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Jake The Muss

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Everything posted by Jake The Muss

  1. More scaremongering...oh...go and do one you dog hating arse surfing mong.
  2. Jake The Muss

    flying rats

    Yes, i tried to encourage P to go rock climbing without any safety equipment.
  3. Jake The Muss

    flying rats

    Look on the bright side, you're still miles behind trafalgar square, change your name to Pigeon Swarm.
  4. Cracking nom P, two for the price of one, did you or Albert put this masterpiece of words together ? Six words used (incredible).
  5. Only the book in my head TOT, i'm not only an amazing Decorator but also a high grade philosopher...i call it the Hammerism theory..
  6. What's happening in Europe is Tyranny at the highest level. When you have an organisation that want to change things, in this case European politics and eventually world politics and something is stopping you from changing things....Nationalism is the biggest threat to the EU, so what do they do, they flood Europe with immigration, which is for most part caused by manufactured wars..to water down European society and also dumb down the population where it becomes nothing more than controllable bots. The IQ rate is falling across Europe at an alarming rate due to technology and stupid ideology. Thus producing a distorted version of politics across the whole political spectrum. It's not imagination as it's going on right now but many are already blinkered and slaved to the new stupid ideology. Muslims are in for a shock if they think that they will turn Europe in to muslim states, the elite will only let that go as far as they want it to and once their agenda has been reached, then they will stop that from going any further. They are also pawns along with all of us in this imperialistic game of lies and deception..
  7. Yep, what a smashing lad he was....Hammer Time.
  8. I never sensed one bit of sarcasm in all of that..
  9. This isn't about whipping anyone Jazz, well apart from mutated snowflakes who waltz about in a blinkered trance their whole fucking lives, knowing nothing about their own politics. Those i would gladly take to the garage for some Hammer time.
  10. That's just the tip of it all Eric, today's lefties are a dumbed down alt version of what they once was and what they should be, all made possible by the Elite...haha. You really couldn't make it up, left wing politics is against the Elite and yet it's the Elite who have mutated them...How fucking dumb is that !!
  11. Time to have a go at lefties again, but not just any lefties as i share some views with proper left wing politics. The true meaning of left wing politics has been lost in a mutated abomination. left wing politics is all about social equality and egalitarianism and opposes the hierarchy. Well it's all gone tits up now as we see lefties trying their best at destroying right wing politics as soon as someone on the other side is opening their mouths, but will welcome Islam, which is extreme right wing politics (hypocrites). Today's lefties are against political systems that are elitist but most want to stay in the EU, the EU is full of elitists and for most, you don't know who they are (again hypocrites). As for lefties being for equality, which is a shambles, if you get a white person saying something tame and in a joking way....but can and will be seen as racist by many but when a black person says something similar, then nothing is said...we now have muslim housing just for muslims, that's not going to help them integrate in to our (not theirs) society is it, now i might not be the brightest star in the sky (but brighter than many) so how the fuck is any of that equality !!
  12. I am an old git and you would be doing yourself a favor by taking a look outside the visible Electromagnetic spectrum, it will do wonders for your handicap....the royal leech's serve no purpose anymore..
  13. It's now a fact that the population is dumbing down, which is easy for the Elite to control, i mean..really, we can't expect the Elite to want any competition..and fuck me they have done their job as they won't get any competition with this generation of Dumb snowflake brains.
  14. Why would anyone want to watch two leech's getting married and then breed some more leech's for the working class to pay for, all the royal cuntbreeds can fuck right off !!
  15. Anyway, aren't they all meant to be reptile shapeshifters, P you will fit in as you're not human. Fuck off !!
  16. Swallow your own jizz and choke on the bitter taste, you utter waste of oxygen.
  17. Don't forget to wash your smelly knickers and shave your handlebar moustache off before you set off, you manky old turd.
  18. Nothing of any worth..as usual, as he is one mighty boring sad cunt.
  19. How's it going Lucas, did you know that Muhammed was an insane cuntbrain who liked to gaslight, he made harsh statements about dogs, but nothing in the Quran to back his bullshit up but can be found in the Hadith. Looks like it was a personal thing between him and the dogs of the time, dogs have a great sense of who is an arsehole, i reckon the dogs were on to something don't you think....i mean look what the cuntbreed has achieved (an accomplished paedophile, warmonger and brutal dictator). In the Quran , not the bullshit that's in the Hadith, dogs are mentioned in a very good way and there we have it, the Quran is not the real problem but the other bullshit that goes with it. Some Imams around the world want to ban the other readings as they believe and rightly so that these readings are the ones causing most if not all of the problems in Islam. Conclusion R-Soles = Muhammed=Both horrible fucking Cunts.
  20. Fuck me, that would be half of CC in the ground..
  21. We have a strong candidate from CC in R-Soles.
  22. It's all about the continuation of dumbing down the population going hand in hand with using immigration to water down populations so we become a controlled society of fucking melts, the hidden hand doesn't want nationalism because it can't be controlled like a dumb mix of shit. That's why the Germans have been hit hard with it all, as they're (used to be) a very nationalist state.
  23. But wouldn't it be fun if there was an element of torture involved, not to the animals.
  24. You old fucker, you're having a dig at Weirdscrote.
  25. Jazz, this one has escaped me and i'm very grateful for that..what's next ? mating with your cat or dog and see what happens , all under the beady eye of the reality TV camera. A new show titled what katie & Rex did next..
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