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Everything posted by Eddie

  1. Eddie

    Zoe Stavri

    Don't worry Frank , the special needs school would be glad to see the back of the dribbling, shitty pant mong-mutts early, if you want to get down your caravan in the Isle of sheppy before the 12th.
  2. Eddie

    Religious Stalkers

    Must have missed those posts , you one bob fucking spastic
  3. Eddie

    Religious Stalkers

    Ha Ha , classic Frank, by classic I mean a fucking train wreck two bob estate agent spiv, with multiple dissociated personalities, all cunts.
  4. Trouble starts when the Turks play the nato card and involve us lot. Trouble making cunts.
  5. Now appears that the plane entered turkey's air space for 17 seconds but was shot down over Syria. See if the turks think it was such a good decision when the gas supply from Russia is turned off.
  6. I'm crushed , say it ain't so Frank.
  7. My point exactly, I am relieved that we have not reacted to the Russian visits, my reaction would have been fear if we did react. If you think the turks done the right thing then you must agree to the UK shooting down a Russian plane next time it strays ???? It's not about race or religion it's about common sense...
  8. Not a lot to be honest, silly fucking cunt.
  9. So if you think the turks done the right thing, would you support similar action here next time the Russians visit? Nice try with the stormfront reference, however boring and predictable, the original nom was based on the Turks unnecessary use of force and upping the ante when it's about the last thing that the situation needs.
  10. As you rightly point out , we have russian visitors regularly, and have done for years, however not once have we felt it such national threat that we open fire. The point with the Turks and Pakistanis is the sharing of information. The Americans could not trust the pakistanti government with information as wanted men were tipped off and made their escape, the same would have happened if the mission to kill bin Laden was shared. A percentage of Turks obviously sympathise with the isis fighters therfore information regarding russian attacks would leak back to isis fighters if shared.
  11. So you believe the turks thought the Russians were there to attack them whilst flying close to the border ? , totally unnecessary over reaction that will have implications in an very tense situation. Next time the Russians are spotted flying over the english channel would you want us to shoot at them?
  12. The Russians were carrying out an operation fighting against ISIL in Northern Latakia, ISIL supporting Turks shot down a Russian plane, then Syrians shot both pilots as they parachuted to earth. The Turkish government have shown their true colours as did the pakistanti government when the world was hunting bin Laden. Too many, high ranking government officials who agree / sympathise with the terrorists. Cunts.
  13. Eddie


    If we stick in collective noses into the middle east , rid dictators who have kept a lid on things with no idea of what to replace them with, and are then shocked with the end result , we really are cunts. Israeli forces are still the biggest terrorists bar none and make the muslims look like clumsy amateurs.
  14. Eddie


    No need to use profanity old man, doesn't suit you.
  15. Eddie


    Big talk from a man who don't know the difference between There, Their and They're...
  16. Eddie


    If you're referring to a women in a burka then no I pity them, walking around in ridiculous costume just because their men require it. It's a dangerous cult , with stone age principles. Did you read about the refugee who stabbed a women doctor in Munich who was trying to examine him, or the assult on nurses and cleaning staff? Police with attack dogs are patrolling the hospitals to protect the staff. The religion as a whole has no place in a civilised country.
  17. Eddie


    So you know more about Islam than the terrorists that carried out this attack ?Islam is their entire being, this attack has everytime to do with the religion, it might be a different interpretation of islam than the we are lead to believe is a religion of peace but there will be plenty of Muslims that will not be shedding a tear this morning.
  18. Eddie


    Standard response. It has everything to do with islam, it was done in the name of islam, it might not be what you believe to be what islam stands for ; but clearly what the terrorist believe islam requires of them.
  19. Eddie


    Conflicting views leads to more conflict, look at the situation in Germany and those poor people in France. I for one do not want England to be accommodating any of these stone age economic migrants, if genuine migrants loose out, that's a price I am willing to live with. I fully expect that a majority of these french terrorists to be french and not immigrants, however they all share a common religion, this religion is not compatible with our values.
  20. Eddie

    Friday 13th

    A couple of people in the office were genuinely concerned that is was Friday 13th, i imagine they salute magpies and avoid walking under ladders, this superstitious nonsense is on par with the Catholic religion.
  21. Eddie

    Friday 13th

    A little bit unlucky for Jihad john. Yanks are 99% certainty to have killed the cunt, I hope for once their 'intelligence' is correct and they have got the right target as usually they bomb hospitals by mistake.
  22. Eddie

    Sponsor me Cunts

    We had a free loading cunt in our office that was doing something different every month for 'charity', in reality the cunt was doing free parachute jumps, free walking holidays etc. Charities are a con funded by well meaning people that fund high ranking executives with salaries only bankers could relate to. The Great Charity Scandal is worth a read
  23. If you can't beat them join them...
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