big  business. 

    Next are V6 and V8 plates .These are popular on modern jaguars especially. Obviously it signifies the immense Size of the  engine quivering with power under the bonnet. If the owner can control all that horsepower  one can only  imagine his  skills in the bedroom .

    Next are names .Only a totally tasteless vulgar and seriously lacking individual  would want to inform the world his name is KEV.

    Why do people do it .They actually spend money on these things .


    Can you actually see your keyboard when you're typing or are you hitting it like Harvey Price playing a piano?

    KNO8 EAD

  8. Every cunting week now,If its not some scouse scally falling off a wall it's a flood in some far off foreign shithole. I suppose this week it'll be the death of some female 'footballer" just to show how 'diverse' UEFA has become. How about a minutes silence for the death of the Straight White Male,fast becoming targeted,abused and generally despised by the woke feminazi? 

    Fuck off

    • Like 4
  9. Now more cunts are coming out of the woodwork I see,some man hating cunt has said that women reporting the 'crimes' to journalists rather than the police is an indication that women have lost faith in the authorities because their claims are bought in to question. Isn't that how justice works? Nothing to do with the fact that these slags get paid for their stories I suppose? Fucking loose slut bags

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  10. He's a bit Marmitey but none the less if it turns out these fucking slags are in it for the money they need naming and shaming. If the hairy cunt did it then let the other inmates dish out his punishment but if the slappers start coming out of the woodwork then they better be telling the fucking truth. If the cunts want to be dealt with equally then if they're found out to be just little money grabbing slappers then they deserve to have their lives ruined too,cunts.

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